NANOWRIMO support group 2023

Today: 968/1667
MTD: 15569/16667

I’ve fallen behind for a few days now.

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I think it’s going well. Unfortunately I kept putting off making an outline of any kind beforehand, so now I just get to forge ahead and hope that whenever I reach the last chapter, on whatever day that is, I have enough words. :woman_shrugging: Onward!


Today: 2014/1667
MTD: 20443/21667

I am continuing to fall behind. I hope I can catch up.

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Sending good vibes for everyone’s progress ~

I’m already noticing the benefits of having taken some time off. I feel so much better, most importantly, and I’m happy to say that writing is feeling less like a chore by the day! I’m relieved to be getting back into my usual swing of “writing is the fun thing I do, not the obligatory thing I do.” I’m about 1/3 of the way through my goal :partying_face:


Today: 3453/1667
MTD: 27,785/30,000

I’m falling more and more behind! :scream:

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I’ve reached the last third of my story with 20,000 words to go. Hrm. Apparently I should’ve padded that middle third a bit more. Well, uh… time to really draw out the ending, I guess… :sweat_smile:

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You can recover and reach your goal easily. And even if not You did a great deal of work and that’s a win.


Today: 2886/1667
MTD: 30,671/31,667

I might get more in today. If I do I’ll catch up.

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Today: 1838/1667
MTD: 32,791/33,333

I guess I can’t post more than two times in a row so here is an update for 11.21:

Today: 1811/1667
MTD: 34,606/35,000


And I’m down to 10,000 words with no idea how I’m going to fill that remaining word count. Padding, I think. Lots of padding.


Spin-offs? Prequels? Side stories going deeper into the experiences of some of the characters? The possibilities are endless.


Getting towards the last week; hope everyone’s progress is going well!

Remember, even if you aren’t hitting the goal you set at the start of the month, even if all you’ve put to paper is one sentence you’re working on your writing. Don’t sell yourself short!


I have drafted Chapter 6 now, am coding Chapter 7, and am at 36,155 words this month so far. So I’m pleased with NaNo progress!


Congrats! That’s a great milestone.

I’m hoping to finish at least one (more) chapter this month; perhaps I should stop adding branches :sweat_smile:


I’m definitely thinking about inserting a flashback (this is a Baldur’s Gate 3 story, adding stuff from BG1/2 is entirely legitimate and not at all cheating cough) and tacking on a long epilogue. I’d rather keep this as contained as I can, I don’t want it taking over my life post-November as well. :sweat_smile:


Hoping everyone is doing well with their writing goals.
Well, almost to the end of the month and it’s kind of a mixed bag for me:

-Linear Novel Down, Down, and Stuck is at 23,163 words.
-New COG hobby project: Super Sorority is at roughly 21,681 words.
-New Content for Dice & Dungeon Masters is at 6,645 words.
So I am at 51,489 words roughly which meets my goal, though it was a pretty fractured effort.

Any progress on my project Dice & Dungeon Masters is good progress. Overall I’m pleased with Down, Down, and Stuck though some sections will probably need a little readjustment and it is probably only 1/3 done itself. Super Sorority remains my ultra-violet sheep - hard to tell if its got wheels or not. Loosely inspired by Gen V its a lot more gritty than I usally write and I’m not sure what category I’d even really put it in if it ever gets officially presented. Also my first time writing something using CSIDE, so there was a huge learning curve with that.

Still, considering it was a busy, hectic month in multiple ways, glad for the writing progress.


Whew. I won. Now I’m going to not do that again for another three or four years, thank you very much. :smile:


Today: 3268/1667
MTD: 51,617/43,333

Mission accomplished.


Very well done on your victories! Wowza!


Also, final push everyone! You can do it!