Rise to Power (Working Title) (Chapter 1 WIP, 20% Done!)

One more thing, you should consider putting an option to finish our actions of the campaign, even if we still have the time to do more. I found myself don’t wanting to do anything else, but being forced to due to the absence of that option

maybe its on my side but for some reason when ever i use campain funds for add. nothing happens too the funds?

you would think you spend them on something but then you still have them.

if thats what was intended then fine, but it does not feel that way.

Same here! I just ended up with ridiculous stats because of the glitch not taking my money (not that I’m REALLY complaining, it’d be a great glitch in real life)
Personal Information
Name: Jennifer Smith
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Origin: The South
Religion: N/A
Ethnicity: N/A

Ideological: 47% Pragmatic: 53%
Ruthless: 50% Fair: 50%
Humble: 37% Elite: 63%
SelfServing: 46% Public-Minded: 54%

Political Information
Government Position: N/A
PoliticalParty: Democrat
Political Connections: 19%
Fame: 99%
Authoritarian: 46% Libertarian: 54%
Traditionalist: 45% Progressive: 55%
StateEconomy: 55% Laissez-Faire: 45%
Pacifist: 55% Militarist: 45%
Isolationist: 45% Interventionist: 55%
Religious: 45% Secular: 55%

Personal Skills
Charisma: 64%
Finances: 5%
Intrigue: 48%
Governance: 10%
Law: 19%
Knowledge: 27%

Family: 80%

Other Details
Scandal: 0%
Personal Wealth: 400
Campaign Funds: 22600
Approval Ratings: 80
Standing In The Polls: 94
Campaign Staff Numbers: 40

Well, i got to admit that my low-middle class green-party politician is an incompetent bastard (as is my low-class republican and my middle-class independent). I could never reach those stats. I think that despite all those tv adds for free, @jacklyn044 should probably reduce the max fame in this initial fase of our political career. It might be a little irrealistic to have those stats and be running to city council

Tiny thing I noticed:

The Democratic Party is willing to supply you $2500 for your local political campaign. However, accepting this money also means accepting a commitment to the party. The more money you accept from your party, the more they’ll except you to support their political moves, and the more closely they’ll want you to conform to their ideology.

I think this should be “expect”?

Also, just a thought, could there be some sort of contraversy, or some extra hurdles if your character being the first female president, or the first gay/lesbian or Atheist (etc.) president? Or would that be too tall an order?

Alright! Went through and fixed all those bugs - Thanks for reporting them, folks, I really appreciate the effort!

I do actually intend this, yes. For now I’m just going to keep things basic, but once I have the main body of the game done, I’m going to go back and do stuff up for these sort of election issues.

Wasn’t sure initially about having that in there, but I went ahead and added it.

Yes, the wealth options determine the amount of university activities you can select. You can go to any school with any wealth class, but your wealth class will determine how many university activities you can select at any given school.

And I will be adding more canvassing options later, yes.

Yeah, I plan to go back to all of my actual “political issue” scenes and do them up again to make them a bit more realistic. For now, just consider these kind of placeholders.

Can we pull a Theodore Roosevelt if we fail to gain the nomination or not?

As was mentioned when you purchase stuff for the campaign it takes from your personal funds even if you have your own campaign funds.

If you run in the Green party or as an independent over being a Republican or Democrat does that mean you will be less likely to be elected? If not I think that should be an added feature.

Going for a new method. Having a low class guy who does most of the extracurricular’s at a state school.

At the local level third parties occasionally seem to have a chance in the US, unless you run in one of the big cities the major parties do not really seem to care for the city council/town assembly elections all that much. At this level being convincing on the issues is what actually matters a great deal, since local issues are what impacts most people’s lives most directly, so they’re usually willing to be more pragmatic about it than at the higher levels where that (D) or ® behind a candidate’s name begins to carry a whole lot more weight in their decision making process.
Even so, aside from the office of the President (which hasn’t been held by an independent since Washington himself), Independents do occasionally manage to penetrate the higher echelons of power in the US (like Ventura and Sanders).

