Problem with Sorcery For Saps: White screen, no background image

When I open the the “sorcery is for saps” app the background image doesn’t appear and is just white

Update: I just tried this on the hosted games ones released last week and it’s also like this

I changed the title so people know what your problem is.
Are you connected to the internet when this happened? I’ve had odd things happen if the first time I open something I have no active connection.

I’m connected to the internet and I have no idea why it won’t appear

I think this might be effecting me because I have ios 7

Hi Steve,

The initial version of Sorcery has this bug on iPhones 5/5s/6se (including mine!). We pushed a patch on Thursday, and it’s already approved. You should be able to download the update from the App Store, and that should fix it.

The easiest way to tell is this: if the game’s icon on your phone is a potion bottle, then it’s the new version. If it’s the PC standing over a cauldron, then it’s the old version, and needs to be updated.

That said, this is the first we’ve heard about this on Tomb and Elemental Saga. I’ll investigate and push a patch if needed. Thanks!


Idk my iphone is a 4s so that might be it, but thanks for replying!