Recommended Games?

I think Slammed is terrific. Not got a bad word to say about it, really.

@razgriz Yepper. I think it was that whole undead thing.

@myariv ah ha! I knew that there were a lot of zombie lawyers out there

Guenevere in the WIP section is all about romance. ^-^ And it’s one of my favorite WIPs. ZE, Life of a Mobster, Waywalkers, and The Clueless Teen’s Guide to Living with the Supernatural (WIP, and another favorite).

Personally I see both the WIPS have the most romance, as they’re both almost completely about the romance, Guenevere especially.

Any recommendations for 10-12 year olds? My niece and nephew asked me for a suggestion. My sister only allows them to play on math games, BBC Games and NatGeo Puzzles. I don’t know much about games.

It will surely depend on your gamer’s taste :smile: I personally would recommend my favorite new MOBA game called Wind of Luck. There you have dynamic ship battles with other players, pirates, fighting with cannons and carronades which makes the game just outstanding! So if you like marine theme in games, go for it and give it a try! :smile:

Any recommendations for newer titles?
PS. I really like the Infinity series (Sabres, Guns and probably future too).

CoG: Versus Elite Trials, Choice of Pirates, Run of the Litteris, Eagle’s Heir, Congresswolf and Choice of Alexandria.
HoG: Evertree Inn, Paradigm City, Samurai of Hyuga 2, Zombie Exodus: Safe Haven, Lost Heir 3: Demon War and The Great Tounament.


Diabolical and wise use of time

@Urban and @DUNGEON_MASTER Thanks for the suggestions. I have finished most of those games (except for the ones that were a bit beyond my budget), so I’ll try Runt of the Litter as soon as I get enough money and time. Sometimes, I wonder why there is such huge price disparity among the games. Is it by request of authors, or by choice of Choice of Games LLC?

I don’t see a lot of people talking about Hollywood Visionary, which I think is great.

And I’d also like to recommend Choice of the Petal Throne, a very understated title in CoG’s catalogue, if you ask me.


I must admit, I haven’t even heard of Choice of Petal Throne. But I’ll try it later, by your recommendation.