Samurai of Hyuga 3 help

False choices, only there to add emphasis to helpless position of your ronin I think, from my playthrough I don’t recall a single opportunity to use attunement at all, though still tried to keep it strong nonetheless.

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Then any friendly advice which one I could use please?

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You can use whatever word fits your ronin the best. I wrote “despair” because that’s what my ronin was feeling at that moment.

Whatever you write tho, won’t really matter. The outcome is the same.


I wrote Junko. Pretty sure that’s the best choice

Spoilers not sure how to mark em as such

So why is it that despite getting perfect on all my students and following the guide to a T Daisuke still dies. Is it scripted now?

Select the part you want to blur and click the clog icon, the choose blur spoilers. In regards to your question, Daisuke is not a scripted death. Only one character has one in this book. Do you remember what you taught Daisuke? It’s been a while since I last played but I think you have to choose the option what you taught Daisuke earlier with.

Take it with a grain of salt though since it’s been a while since I last played and other fans are welcone to help.

Edit: I edited it for you for now. :joy:

I taught the class striking. There wasn’t much else. I followed the striking part and gave a final tip for movement but no matter what I do he gets gunpowder in the face

There’s a website which has a detailed guide made by the author if you need it, and the link…

wait a sec…

Here it is:!