Sanders is running under the Democrat banner though isn’t he?

He is now, for president, he was an independent Senator however.

Ah yes. I was wondering if we’d have the option to be independent but run under one of the two parties.

I was thinking… If this is 20%, does that mean the game’s not really gonna be that long…?

Still enjoyable nonetheless.

I assume it’s 20% of Chapter 1 that’s done…


facepalms Damnit I knew that lol

Don’t worry, I read it like that too the first time… any way I’m gonna post my stats up soon.

EDIT: Here are my stats

Name: Michael Williams
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Origin: Chicago
Religion: N/A
Ethnicity: N/A

Ideological: 59% Pragmatic: 41%
Ruthless: 43% Fair: 57%
Humble: 57% Elite: 43%
SelfServing: 34% Public-Minded: 66%

Political Information
Government Position: N/A
PoliticalParty: Green
Political Connections: 0%
Fame: 73%
Authoritarian: 38% Libertarian: 62%
Traditionalist: 38% Progressive: 62%
StateEconomy: 62% Laissez-Faire: 38%
Pacifist: 62% Militarist: 38%
Isolationist: 62% Interventionist: 38%
Religious: 38% Secular: 62%

Personal Skills
Charisma: 57%
Finances: 14%
Intrigue: 50%
Governance: 0%
Law: 14%
Knowledge: 51%

Family: 80%

Other Details
Scandal: 0%
Personal Wealth: 300
Campaign Funds: 1500
Approval Ratings: 80
Standing In The Polls: 64
Campaign Staff Numbers: 5

Paying above minimum wage really does pay off… especially with asking for donations. Upper Middle Class character:

Personal Information
Name: Bradley Wellington
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Origin: Chicago
Religion: N/A
Ethnicity: N/A

Ideological: 61% Pragmatic: 39%
Ruthless: 43% Fair: 57%
Humble: 55% Elite: 45%
SelfServing: 33% Public-Minded: 67%

Political Information
Government Position: N/A
PoliticalParty: Green
Political Connections: 5%
Fame: 92%
Authoritarian: 38% Libertarian: 62%
Traditionalist: 38% Progressive: 62%
StateEconomy: 62% Laissez-Faire: 38%
Pacifist: 62% Militarist: 38%
Isolationist: 62% Interventionist: 38%
Religious: 38% Secular: 62%

Personal Skills
Charisma: 59%
Finances: 19%
Intrigue: 54%
Governance: 10%
Law: 19%
Knowledge: 53%

Family: 80%

Other Details
Scandal: 0%
Personal Wealth: 900
Campaign Funds: 0
Approval Ratings: 80
Standing In The Polls: 80
Campaign Staff Numbers: 40

Upper Class character. I got so many donations the game wouldn’t let me ask for more by the halfway mark.

Personal Information
Name: Prescott Porter
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Origin: New York City
Religion: N/A
Ethnicity: N/A

Ideological: 53% Pragmatic: 47%
Ruthless: 58% Fair: 42%
Humble: 25% Elite: 75%
SelfServing: 68% Public-Minded: 32%

Political Information
Government Position: N/A
PoliticalParty: Democrat
Political Connections: 43%
Fame: 98%
Authoritarian: 45% Libertarian: 55%
Traditionalist: 45% Progressive: 55%
StateEconomy: 55% Laissez-Faire: 45%
Pacifist: 55% Militarist: 45%
Isolationist: 45% Interventionist: 55%
Religious: 45% Secular: 55%

Personal Skills
Charisma: 64%
Finances: 0%
Intrigue: 62%
Governance: 10%
Law: 14%
Knowledge: 47%

Family: 80%

Other Details
Scandal: 0%
Personal Wealth: 2500
Campaign Funds: 0
Approval Ratings: 80
Standing In The Polls: 87
Campaign Staff Numbers: 40

I really like this idea. Although aren’t Libertarians and Progressives basically polar opposites? Would be really weird to be a Libertarian who believes that free speech is bad etc. Then again politics.

Because left-libertarianism isn’t a thing or anything… :stuck_out_tongue: