November 2024's Writer Support Thread

I have been doing research and while I have been doing a lot of reading I decided to take a break and make my own custom font! Other than that I am just on the mission to do a lot of reading, I haven’t been here in a hot second but you know how life goes, I always eventually make a return!

I would love to use a custom font for a game / project in the future, the one issue I would be concerned about being legibility or potential issues for those with dyslexia. Like this font for example has ao almost identical excluding the small line on a.

Also I would love other writers to weigh in here.


This is a big thing for me, yeah. I don’t really care about checkpoints or save states in the games themselves, because I play them in the omnibus apps and haven’t had issues with sudden resets, but WIPs that have to be played in the browser can be almost unplayable without saves because of how often I find out that the page has reloaded between sessions and it wiped out my playthrough.

Thinking about it, I honestly think my preferred system would be for checkpoints/saves to be activate after a first complete playthrough. Maybe after two or three depending on the game.
This would prevent savescumming in the first couple of playthroughs and make the first few runs ‘honest’, and enable them for achievement hunting after I’ve seen the story several times.


Phew! I did it. I had to figure out how the reader and their family were going to decide which floor of the museum they would visit in Exit Through the Gift Shop. I came up with all sorts of convoluted choice paths based on the various potential rivalries. After building one path I realized I was putting too much effort into something many would never experience. Simplify! I cut it out, and elevated the perspective to make the user experience much cleaner. By doing that my choice code collapsed in on itself in a beautiful implosion, leaving me with around 20% of what I started with. From there, I was quickly able to wrap it all up. Hurrah! Now I will do the next and last major mechanic - the family choosing which exhibit to start with on the floor they chose. Feels great - like through writing this I am joining them on the tour.


I’m not sure how good it is to just rush through the game and spend max five seconds per page instead. Or just restart when you don’t like what happened.


It’s been a long time since I last wrote in this forum. I’ve taken some time to really learn coding and I’ve started my first book.
it’s a pregnancy simulator where you get to play as a woman or trans man and make meaningful choices until your baby is born, I’m so excited to keep learning as I keep writing


Hey, everyone!

On the next batch of Once in a Lifetime (Life Simulator) Updates:

Something that was highly requested on the Choice of Games’ forums was to create your own family. Originally, this was planned as one of the first updates after the work-in-progress update 0 launch.

That feature is now being implemented.

You will now be able to use your gold soul pass (pfft, privilege), to design your family should you choose to do so. This will range from personality values, starting age, personal characteristics (name dob ect), appearance, and career options!

My goal is to broaden player functionality, and create a more enjoyable and customizable experience. :slight_smile:


@Zaxwlyde Cool. That is the core of Exit Through the Gift Shop. It takes so much longer to write, but I think its so much richer emotionally, and will make for very different playthroughs. But we’ll see.



tfw you realize the code chunk you’ve been working on all afternoon is actually unreachable.

It’ll be reachable elsewhere in the chapter, so it wasn’t totally wasted effort. But still. :frowning:


I had a similar thing happen to me a while back. I got so lost in conditionals that I wrote a chunk which couldn’t possibly be reached because it required a certain stuff to be equal to one and higher than one at the same time. I ended up making it reachable by adding an alternate way past the first conditional, which might cause problems later on.

Still, writing is not going badly for me. Just yesterday I wrote over 2000 words, cleaned up the achievements and made a header with several variants. It’s decent pace, I’m just worried if it’s quick enough to finish the chapter by the end of the month.


I’ve been hunting down urls for 70+ references I for some bizarre reason neglected to write down originally, and now I realized I’ve all the time used wrong template. :person_facepalming:


I am sometimes asked what type of feedback I give. I thought I’d share recent feedback I gave:

This is a “stream of consciousness” piece of feedback that I gave so that the author has insight into my thoughts as I am reading their work.


I’m relatively new to this forum, and I’m genuinely happy to find a thread like this one.

About three weeks ago, I started working on my first game, and I’ve managed to write around 13k words in around 16 days. My aim is to hit 20k words and share my WIP here by the end of the month, or even sooner if possible.

Balancing between college, game writing, and other commitments has been a challenge, but things are improving.But, A little bit of luck would certainly help me along the way.


Good luck!


It appears I’ve started my next WIP. :face_with_monocle: The glossary is already massive. :rofl: It’s set in the same world as TMP and Ink and Intrigue, so some of the glossary from INK transfers over, but there’s a whole different cast of characters and wow are there ever a lot of them! Epic fantasy romance incoming. :sparkling_heart: :crossed_swords: :sparkling_heart:

I’ll be writing this game for HG so I have no deadlines and can deviate from the house style a bit. Probably won’t start a WIP thread until I’ve got a good amount finished, but then again I was planning to take a big break from writing, so we’ll see what happens. :dancer:


I do not wish to triple-check a 100+ item reference list again anytime soon, let me tell you. :sweat_smile: Woof!

Also I just realized I need to change only one word and I can have this one character from an old story idea of mine as a customizable MC. Double woof.


Why are you planning to write this one for HG?


I’ve been under deadline for most of the past three years. And though I’ve been graciously accommodated any time I’ve asked for an extension, just knowing I’m under deadline is a stress for me. I put a lot of pressure on myself. I need to work without that pressure for a while.

I’m also wanting full creative control on this project. I’ve been given a good amount of creative freedom on my past two projects, for which I’m grateful, but there have also been elements I’ve had to change to fit requests made by HC. There are parts of my next story that I might not want to change, and other ideas I want to play with (such as optional scenes from another POV).

Basically it comes down to the freedom to write what I want when I want to write it. I need that right now, otherwise I don’t think I would’ve even started another project.


Have fun!


Mentioned this is the Nano thread, but this is the first day in a while where I actually met my daily word count goal! It’s so motivating to meet even a small goal like that, especially after the month I’ve had. (It’s been pretty bad guys.) The small victory of writing almost 2000 words today has given me the win I needed to make it through the week.

I just wanted to make this post to say that no matter how long you’re in a slump of not writing much, or failing to meet your self imposed deadlines, there is always an aha moment where it comes back. Don’t give up guys. Writing sucks sometimes, but all it takes is one good writing session to bring back the passion.


I’m having a terrible urge to write the MC’s supervillain spouse shamelessly flirting with their archenemy.

Also urgh, the amusement of playing games for academic research does not beat the tediousness of having to write all these lists. My back hurts.