Hello guys, I recently have been toying with ChoiceScript and I have struck on something. In the following text when I hit the *choice nothing comes up when I test it on Mozilla.
Feeling a bit calmer now, you get out of bed and look around your room. The morning sun is coming trought your curtains, telling you that is early in the morning.
*label room #Go to the bathroom
#Look around your room
You decide to explore your room, as if to see if it still real after you saw, fortunatly it is.
You bedroom is a small and confortable room, equippied with the latest technology and fully decorated too. You had been living confortable since when they discovered you and you have no complaints abouot your quarters but they had put some strange things in it. Like the unbalaced scale, the portrait of a man pushing another man off a cliff and another portrait of pyramid lit by colorful lights, what was the decorator thinking?
*goto room
#Look throught the windows
You are short blinded by the sun when you open the curtains of your bedroom. Throught your window you can see the whole facility and the walls that surroend it.
When they first told you about this place you expected a mix of a concentration camp and a research facility.
This is still incomplete as you can see but not these choices are not showing up when I get in this part. What should I do?
*fake_choice probably would be best for this scene. The *choice command is really best suited for when you come to a fork in the story, where the players choice will impact which direction the story goes. Now I don’t know what specifically you’re wanting to do with this scene, but I put down below how I would probably write it out, which would allow the player to go through the choice at their discretion, and then continue on in a linear manner.
*label room
#Go to the bathroom
Bathroom description text
*goto room
#Look around your room
You decide to explore your room, as if to see if it is still real after you saw, fortunately it is.
Your bedroom is a small and comfortable room, equipped with the latest technology and fully decorated too. You had been living comfortably since when they discovered you and you have no complaints about your quarters but they had put some strange things in it. Like the unbalanced scale, the portrait of a man pushing another man off a cliff and another portrait of a pyramid lit by colorful lights, what was the decorator thinking?
*goto room
#Look through the windows
You are blinded by the sun when you open the curtains of your bedroom. Through your window you can see the whole facility and the walls that surround it.
When they first told you about this place you expected a mix of a concentration camp and a research facility.
*goto room
Some text
Some more text