November 2024's Writer Support Thread

Is there something stopping ya?

With my desktop working again, not only did I finally get to add to/edit my game files, I also cleared a USB drive and put backups of my projects on it! (About time)

I prepared for bed before midnight but naturally I’m going to sleep past 2am. Welp. Goodnight!


Apart from the fact that I need to rewrite my 110-item reference list again? It kinda goes against the characters’ established traits. (They are archenemies because they’re too embarrassed to admit they like each other.) And I’m unsure how many levels of cringe I should give the MC.


I’ve had feedback for the first draft of my outline back! Spent some time today sorting out what I need to do to revise it.

I always love getting editor notes because they pick up on stuff that I’ve not spotted because of being familiar with what I’ve been writing. So, broadly, there are some bits where I didn’t make it clear that the PC could impact plot events (or neglected to incorporate that into the description at all), and I’m reworking some goals/setting elements to bring them into the overall big plot more. Also tweaking a couple of stats.

This kind of big-picture stuff will be really useful for building a solid foundation and hopefully prevent me having to make major changes later (this is the sort of thing that players would have noticed and asked to be changed down the line).

In other news, Honor Bound is set to come out in two weeks! It’s suddenly hit me that it’s really soon! I’m immensely nervous-excited about the whole thing.


This was the big lesson I learned for Lords of Infinity too.

I started with a really rough outline, and then more or less forgot half of it as I was in the process of writing, which meant a lot of the stuff I thought up and wanted to put in at the beginning ended up getting lost or diluted.

That’s why I started with a full outline this time around.


I just found my lost manuscript from 13-20 years ago! :scream: (I mean, there’s multiple variants of it from different years, since I seem to have been doing some version control on it.)


Isn’t that just the way? XD

What in the world is THIS?


I’m hopefully gonna be working on my game today! Maybe.


Wrapping up my master’s thesis, that’s what.


Nice. Digging up old write-ups is a nice way to get ideas if you’re struggling to come up with any. That’s why I always keep notes from 10 – heck, even 20 – years ago.


You know what? Fair.

This right here is why I have totes full of notebooks and almost 3 gbs of data on google drive. TAT


This isn’t writing related exactly but I just found out I got a new job I’ve been wanting for over a year now. My current work is far more stressful and less money, so the upgrade should alleviate a few of the roadblocks I’ve had in between me and having writing energy. I’m pretty happy about it!


Congratulations! That’s great news. :slight_smile:


Yeah. I just reread a little of the stuff I’d written 30-35 years ago, and am going to steal a couple of bits that I like. :slight_smile:


The scariest thing is that I actually like that old stuff better than anything I’m writing now.


I think sometimes that just the benefit of time away. If your anything like then the work you’ll be most critical of is what you’re writing now. :upside_down_face: I’ve always found that I hate my writing much less after several months/years of not working on it than whenever I was, even if I can see places where my objective skill level is less than it is now.


I always have a pretty unflattering view of what I’ve just wrote. It usually takes me a few months to forget all about it, come back, and go “hey, that was pretty good!”.


I did it, I wrapped up my thesis :scream: End score: 120 references, and a sudden interest in Quest language.

I’m going to reward myself with a gaming session now, and start looking into my space opera again tomorrow. Maybe I can still get a couple thousand words in this month.

True. Also, different language, but that should make it worse because I’m at a phase where all prose written in Finnish language looks stupid…


I get to dust off an older manuscript to incorporate the story and characters into my new WIP. It’s a great feeling, honestly. I love this story but it wasn’t ready to be published as a novel in its current state, and it lends itself to IF really well.

I managed to write over 1500 words today. Chapter one is coming along nicely. :dancer:


Awesome! You rock!


During one of my apartment moves, I uncovered a short story I wrote at perhaps sixteen, maybe even younger. Mermaids, and a curse, and some very heavy-handed attempts at feminist subtext. Nothing about the story itself needed preserving, but it was heartening to remember just how long storytelling has been my deepest wish.


I had originally planned to post my first chapter this month in Exit Through the Gift Shop. When I realized to do that I would need to build an engine that would drive every major decision in the game, I had to scale back from that. But I also wanted to produce something to get into reader’s hands as fast as possible. So right now I am gunning for getting out one decision path in the first chapter from beginning to end - arrive at museum, choose a floor (only 1st available), visit up to three halls (our of a selection of four), visit 3 exhibits, take one family photo in each, then head home to build your familt album. Wish me luck!