I haven’t been writing for a bit because someone recommended I read more books so that I can improve my writing, but I haven’t forgotten about this, and I’ll definitely continue it soon.
Is Feedback part of the title? I have been wondering! xD
No, but that sounds way cooler than its current name, so I may need to find a way to fit that in! Haha.
Oi @LordHavoc
How many powers/abilities can MC grab and hoarde?!? Lol what’s the limit?!?
I think it solely depends on the story
No limits! I was originally going to make it that you can grow addicted if you steal too many powers, but then I decided against it. (Unless there is a change in plans. Maybe in a sequel, if it ever exists?)
I have finally updated the story, so let me know if you find any new and exciting glitches to fix up!
Oi @LordHavoc
I think I’ve already mentioned this before, my MC is a female, so it should be ‘sister’.
Oops, I guess I still missed that one. Fixed it up now.
Wow, haha, I’m really bad at this. I’ll try to be more careful in the future. Thanks for letting me know!
Eh, lol this story is still a great one…
You’re welcome…
I’ll really accept any kind of feedback, so even if you just don’t think a sentence flows very well, you can let me know and I’ll see if I think I should change it.
Hey, guys! I’m going to start changing some earlier parts of the story to make it more fun, based on the advice you all have given me.
Ideas I currently hope to implement:
- I’m going to let you choose your character’s motivation. What’s their real goal in all of this? Do they want power? To improve the world? To defeat their sibling? Maybe they just want a normal life? If you feel that your character has a motivation that wasn’t mentioned here, let me know what it is, and I’ll try to add it in.
- I’m going to try to make Isabella (the single mother) an RO! Someone suggested that, and I thought it sounded like a cool idea.
- I’ll try giving a bit more of a backstory as to why you became a thief in the first place. I don’t want it to distract too much from the action, though, so I’ll only add this if I think it will be an improvement.
Have any other suggestions for changes you’d like me to add in? Let me know!
Well my mc would want to beat his sibling and want more wealth and power than them, but most of all he wouldn’t want to be remembered as an afterthought to his all-powerful sibling in history.
You mean in literal (super)powers or like take over the world kind of power?!?
That’s a good thing…
Don’t overwork yourself and have a lovely day with your Valentine(s) @LordHavoc and everyone
More like take-over-the-world power. You want to be known, to be feared, to be someone that others can’t push around anymore. I guess I’ll have to make that clear.
Does this definition of the power option fit what you want, or are you saying something different?
I think what @idonotlikeusernames meant comes under taking down the twin goal, like becoming more powerful and important than the twin…
Yep, that it does, no more afterthought, if that, forced to live in the shadow…of course the wealth and power that come with eclipsing/taking down the sibling are certainly nice too and my mc is certainly tired of being poor but what triggers him most is that he was always only seen as the brother of, if he was seen at all.
That shady organisation does it too in the beginning only considering him valuable when they can use him to impersonate his brother.
But it also involves slightly more than just taking down our sibling, if we did only that then history would still mostly remember him and we’d still only be the afterthought who helped bring them down in the end as a small part of a broader coalition. My mc wouldn’t want that to be the historical record so he’d have to position himself in history writing victor position to make sure posterity remembers his brother and cronies for what they were, vile and nasty tyrants, bullies and oppressors.
Basically what Shakespeare and the Tudors did to Richard III is just a taste what he will want to do to his brother’s legacy.
This motivation of taking control of the world would be nice