Relics 3 Achievement Help

Hey all, I’m sorry to bring up a sudden discussion but I need help with figuring out how to get certain achievements and characters in the Dashingdon game Relics 3: Ashes for Gold. These are:

  • Pleased to meet you, Gus. (I’m aware this is in the Peru chapter, but so far, I have not encountered a mercenary in need of help.)
  • The Great Asparagus
  • No one left behind

I have read that some users absolutely recommend getting Gus for the Endgame. However, on the first run I managed to get All For One without having Gus.

This was my set-up:
Yun Liang for AA batteries.
Dominique for Remy’s path.
Esme for the infiltration team.

My companions were(originally Jian Zhu and Sam):
Yelena Vasilevskaya (I chose her because she had ‘high German capability’ and could sweet talk the two Germans before the minefield. However, when I tried another run she failed for some reason?)

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The author (James Shaw) is no longer able to access these forums, so you might have better luck reaching out to him on tumblr. He posted something not too long ago so he’s probably still active there.

Relics 3 was never officially published by HG, so this might not be the best place to ask your question.

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Ah all right, thank you. I just thought that maybe past players would reach out here since the forum for Relics 3 was quite active with fans before it got heated.

Sorry for flooding the forums then, I just didn’t know where else to ask about a Dashingdon game.