"Relics of the Lost Age" Post-Release Discussion Thread

Technically, it didn’t fly — when they realized something was on with him and his fellow spy, they ordered Zhu to kill him so he wouldn’t have conflicting loyalties.

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I believe the author made a sort of guide to that here:

It was really nerve wracking! I’m terrible at management, especially when it comes to war and stuff (my Choice of Rebels playthroughs were filled with much crying and panicking), so this guide really helped!


In Choice of Rebels I just assigned someone to manage the resources and I did fine.


For the achievement, you need to successfully meet a couple of conditions:

  1. You need to end the siege with more of your people than Nazis alive. This is tough, as you start out quite badly outnumbered.
  2. You need to make sure that none of your significant allies die or are injured (Cleo and Sam are the ones in danger here) .

If you tick both of these boxes, you should get the achievement! Basically, if you follow the guide posted earlier, and also make sure that you don’t let your friends get hurt, you should earn the achievement.


Okay, how in the world do I save Stevo? Clearly I fail.

Perhaps subconsciously, I just can’t stand being referred to as Peaches…



Take every opportunity you can to make him comfortable. Get the medicine from the Nazis in the cave. Make sure you feed him when you’re offered the choice to feed him (either give him food you stole from the Nazis, or give up your own food and give it to him). You just have to keep him alive until you get to the Shambala cave: if you can manage that, he’ll be OK!


I’m not good at these games, but my intuition tells me there’s a way to avoid Zhu’s murderous rage in Tibet. I’ve replayed and replayed, but never managed to do it. Am I wrong?


is it possible to romance esme or Abdul without the other at all or is it flat impossible.


You can romance them separately, but they will still see each other.


It is unavoidable. It’s part of his story progression.


I played through the story again like 3 or so times and I gotta say zhu seems way more bad than Maria despite her working with the nazi’s. Like man is that guy brutal. Still love all the characters, though the more I play the more I find my favorites.


This was such a blast to play! I’m already thinking about how to make a different MC with different strengths and play again. (I went stealthy/charming but professional and honorable, which in retrospect is a kind of weird character build – but it worked!) I enjoyed the structure of the story very much, and the variety of characters you meet. This was quite different than the other COG games I’ve played so far, and totally worth it.

Congratulations on a successful release!


This is a neat game i must say seems like someone likes the mummy and indiana jones lol


Yes, how to write his name in Chinese characters, haha.

I can advise, if you ever get to a point where you want to. (If you recall I am the Chinese native speaker who suggested Wade-Giles romanisation, so I have a …vested interest in Chinese language representation)


I replayed the game and found that the year you mentioned for Kohinoor was indeed 1849 and not 39. Apologies for my mistake.


Since there’s a sequel, shall we import our saves or do a pre-choice?


The plan is for both options to be available, so players can do whichever they prefer.


Love the game and the setting. I was surprised by the amount of troll reviews in google play. Do people only care about romance? What about the story or plot? What a bunch of jerks.


What I’ve seen most are complaints about forced diversity and historical accuracy. These sorts of games always draw internet outrage and troll reviews.

And, honestly, I could maybe understand the diversity part if the game wasn’t set in a bunch of locations all around the world.


The game is really great and the story is amazing too.

And I really liked that the auther is trying to be historically accurate.

The only problem was the ending:-

In the complete game I supported the colonized people and the poor helping them in the fight against the imperialism.

But in the end all the stones and the island which is a superweapon, goes into the hands of the Britishers.