Psychological Adventure Game (Interest Check)

Don’t have a title, I’m open to suggestions for that. I’ve already written up the character creation and stats for this work, just wanted to hear people’s thoughts on the idea before I really commit. Here’s the premise:

  • Player character is a senior in high school.
  • The character is approached in their dream by a person named Alva.
  • When the dream is over, Alva sticks around you. Nobody else can see them.
  • You eventually discover that you can now send yourself into other people’s consciousness and affect the way they think.
  • Alva insists that they weren’t the ones that gave you the ability to do so.
  • Rest of the story entails you diving into people’s minds while trying to discover why you have this power.


  • Choose the gender of every character.
  • Recruit people or choose to keep them out of it.
  • The other characters have their own lives too. You can unlock short stories detailing their lives and how they interact with each other.
  • Supernatural abilities while in the mental world.

About to have a hell of a lot of guys.


Can’t wait it interesting

I suggest the title “Mind Jumper”. Lol😅
Sounds really interesting and fun.


About to have all the people who sound like they could possibly be cute be guys, and everyone else be girls :innocent:

(To clarify, though, is choosing the gender of other characters mainly a matter of choosing gender for potential romances? :thinking:)

Anyway, I do really like this premise because the idea of entering people’s minds to affect them just opens up a lot of interesting possibilities, and there seems like a whole lot you could do with that. I don’t have too much else to say on that until I see how it works, though :stuck_out_tongue:


I went for a single token female in my Lost Heir playthroughs… That sounds about right, right? :smile:

Oh, and the actual story sounds interesting, too. Will we be messing with the RO’s minds? :smiling_imp: Or just other people’s?

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lol my first thought was “YAY! No guys!”

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(To clarify, though, is choosing the gender of other characters mainly a matter of choosing gender for potential romances? :thinking:)

Yeah, basically. I also might have slight variations on dialogues based on what gender the characters are, but that’s pretty low on the list.

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Oh, and the actual story sounds interesting, too. Will we be messing with the RO’s minds? :smiling_imp: Or just other people’s?

The plan is to mess with every major character’s head. I’ll be sure to have some cool options for the RO’s :slight_smile:


Oooh~ I am interested!

Looking forward to it. Can’t wait to drive everyone insane. :blush:

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I can already tell this is gonna be so cool.

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