Poisoning the steel mind -a wip

Sorry X( I always get things messed up…

No worry is a common mistake

If you want to change the text, you have to open the index.html and enter this code:
font color="#[insert hex value here]"
(Of course, you’ll have to insert the <'s and >'s and the beginning and end of the code, I don’t know how to make that yellow text that shows code.)
You can find the hex values for colors at http://www.colorpicker.com/
I find the game interesting, although there are some grammatical errors, but ignoring that, it has potential.

@Cynthia, In fact, changing it was done by adding two lines (a line both for text and for choices) in style.css for this game :slight_smile:

Whoops! I forgot to change the text in choicescript you have to do it in the style.css!
I was thinking of website HTML >.<

@MaraJade How much poison will be involved in this story I won’t drowned in it will I. LOL seriously though I like it so far.

Spoiler: It will be a lot poison, but dont worry You are who has the power.
:smiley: You dont see anything about your character yet. This is a long game with 3 diferent paths you can see right now. Also the diferences about playing a man or a woman are significatives even in perks. So the replay opcions are great also beware your hair options could have importance in some path and no itsnt a joke

I like it so far Mara, keep up the good work. The black background and red text really adds to the macabre feeling your game inspires in me.

I look forward to what happens next :slight_smile:

The Picture that you used, kinda reminds me of Rapture from Bioshock.

Its a free to use pic i download modified by myself with a photo editor i think suits to the theme

Mara when are you gonna put Gundam in or Mech Suits I wanna robo rumble!

@2ton no idea who gundam is.
Mech suits are in museums in 46th century. :stuck_out_tongue: Inmortals use quantum conversors they can convert any part of his body in any metalical thing it will be use more later in the game You still dont have a name yet
Edit: also @Largejo my british friend has edited my grammar and spelling so expect soon with the polemic violent and sexual content upgrading a great grammar improving.

Mech suits!!

No mech suits!! you can transform your body in everything made from metals a trash can a blade a golden ring a cannon…
well you can transform your body in a mech suit in theory


@817819 Random what You think is cool? demo mech suits? give me your feedback

Hell yah thats cool!

@MaraJade hand cannon


XD, Go Megaman on everyone!

well a cyberpunk game has to be one think in deus ex for instance