Never ending loading bar

I’ve just posted the new dev build on here since the old one had a bunch of excess scenes in it from when I was trying to fix it. As you can see, it is back to its original state of never-ending loading bar. Problem still not solved. Also, yes, I did in fact have a goto_scene mixed in there with the goto for sarcomfort. I have edited that in this build.

With this current build, it is still passing quicktest and 1000 random tests, worth noting. So it’s only when I try to upload it to dashingdon. I even tried uploading it to some alternative site called which someone in my game’s forum suggested trying, and it still came up with a 404 error message in that one too. So it’s something I can only assume to do specifically with interacting with something when uploaded. I desperately need help with this, because I’m at an absolute loss. I don’t know what to do, or what to try.

@quartz Correct, I fixed the goto_scene and it still permanently loads. That was a completely separate issue it seems that IDE was able to pick up on.

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And the never ending loading still happens even if you replaced the erronous “goto_scene”? Also, does in stay in the permanent loading state from the same choices as the scene not found issue?

I kind of have an idea, and tested out with a very simple project uploaded to Dashingdon (though this might not be the cause of your problem, but I think it’s worth looking into it)

I’ve noticed that if I go to an empty scene in CSIDE or in my local browser, the game works fine. However, if I run the same code on dashingdon, then I get an error that says that the scene is missing or empty (which it is), followed by an infinite loading indicator.

I’m looking at your scenes that cause your infinite loading and they have code that looks like this:

*if ((chap3p2scene = "sar") and (funeralfeeling = "Mad"))
*if ((chap3p2scene = "sar") and (funeralfeeling = "disappointed"))
*if (chap3p2scene = "kris")

There is no guarantee that any of those conditions are being satisfied (unless you’ve tested every single branch in the game by hand). So I think that the source of your issue might be that in some cases, none of those conditions are being satisfied and you end up with an empty scene and Dashingdon does not know what to do about it.

An easy way to rule this source out is to make a dev variant where you set the variables so that none of those branches trigger (but in a previous scene) and check if the issue still happens.

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So, I made an entire new game as an exact replica for the purposes of testing. I did what you suggested and took out all of the variables that would go make it go to an *if statement in chapter3p2 and chapter3p2b from chapter3p1 and chapter3p1b.

With none of the conditions met, it does not load infinitely and does not give an error. It simply goes to the Coming Soon screen and then ends the game as it should (most likely just going to the next scene from the scene list after the *finish command). So it is definitely not an issue of having nowhere to go or being a blank page.


This is the last thing I can think of, if this doesn’t work you can try contacting Dashingdon directly, because it might be an issue on the site’s end.

From what I remember, the physical file names must match perfectly with the names you list in startup scene list. And the names are different in your case.

The “Chapter2p3b” and a few others have capitalized file names while the entries in the scenes names are all in lower case.


I have no idea how… but it’s fixed. I changed them to all lowercase in the folder then re-added them, but even after that, I checked again and the files still showed up as uppercase in dashingdon. Here’s the actual WiP again, that now seems to be working.

I guess that suggestion did it, and if so, thank you so much. Like, seriously. I still have no idea, but hey, all’s well that ends well I guess. Until the next update when another game breaking bug makes me scour code for nearly 8 hours.


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