Project Legends: The Battlemage (WIP)

But they’re so cute… :cry: (And it was mainly the imbalance that I was complaining about in both cases. The fact that my preferred characters were both on the far side of the divide was… merely an unfortunate coincidence.)

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Yay!!! The runic magic is awesome, runic magic is my fave type next too possession magic

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@Eiwynn pm sent. I’m always looking for ways to improve my character development and writing :wink:

@ParrotWatcher well I have NPC’s who will be Straight, Gay, Bi, or Asexual. Multiple of both genders. So I hope you’ll find someone you like. The childhood friend NPC who’s gender you can choose will always be romanceable regardles of sexual orientation.

@AAO I won’t lie. Golem will become your greatest rival for one of the future romances. Purely because of your comment.

@Terrell_Williams I always figured that being able to create poison would be pretty up there. Especially with what I have planned for Poison Magic… Still it’s just the beginning. I’ll wait and see how people feel on what is their favorite in the future after more about each family is revealed.


So my golem is going to start identifying as a girl just to steal my girlfriend from me?! That sounds deeply person, I thought I was always so nice to it :sob: :stuck_out_tongue:

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Notice I didn’t say which romance.


That sounds so wrong. I know my mind is in the gutter today… :sake:

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Bad @Eiwynn. I’ll have you know that Golem is secretly a romantic.

But I wanted to know what you were going to say @Guhik :stuck_out_tongue:

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I KNEW IT! That dam dirty golem thinks he can steal Maxxie-chan from me?! I’ll show him!

Seems I set off a landmine here. If you think Golem will be bad… I haven’t even introduced the other non-human NPCs.

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Just a general update…

Currently, I’m working on finishing up Runic chapter 1. It’s at about 4k words. I’m planning to finish chapter 1 for each branch at 6k words.

Also working on the detail of the different countries. So far there are 7 named ones. All of which will have representatives in Aurora and in the Aurora Academy. So you’ll have to mingle with Mage families and Nobility not only from Aurora but from everywhere else as well.

No, you can’t kill them. Or romance them.

That’s a lie. Just be prepared for the international consequences :stuck_out_tongue:

Edit: Before I forget. I’m also going to be experimenting with the MC’s dialogue. I’m not very comfortable yet with dialogue primarily because I don’t want to assume things, but the MC is also raised with a certain set of Mage Etiquette as well. So for now I’m trying out some dialogue and I hope to receive feedback on it, if possible.


Yay for progress!

International consequences? Wow, talk about pressure on a relationship :astonished:

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So, my mage runs off with a foreign prince, causes a cataclysmic war, and then has to save the day/hide for the rest of his life? Sounds fun. :grin:

Speaking of which, are non-straight relationships viewed as “lesser” here, either because of prejudice, or simply because of lack of (non-adopted) offspring?


Unless its changed gears in the rewrite it was all equal, and your parents encouraged you to figure out where you landed on the spectrum :slight_smile:


Well, Aurora has an Oligarchy kind of Government structure, except that the few who do rule pass on their Council seats to their first-born heir regardless of gender. If no heir is in existence the seat ideally would go to the closest and most competent member of the family. (though that is the ideal…)

@ParrotWatcher actually @Lizzy is half-right. Relationships are not looked down upon in any way in Aurora at least when it comes to gender choices. It becomes muddy when you start looking at people of lower classes (Mages are at the top in Aurora and most of the countries you will learn about in book 1.) and if you look at those of a disreputable sort, like your rival family for instance…

In other countries, it’s not the same. Thus the people you encounter from different countries will have grown up with different ideas on relationships, philosophies, among other things. While they may agree with you on some things there’s an equal chance they will vehemently disagree with you on others.

The Battlemage is as much about being a badass mage as it is about internal political intrigue and the clashing ideologies and views of the different countries.

Essentially the world is a powder-keg. Aurora is at the forefront at keeping the peace and barely managed to get the three super-powers into agreeing to a very fragile treaty that no one expects to last.



I don’t know this Max/Maxxie or parents. All I’ve seen is my cutie Golem, Tulip, and some random old professor. I don’t want to fight with my stone friend :cry:

Max/Maxxie will be introduced later on in Runic. Probably chapter 2. Also, it’s not Max/Maxxie that Golem will cause a problem with. You’ve yet to meet the person and even then it’s not like you will be pursuing a relationship with said person but if you did… Golem will (unfortunately for Golem) be your greatest adversary.

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So, how does this affect mages without any close relatives? (For that matter, do we have any close relatives?) If there’s an obligation to procreate, then non-straight relationships will always be seen as “lesser” (and now I’m just realising I’m arguing for homophobia… :disappointed_relieved:).

And presumably I’ll be able to scandalise my family with paupers as well as foreigners. :blush:

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Max/Maxxie is an orphan that your parents brought home before @EmperorHeartless did the mass rewriting, thankfully (s)he will be coming back in the runic story :slight_smile: So if you didn’t see the character in the older version you’ll need to wait.

Speaking of the class issues of relationships though, does that mean my parents are going to be upset if Maxxie and I do start a relationship given her orphan status

Damn it @ParrotWatcher did you forget which side of this argument we’re on! :laughing:

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I really, really hope I don’t like that RO then. Tulip can have them.

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Oh yes, you have a lot of relatives. Perhaps too many…

If there is no first born heir the seat is passed onto the closest relative whether it be a brother, sister, aunt, uncle, whomever it is.

So the five families have been working diligently to make sure there are people to inherit. One family in particular is infamous in not allowing their children to marry the same gender for the sake of creating more heirs.

For Mage families that are dying out and have no heirs they can either marry into another family or let their House die out.

The 5 Families are the top the ones who lead while the other families are subservient to one of the 5.

The system isn’t terribly stable either. Aurora has been around for roughly 120 years only.

Perhaps change is needed, but who will spearhead that change?