Pride and Prejudice - Beta Testing

Hmm, when snubbed by Darcy,anyone else want an angry response in addition to crying or joking about it?


Agreed. I want a thoroughly rebellious Lizzy.

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One of my all time fav movies! Wonder if it will feel the same as the original? Gonna try the demo tonight!

Review on the demo so far:

I appreciate that you made a conscious effort on being faithful with the original source material however there are some things which, I find, need some work.

The choices

  • from what I’ve seen thus far, the choices which have really significant impact are the ones which are faithful to the original novel. It would help if you flesh out the others as well since this is supposed to be IF/CYOA.

The style

  • I understand that a certain author’s style cannot be copied 100%. But since the setting is in the 17th to 18th century england, it would be better to stick to the manner of speaking during those times. I noticed there are some dialogues which visibly use modern language instead ofthe 17th century sounding ones. It’s a bit distracting since it feels like at one point I’m reading a historical novel and in another, I’m reading a contemporary one.

So far that’s all. Will check in case of an update.

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