New Hosted Game! "Breach: The Archangel Job" by Michael Maxwell and Ben Luigi

I really enjoyed the writing. The characters, the setting, it was all fantastic. I’m particularly fond of the Rook and Bishop duo.

My only complaint is just how… insignificant? The MC felt. I sort of felt like it was a DND campgain, and the MC was really just a random NPC shopkeeper the bard of the main party was fond of, and dragged along for the ride.

If the MC died, maybe there’d be consequences, but even at the endgame, it feels like the consequence would really just be that the main trio are out a Raphael, and they’d have to spend some spare time recruiting a new one.

That said, the mystery and the story revolving around the trio was enough to keep me reading to the end, and have me preparing for another playthhrough.


I just ADORE this game so much! I… I hope we’ll be able to see Gabriel’s face in the second game ahahaha

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Oh, I’m so sorry :sweat:. I have a problem recognizing the birthday icons. This isn’t related to the thread but for all the years that I couldn’t wish you, I wish you the best.


It was moved here by the mods because the last several comments before yours had really nothing to do with the ongoing WIPs. It’s generally a rule to not do that on this forum.

And congratulations on getting Breach out on HG, I will be purchasing it whenever I am able to.

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So is there only two major planned jobs what happened to the bank job


Game got stuck on stats page and when I press the back button it just reloads the stats page. It happened when the atm job was about to start.

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Ok, finally bought it after a call to the bank;;;;. It was freaking worth it, though; I’m happy that I can support your work!!! Also, damn the game is so freaking good, it managed to calm my nerves down while I was waiting for the exam to start. Gabriel is a damn sweetheart, like that holding hands scene, damanwjejwnwjwjwjwj, but Rook is also my bb, so that means I have to start a playthrough again.
It will severely hurt me though :((

Also, since there’s a sequel, why is there no save email thingy at the end??

Thank you very much for this game, been anticipating it! Thank you for being active in the community and such, ily ;

Now, the cycle begins wherein I’ll be replaying this for a week straight until I remember almost everything lol. I also can’t wait to find out who the heck gab is!!

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New HGs only get the save function when the sequel is about to get released.


This story was very interesting! I understand why it has some typos and bugs, I mean, it’s very long so it must be difficult to find all the things that shouldn’t be there lol.
I don’t know if this is my sadistic side showing up but I love the torture scenes. They were pretty crude and raw, so it was pretty “enjoyable” to read them (For “enjoyable” I mean I was like: “Oh my gosh… Yeah that probably hurts a lot… Ehm, Ok now, yeah he’s dead… Oh well… I kinda want more of these scenes though?”)
I wish at the end of the FBI route we had the option to lie to the Archangels that we’re going to fight the FBI but, actually betray them instead it would make so much sense, specially, for a persuasive MC.
I liked the variety of customization and backgrounds for the MC, I also liked that some ROs can be romanced waaay later than others, for me, it makes everything more realistic. Sadly, I have to agree with some of the comments above that MC feels a little bit blank, by the end of the book I couldn’t say exactly what her personality was. I guess this is a side effect for all the customization options, so don’t be too hard on yourself for this, all the books lack something as they excel in other things. I think you could use the second book to compensate for this, explore MC’S personality more, since the customization is over.

Anyway, all of this is just my opinion of course. Good luck with your other project (Afar: Mad world) Congrats to the both authors for writing this amazing book :heart:


I haven’t read through ALL of the comments, so I don’t know if this has been mentioned but… the phone number you’re given is the day the bombs fell in Fallout :smiley: thought that was a cool little reference! Also, loved the game, I’m not usually into this type of story, but it was so well written and immersive that I got hooked. Looking forward to anything you put out in the future as well.


Oh no I got a index.html trying to get into my game

Does this mean what I think it mean?


So, I got a question…

If you decided to stay with the FBI, does your romance with Gabe end also?


Flirt like literal flirt or just those part where it says “Romance”? because if it’s the first, goddammit whiskers I’ll be the most silent guy in all the universe and create my own cat heaven (hopefully in the second book)


First of all: Thank you!

