I’m trying to make a choice game where your trapped in a dungeon and you have to find a way out, I JUST started it, I got maybe 10 minutes in to it when I realized the game had a BUNCH of errors, and errors I can’t seem to fix, when the hooded man comes up to you and you choose to stay silent the game crashes, the 3rd option choice at the beginning of the game does not show up, and if you choose to scream, then the game has yet another crash, heres the script:
You awaken in a dark room with stone walls…
*choice #Look around
You cannot see anything.
*choice #Yes I can.
You can see in the dark?!
*choice #Yeah I can! #Umm…No?
*finish #Err…I can’t?
No…you can’t…
*finish #Well it is dark…
I know that…
*finish #Do nothing
Since you do nothing…NOTHING HAPPENS!
*choice #Look around
You can’t find anything.
*finish #Do nothing
*finish #I don’t know what to do!
Then why did you play this game?
*choice #I just found it randomly
Well then I must be famous!
*finish #Because I want to!
[The next one is:]
Soon you hear footsteps.
*choice #Scream
You scream…and scream…and scream…
*finish #Stay silent
The footsteps suddenly stop…
err sorry, I just noticed when I posted this the indentions I made did not come out, can some one just re-word this so it is fixed? This is just the part that is broken, not the whole thing.
Your basic structure has to be different. You have to end any choices with *finish or *goto.
For example
*choice #Look around
You cannot see anything.
*goto A
*label A
*choice #Yes I can.
You can see in the dark?!
Also, you have to indent after *choice and indent after #options. The number of spaces must be equal. This discussion forum does not allow indents but just use 2 spaces.
Whatever I do the 3rd choice will never come up!
“#I don’t know what to do!”
“Then why did you play this game?”
“#I just found it randomly. #Because I want to!”
Here is the basic structure, using a period as a space.
…#Punch Joe
…You punch Joe in the face.
…*goto AfterPunchJoe
…#Kick Joe
…You kick Joe in the knee.
…*goto AfterKickJoe
…#Run from Joe
…You run and hide.
…*goto Run
Seconding Reaperoa, it’s impossible to figure out what’s wrong with your code if we don’t know how you’ve indented it. You can substitute periods for spaces, or try some html:
Your code!
(Just take out the periods between the <> and it should format it for you.)