New Hosted Game! "Breach: The Archangel Job" by Michael Maxwell and Ben Luigi

Well, they were few, and mostly scattered throughout the game. I’ll mask my co-author, and if it’s significant enough for us to bring back then we’ll bring it back.

I’ll definitely keep this in mind for the next game.

Also, Taco Deadpool is much better than the name Bishop gave his own partner.

Romance option for Kaz is only available at his third and final hangout when he’s back at his own apartment. Carly is the only romanceable crew member that can be romanced as soon as her second hangout.

Thank you very much! I hope you enjoyed the game! :smile:

And yes, some of the romanceable options have their own preferred sexuality. I wanted them to feel a bit more than just a simple buffet line of character to romance. These are people with their own personality and opinion. Most of them are bi for the sake of choices, but some of them are also homosexual(Justin), flexibly homosexual(Hayne), and hetero(Kaz).

You might wanna tag that one as spoiler.

And yes, it is possible. You have to shoot Rook twice, make sure to antagonise him as much as possible, and then finally, shoot Rook on last time in the standoff.

You might wanna tag that one as spoiler. Please be mindful of them. :sweat_smile:

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And yes, it is possible for a anyone in your crew member to either die, be mortally wounded, or live through the events of the last chapter unscathed. Same goes for Greg. You can also save them if you try hard enough.

Yes, she is an RO. :smile:

You have to gain enough relationship points with her, by either staying silent in conversations with her, or let her heal any wounds you may have. At the end of chapter 3, she will come to your safehouse, you will need to invite her inside.

Thank you very much! I’m glad you enjoyed the game! :smile:

I guess, if enough people want to romance Michael, I can make him at least an option to be romanced in the next game. I’m not saying you can straight up romance him, I’m just saying you can try and see what happens :sweat_smile:

Don’t know… I’m not gonna be working on two games at the same time, so as soon as I’m done with Afar: Mad World, I’ll get right to writing the sequel.

Don’t worry, I already have much of it planned out so it shouldn’t take too long.

It is a bug, and I’m currently writing a fix right now. I will send it as soon as I can.