This game was a blast to read through and the few minior typos and continuation mistakes which I only encoutered in the first half of the game made me stop for a moment but never broke the flow. I remember in both of my playthroughs that I chose Mouse to be female but in one scene she is adressed as “him”. It went by so quick that I noticed it the first time and confirmed it the second time. Sadly atm I don’t remember the exact scene. But I will do a third playthrough these next couple of days and get me some “Hunk of Vanilla Beefcake”. And if the mistake is still there I will edit my comment with a screenshot.

The only point I can criticize is the two “jobs/missions” which feel more like intermissions/commercials in the fantastic show you are watching. This may go into spoiler territory so I will hide my argument why I feel this way: In both of my playthroughs I went with a stealthy approach to both missions. And if no alarms are set off there is not much “tension”. At least the second time you read it. In my case I chose Hayne as Ramiel, Justin as Uriel and Carline as … sorry I always forget that Angle’s name (I think it was Sariel?) because in the first playthrough I was the Leadfoot (which imo is rather useless. Beeing a Ramiel [Shooty/Smiley] helps you in case of stat managment) and in the second I took the Smiley approach. Because some major events in the plot demand Presuade/Intimidation checks. Micheal you sick boiy! But I digress and should come back to the main point. The Jewelry Shop heist goes through without any major event at night. At least if you chose Justin to hack the CCTV outside, smash them and drive of through the construction site. Because Carline can mod your car for a few bucks. For the ATM job again you let Justin take care of the alarm/CCTV from outside. The only difference in my two playthroughs was me taking the point instead of Hayne. But the end result was the same. Okay one guard more escape death by canadian unapologetic firearms queen but hey. Same, same, same… but different… but still the same. Which in contrast to your “school trips” with Gabe feel boring. But I mean Gabe steals the spotlight everytime he is in a scene.

The three major characters of the Archangles have a nice dynamic between them and want to know more about them, especially Gabe. I need a muffin. But most of the sidecharacters and later intereductions interest me too. I hope in the next part we will see more masks, masks unveiled, masks put on, tacos mourned after, cheesy chess games played, female snipers sniping and a wolf called in the late hours since wolfs really like to sleep in.

I saw some complains of how the mc can be a bit of a… hmmm… dragged character. I mean yeah. If you don’t choose to increase your shooting skills or your CQC then probably your character will have alot less to do in action scenes. But these are ACTION. SCENES. If you play your character as a background character like me in the first playthrough you won’t have much impact. Your highlight will probably be giving covering fire. If you roll good maybe a headshot. So don’t be surprised if in an all out firefight your charismatic driver isn’t much of help (Still suffering inside…). BUT! And that’s a big but with one t not double the t’s. Let’s hope these characters get more action in the spotlight in the next game. For example if you the MC would build a team with JUST Gabe, Micheal and Raquel (which has a high probability the next game) you will realise that they need a “real” driver. Gabe drives “decent” for chase situations, Micheal is a trainwreck in any skill besides intimidation and shooting at people (how is it hanging my dude~), while Raquel shows only qualities in stealth, CQC and as a fieldmedic. So let us look into the future with hopefull eyes.

So again I would like to thank the authors for this piece of art and hope everyone who picks this game up enjoys it as much as I did. I know this is not for everyone especially because of the “DND” mecanic of rolling, but there is an option for regular COG-Style gampeplay. So long my fellow Angles, Archangles and Associates. Make’em pray.


Imagine if there was a cheat code like, wholesinpotato. You would still be a god, only a permanently wounded one for Raquel to patch up lol.


I don’t know if this has been answered yet, but we’ve seen Gabriel, Michael, Uriel, and Raphael. Will we eventually see the other archangels?

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Just got the game last night and haven’t slept yet made love it so much :heart:

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Thanks for the explanation my guy

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Feel like the thing needed a better editor. So many misspellings and code errors. Some gender switch errors too. Just had one that is gonna require me to completely restart the thing. I feel like I paid to play a beta release…


Yes, I did that on my second playthrough of the informant path.