Seas of Malice (Character Creation + 3 locations partially done, WIP)

I also want to ask you to implement a save system. JUST SO ANNOYING to restart over and over again.

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and I have to say this. I love the new job description!

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Yikes, I found a problem. When I had switch my job for the 3rd time,(Maxed out the agility one and did a day of alchemist, the thing just told me something and it got stuck.)

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What did it tell you? Any error message? Were you stuck in a loop or did the game stop working?

I will rerun it and copy the error message

and thats exactly why i rlly wanted a save system.

Festival_of_Lights line 382: It is illegal to fall in to an *else statement; you must *goto or *finish before the end of the indented block. OOF Here it is.

Can you link me to the save system?

I am not sure about how it is done, however, I have an example story here.

Aah, found it. The save system

@Mert, you probably have two options to get the answers you seek about saving games.

Write Dan Fabulich at Dan knows how to set up the saving mechanisms obviously, but it’s not documented that I have found, and one has to wonder if CoG wants to keep it mysterious on purpose.

You can look at the JavaScript files supplied with the ChoiceScript download and try to figure it out, which is what any of us would have to do if we wanted to make use of the game saving mechanisms that currently exist. As may be apparent by now, none of the rest of us on this forum understand the existing save game mechanisms (or maybe some do but simply don’t want to share).

I’ve decided a better use of my time is to work on the actual game than on trying to figure out the save mechanism, because if my game is published by CoG, I’m sure Dan will set up the usual save mechanisms for it to the extent he deems necessary, and that will be good enough for me. If my game is not published by CoG, I’ll figure out something when the time comes. For now, the simple password system is good enough for testing purposes imo, and works better than anything else I’ve tried.

(Quote from the link that I had found for you. @Eos

Looking into the save system right now, but some of the issues with switching professions may be fixed.

Excellent! I will come back a few hours later to check out what you can fixed.

I found out that you may obtain your inheritance multiple times before the festival.

waaaaaaaaattttt!!! How! Tell me! That is a serious bug then.

@Eos you need to see this

It happened after I had a promotion.

Yes, yes, I see. Please edit your comments instead of posting new ones, especially if they’re on the same topic.
@Guillaume_Gilbert How does the player receive their inheritance multiple times?

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What choice led you to it again? Was the choice just available again from the menu at the start of each new day?

It happened after I secured a promotion so yes, right on!