My Best Friend (Updated 27/02/25)

Oh dang i forgot about that, in my opinion no because that’s kinda (really) gross. Emma would be great :smiley:

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I do…? B-b-because could be means Charlie still has 50% chance not the MC’s dead brother, r-right?


Oooohhhh, that was so great. I couldn’t stop myself until I finished it. I really really really like the narration of the mc thought, it’s so fun to be in the head of the child! It’s actually making me want to write with that style writing of point of view and character, like writing whatever it comes to your mind and be quirky.

Anyway, I noticed that these child kind of thoughts become fewer later on, so I take that it’s a way to say that they are maturing?

Also, I was confused at the bear thing, was that like, a manifestation of the mc fear?


Thanks! Chapter 6 has been half-written, if you’d like to try it. I’m glad you like the narration:) I was afraid it’d be too alienating.

Yes, I’d say Chapter 4 is when they start coming to terms with their emotions, so the game takes a darker turn. I hope it wasn’t too abrupt?

Sort of, and also their sadness. The bear’s also connected to Miss Honey, Joe (a sad giant, who the MC was scared of) and Charlie.


Honestly, for me it’s really abrupt because I was looking for these quirky thoughts. :’) When I didn’t find that much, I thought as mc explained it, that they were tired so they weren’t in the mood for these. I guess it really was a long day for mc. I’m not sure how to take it because it seems abrupt to me, but at the same time, it fits the mood. (Also, is chapter 4 about the Long Day? I didn’t pay much attention to the titles of chapters. I was like, speed reading.)

Also, I am not sure how the emotions work, I mean, I know they can be raised and decreased but it’s confusing me. I think I was too focused on the story that I barely checked the stats xD . It would be great to have an enable option about when one of the emotion increases or decreases there’s a note in the text [Jealousy decreased] for example. But again, I could probably understand if I check it more often. But, the emotions raise depending on the choices or the situations mc is in? As with the Smith family in the beginning, the fear was really high at that time when the door slammed.

Oh and, I want to try!

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Now, after having playing it again. I think I was actually biased because I liked the thoughts too much. XD

As for the emotions, it’s based on the situations so, I don’t think the option about the emotion going up or down will matter for the choices as these indications are usually to indicate what the choice did.

I like how the choices matter, like, no stats based but, the choices from your decision to hang out with someone or not for example.


I’ll work on that then. In Chapter 4, “a lot of things happen at once”.

Emotions influence choices and reactions. For instance, if the MC’s Fear gets over 100, they won’t get a choice of running from Joe in Chapter 3; they’ll just run and the other path that was available, disappears. Whereas if it gets below 1, the choice to run will be greyed out.

Maybe I should enable the [Jealousy decreased] option. Emotions need better signposting. They’re raised based on both. For instance, in Chapter 1, choices barely influence Emotions; interactions with the villagers do. I wanted to hint that the end of Chapter 1 is a sort of emotional breakdown for the MC.

Thanks, I am trying to make them matter. Chapter 4 is especially branchy.

Welcome aboard:) Bear in mind that it’s a very underdeveloped chapter atm though.


Very interesting so far! I do feel a bit overwhelmed going into it though. You get introduced into a bunch of characters early on and it is a bit hard to keep track of them. Then it is kinda hard to figure out what is happening with stats. My jealousy kept rising and I was not sure how to bring it down or what I was doing to raise it. Those are my only real issues though! All the characters seem to have distinct personalities and it is fun playing off them as a naive young kid. Charlie is also very interesting. He seems to be a ghost? Of your dead brother? Or he could just be a figment of your imagination. I was certainly very hooked by the end of the demo though!


I agree the stats were confusing, but I didn’t really mind. This is probably the first game I’ve played so far that I felt was totally not stats-driven; I kept checking them only out of curiosity. It’s refreshing, and so’s the writing itself and a child’s POV. Long story short, loved it. Although a more proper conclusion’d be cool - but you’re not putting it up intentionally, if I’m not mistaken, so it’s fine. :))
Caught a few typos.

Oh, and one more thing - I hadn’t realized at first Andy’s a guy’s name, so the masculine pronouns confused me at first (I thought it was just a feminine alternative to Annie) - might be just me though. :))

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No big update yet, but I thought people might like this depiction of the MC’s Emotions:


So I’ve hopefully improved the game since last year. I’m working on illustrations now, and sort of like the idea of optional sound effects (like rain) to make it more immersive?

As for the writing, I’m hoping to tone down the angst in the later chapters, and maybe add more paths in Chapter 4 and reveal more about Charlie. I think it should be a happy story, ultimately. Hopefully it’ll get finished this year.

As always, feel free to post, pm or vote in the polls. I’m interested in your opinions and don’t mind blunt criticism. Thanks for reading:)


A really,really cute game with lots of potential! I really haven’t played such a story before, it’s so unique✨ It has such a…vibe to it haha
Anyhow, I feel like I’m gonna dream with rain and cute dogs and dancing frogs tonight❤️
I really can’t wait for you to finish it!


122B, let me know when you are ready to have this reopened.

Update (07/08/2021):

  • Added illustrations and music/sound effects. More will be added soon.
  • Added Chapter 4, with new content (if you’ve played it before).
  • Romance won’t be included after all. I’m sorry to disappoint anyone, including it just didn’t sit right with me for this particular story.

I’d appreciate any feedback you have (there’s some guidelines in the first post if you’re not sure), thank you for trying out the game and voting on the polls too.

@NervousPenguin, @Jeeshadow1 and @pometlo, this is a bit late, but thanks for posting and giving feedback. You made my day!


This is so wholesome :two_hearts:


Sad their won’t be romance but I understand! Glad this story is back!


The dead brother idea sounds very neat. I’m down for that.

As for the story itself I like it very much, don’t understand all of it, but that’s part of why I do.

This is in addition to being the most British story I’ve ever read. Kept waiting for them to find Captian Price, and talk about toast sandwiches while “Pack up your troubles in your old kit bag.” Starts playing, so you definitely have the atmosphere down.

The worst thing I can say about it is that the role of the player isn’t made clear enough in the story, not everyone is gonna be reading this forum. The reason Inside out had the emotions be tiny people (aside from marketing.) Is so that we could understand who’s calling the emotional shots. So maybe you should establish what we are. Are we a guardian angel, a ghost, an imaginary friend? It doesn’t feel like this is supposed to be up to interpretation. Maybe it is, but it doesn’t feel that way probably because there isn’t a single in story clue.

I shall leave with a song Charlie reminds me of. Old Man Miller, it’s innocent, brings back memories, and they’re probably dead, but no one saw it, so they don’t care. I like that song, listen to every once in a while when I want to feel nostalgic.

Edit almost forgot, love the sound effects, but I wish there were more.Screenshot_20210813-035445_DuckDuckGo|690x458
Look that seems like something that needs a fire effect, maybe some rain on roof for the pharmacy.

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