New Transgender Game

So …play it on my TV and take a picture ? Because I only have a phone and Xbox one.

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I had this thing that would let me put my phone screen on my tv via HDMI. That was kind of neat.

They have screenshot apps for phones these days, though I haven’t really got into those because of I had the misfortune of downloading one that took screenshots at random intervals, so…umm, friends that send me nsfw pictures randomly (of themselves) had their pictures screenshot while I was viewing said pictures, and I got a bit paranoid and eliminated all traces of that particular app.

Does no one use gender neutral names anymore? Bad timing if that’s the case.

So I fixed the lname/custom last name issue. Works now (at least when i test it)

Awesome. ^^ I don’t speak for everyone but your willingness to listen to the testers responses is much appreciated. I cannot wait for high school :stuck_out_tongue: I love the demo so far.


Daisuke Kobayashi is a ten year old half East Asian, Half Middle Eastern boy who lives with his mother, father, older sister Amanda and younger brother Steven. When you’re half middle Eastern, half East Asian, it’s already bad enough, but when you’re coming out gay it is a whole lot harder and complicated. When Daisuke had to enter high school, he faced severe bullying(verbal abuse, physical abuse), homophobia, and racism just for being a Middle Eastern/East Asian and for being gay, his father diagnosed with cancer, his sister’s suicide, discrimination in class, job hunting and making friends while in the LGBT club, will he try to rise to challenge or just fall prey to racism and homophobia?
Daisuke Kobayashi is based on the lives on students who face bullying just for being gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender and the daily lives of LGBTQ people all over the world.


I’m looking forward to the next big content update. This is going to be a meaningful story.

So I haven’t uploaded the new files yet, but the first part of middle school is done. I am finally starting on the middle school part right before winter break, where you will get to hear a ton of useful stuff!

Middle School Upcoming Content:
-Official Sex Ed, not just Health Ed
-Learn about Genders!!!
-Some very difficult choices for friendships (will determine the rest of middle school from now on)
-Some touching family moments over Xmas break


The ol days of middle school… making freinds was basically like forming alliances

Lucky. For me it was literally “hide from every kid n my class cuz some of them would gladly beat me if they could”.
Everyone formed an allaince against me pretty much


Yeah my hiding place was under the cafeteria stairs. >.> I would never willingly go back to middle school or high school

In middle school my strategy was (since I was in the gifted program) hang around the class clown and emulate them. Otherwise hide in a corner somewhere.

This game is really interesting, and I’d love to see a full game about trans issues, but I did notice a small bug in the code:

*label racename
*if ((race = "White") and (bgender = "Girl"))
 *label race1

This *choice needs to be indented once more. Right now you can only gets the white feminine names because the *if ((race = "White") and (bgender = "Girl")) doesn’t do anything except lead to an empty label. It should be something like this:

*label racename
*if ((race = "White") and (bgender = "Girl"))
 *label race1

The same thing needs to be done with the rest of the first name options, the *if checks don’t do anything currently.

You might also want to be careful with using %+ and %- with very small numbers, they usually only cause a 1% change or no change at all.

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Also did we choose our female name already? If we’re born a guy and later in life become our true self should we be called Emma in our middle School years?

U can choose a nickname in middle school 8th grade, but a new name isnt til mid high school. & thats IF u know ur trans or not

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So if I’m born a boy shouldn’t I be given boy names because this is the name on my birth certificate?

I think that’s a bug right now.

Are yiu not given boy names?

Nope I’m a white boy given female names

My middle school years: Tower over everyone (I was 5’10 before I reached middle school) and be made fun of for being Native American by my white classmates, and be made fun of for being White by my Native American classmates. Nobody tried to fight me though…then again I was also about 250 pounds on top of being taller than everyone else.

High School: Somehow managed to melt into the shadows even though I was 6’3 1/2" and 350 pounds (yes, I was big, but mostly muscle due to hard labor activities), doing just enough work to pass (calculating everything in my head to see how little I could do and still pass) so that I could just escape the place and not have to deal with people with such prejudice and low IQ scores.