Hi everyone,
So I decided to drag The Saga Of Oedipus Rex out of the depths of my computer. It kind of seemed a shame to let it gather dust and I needed a break from all the editing I’ve been doing on NaNoWriMo’s effort on Abysm’s Veil (It reminded me why I normally try to edit in chunks while I go rather than 60,000 odd words all at once).
It is actually semi finished. Still needs some editing, and it had a heap of bugs which I think I’ve gotten out of it. But if anyone would like to have a read and let me know if you see any weird loops or come across paragraphs that don’t seem to quite match up, I’d really appreciate it. In fact as always, any constructive feedback is very welcome.
I’ve only put a short demo up for now, the rest still needs some editing. (Prologue and chapter 1). The rest of what I’ve written will hopefully go up within the next week, so feel free to hang out if you’re interested but want to wait until there is more to read.
Anyway, back to what it is. I’m not sure how many people are familiar with Oedipus, but this is based on the ancient greek tragedy about a prince who finds out from the Oracle of Delphi he has a rather unhappy fate planned for him. (*With some modifications, particularly with the more icky aspects towards the end which might not have otherwise been apple store friendly (Seriously! Some of the stuff that makes it into mythology would never pass modern day censors!) Since there’s spoilers for the game for anyone who doesn’t know so I wont go into it though.)
It is semi-finished, and while I may add extra paths and choices if needed. I’m really trying not to turn this into another one of my unfinished WIP’s, so it most probably going to stay on the short and more linear-ish side, particularly as I foremost wanted to follow Oedipus’ story as in the myths. And it’ll have some riddles. Nice bug inducing riddles.
So I’ve broken a few of my rules I’ve been trying to stick to:
It’s currently about 36,600 words, When I’ve written the endings, it’ll probably be in the 50,000’s somewhere at a guess. So not really long. (Edit: Every time I say this, the word count doubles, currently at 100,000+)
It is genderlocked male to a particular protagonist (Oedipus) and I’m pretty reluctant to unlock it at this stage sorry (Again it’s for the story, I’m actually female, so it’s not any kind of bias coming into it.)
It is very light on the romance front since it’s a greek tragedy. (I just couldn’t bring myself to make the sphinx a RO. It would not have ended well I’d imagine ) (Edit- Ok, I’ve relented due to popular demand. Attempt to romance her at your own risk
It has a prologue with few choices. (Although there are obviously lots in the main story once you get past that.)
The game branches a lot more towards the end after you leave the play this is based on.
Anyway, thank you to anyone who would like to help. Maybe I can actually get one of my WIP’s finished before the end of 2018!
(Please note there are big spoilers under some of the spoiler tags. If you don’t know the story and don’t want to know how the original one at least goes, I’d not click on them )
Edit: Full game has been moved to private testing, please ask for access if you would like to test. The game has been submitted and is in the HG publishing queue so beta testing is closed. Thanks to everyone who helped!
Demo only link (Nothing new here for anyone who has already read the previous link I had up)
The game has now been published by HG. The first few chapters are now available to demo there for anyone wishing to