Older development thread (The Aegis Saga - Blood)

Wow - I’ve spent the entire day coding the ‘skip ahead’ function, and I’m still not finished

Something about taking something used in your short story and applying it to a long story that’s 50 times longer . . .

Right now I’m feeling like I never hit self-imposed deadlines :persevere:

@Zolataya - soo, take a situation - like coding a story? And add loads of pressure and mood swings . . . that sounds familiar to me :expressionless:

I’ll have to watch some youtube videos of people raging out over little things or something :grin:
thanks for the idea!

Oh and @Zilla, I saw a pic of one of these the other day while I was finishing up my short story. Didn’t have time to mention it then, but it just came back to me -

I saw this and thought of you. Axolotls!

EDIT - nice salamander @Zilla :smile:
I think I found the world a more boring place before you started posting these things


Yeah! Get Hype for Salamanders, I used to have a brown salamander as a pet when I was younger.

They’re so cute.
Even giant Salamanders are cute.


Couple of thoughts for evil things one could have done around 15: stealing, grave robbing, having fought and severely injured someone, if it’s a male perhaps they impregnated a girl.

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So I said I’d reveal @defenestratin’s first illustration :smile: and though I didn’t complete the update in time . . . here it is!


Wonderful artistry, very tall towers, calming coloration and…AHH! The mountains the comet is going to hit them alert the mountains people to run…
It’s very good like the cover of a hardback sleeve you see at bookstores


I’ve been scouting about learning about releasing indie games . . . I need to think of a tagline when I’m talking about The Aegis Saga, so that people have a feel for where the game is headed.

Does this work?

The Aegis Saga
Will you lead the Remnant to the stars? Murderously ascend the human throne?
Or become monstrous, warped by magic and barrensblight?

And as a one liner:

Make choices that shape kingdoms, magic and time itself in The Aegis Saga.

Have completed the skip ahead function and an ending read through (wow I make a lot of mistakes in my 1st and 2nd drafts :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: )


Alternative tagline: [quote] How will your Aegis Saga be written? An epic race to the stars, a tragic battle with magic and barrensblight, or perhaps you’ll join Dante in writing about the hells of ascending to a throne?[/quote]

Related one-liner: [quote] Will your Aegis Saga be an epic, tragedy or a comedy? [/quote]

Yes, I once worked as an advertiser (print) but it was so long ago, my genius is long forgotten.

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That’s a great illustration, some of the official choice of games games have worse.

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Thanks @Zolataya, @chrisbat, @Drakeye :grin:

Last weekend I wanted to get the full ‘The Aegis Saga - Blood’ up for additional testers. That was delayed as the coding took some time - now I’m just going through the last of @shettiejw’s awesome feedback, then I’m hoping I’ll be able to put it up in a few hours. Wish me luck

Was looking for dialogue inspiration. Thought this one worked well :slight_smile: