Monsters of New Haven High - last update 4/02

Only if they can actually stab you with it. Just because you have a silver weapon it doesn’t mean you win. They’re just kids playing with fire, and might just get themselves killed. :smirk:


Underestimating them may lead to our own demise.


I am not worried about two edgy teenagers who think themselves monster hunters. My wendigo will continue to grow stronger, and soon no human will be able to hurt him! :grinning:

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I’ve seen some people talking about their MCs so i figured I’d give it a go.

[details=Summary]Name: Elison Tepes
Age: 18
Height: “5’5”
Frame: Small
Hair: White chin length
Eyes: Black? (not sure if they’re still red)
Gender: Trans man
Clothing: Mix of male and female (no skirts or dresses). Sexy :wink:
Short bio: He tries his best to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, even if they wanna shank him.
Wants to get along with all the other monsters and humans in school. He’d never judge a monster for doing what they need to do to survive or sticking with their culture. Romance wise he’s not opposed to starting something with Caleb on the more casual side as long as it’s enjoyable. Again he gets that monogamy from him isn’t exactly possible. Loves to immerse himself in his hauntingly beautiful art as it gives him a calming release.
As for the weirdness going on he definitely wants to talk with the other monsters so they can all figure this out. He’d consider himself to be a caretaker of sorts and just wants everyone ti be ok, also has a protective side.[/details]
EDIT [details=Summary]Forgot to mention that he’ll only take on new people (he doesn’t like the term servant) if they’re right for him. Meaning he wants to be able to have conversations and friendships with them.[/details]

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I’m not saying the plan is successful, I’m just saying it’s the most competent one.

Plan? Was that a plan?! What exactly was their plan? Kill the MC in front of the school and then explain to the police that they are monster hunters? I am rolling on the floor laughing imagining the scene. :joy:


Hmm are people getting bugs from the dashington link after a few choices?

You fold your arms and stare at the twins while Artemis chants, sings, and stands in various poses. Hunter seems frustrated that the patterns he is making with the lighter are meaningless to you.

_Finally Artemis bursts out, “Why aren’t you paying attention to the lighter?”

“I don’t have anything that I need to light,” you answer.

“But your kind are afraid of fire!” Artemis yells, glaring at you.

“So are yours,” you point out. You give a little wave as you continue on to the building.

Priceless. :smiley: Please tell me that one of Artemis’ poses was the “I’m a little teapot” stance.

By the way, are wendigos actually supposed to be afraid of fire? If not, then previous commenters are right and Hunter/Artemis are up the creek without a paddle. Perhaps they’re simply overconfident teenagers who watched one too many movies.


Careful not to get overconfident. As Mao Zedong would’ve said, a single spark can start a prairie fire.

Some myths tell of the Wendigo as having an icy heart, and that burning will kill the monster as a result. Considering Wendigos are monsters normally encountered in the winter, this would make sense.

Obviously, Sashira kept some legends, but not others.


But if they knew that burning kills wendigos, why wouldn’t Artemis have used her lighter in the initial fight? She’d been smoking a cigarette just before the fight, after all.

For that matter, why are they just waving the lighter at me instead of trying to burn me? Not that I’m complaining, but it still seems as though they don’t really know what they’re doing.


They don’t know vapires used to be human, so they need to brush up on monster lore :blush:


[quote=“anon49824592, post:3306, topic:7014, full:true”]
But if they knew that burning kills wendigos, why wouldn’t Artemis have used her lighter in the initial fight? She’d been smoking a cigarette just before the fight, after all.[/quote]

During the initial fight, Artemis/Hunter was probably to pissed off to think clearly and use their lighter.

Correct; they really don’t know what they are doing. Remember, in the bit posted above, Artemis was also chanting/posing/etc. Maybe they thought some magic might flare up the lighter and engulf the Wendigo…

And as for the chanting, some legends hold that it is a cannibal spirit which takes over a human…aka…a possession and turns someone into a Wendigo (this is not the route Sashira went with). As Artemis and Hunter don’t know better, essentially performing an exorcism makes sense depending on the info they dug up.

Artemis and Hunter definitely are beginning monster hunters. Will they make mistakes? Certainly, and in practice this would kill a lot of monster hunters until they find out what works and doesn’t work. Still, that is certainly a couple steps above everyone else around them who would laugh at the existence of monsters.

Of course, if there is a monster hunter secret society, then Artemis and Hunter would be prime candidates for them.

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@Lys If Artemis and Hunter are prime candidates that monster hunting society is absolutely fu****


Heh, I didn’t say they would be leading said society. They are definitely ignorant (look at their attempts to quell the MC), but they are willing to learn…and an experienced group could certainly teach them, assuming Artemis/Hunter don’t let their stubbornness overcome them.

Just my take, but a successful hunter society would look for the following:

  1. A belief in monsters. That is obvious; tell someone you think your neighbor is a vampire, and Bigfoot scrounges through your trash, they might suggest that character needs help.

  2. Physically fit. Maybe not a necessity, but definitely a major plus.

  3. Ability to learn. Once again, someone who is new to the supernatural will not necessarily know what works/doesn’t work…and this would lead to a lot of dead, lone hunters.

For that matter, I always liked the idea that some monsters might pretend to have a vulnerability, but actually don’t. After all, if someone is buying up a bunch of silver for bullets, they might not have the cash for other things…


Fair points. But they really should think things through otherwise they won’t live long enough to actually do anything. I mean, I don’t know if I’m remembering correctly and I can’t reread the demo at the moment but I think at some point Hunter threatened my vampire MC with a switchblade? That’s just plain reckless and stupid… That said, I did kind of kiss his aspiring monster hunter sister behind a garage shop… So maybe he wasn’t in a state to think normally.


Oh, I agree that the two would need self-discipline as well if they expect to last more than a few nights.

However, as they showed they were capable of doing some research, even if it was done via the Internet, to plan for their next encounter…which would still have earned them a quick death if the MC was feeling merciful.

More seriously, given how they react (especially if you tell them you were once human as a wendigo/vampire), I figure something happened to their mother recently, and they are thinking more on vengeance rather than logic.


Since it’s established (and been discussed in this thread) that the monster lore in this game comes from a variety of sources as well as some original twists, maybe Hunter and Artemis are incredibly well-versed in monster mythology–just the wrong kind.

Are monsters common knowledge beyond their own communities? When someone looks up “accurate werewolf info” I assume they aren’t going to immediately stumble onto MonsterNet. It’s possible the twins and whoever else they’re working or training with are very well-versed in a variety of different mythologies, but just don’t have access to accurate information on the reality of the monsters.

Admittedly I myself am not well-versed in many of the monsters beyond the werewolf or the twins’ history, so I might be off the mark, but just looking at what’s going on that’s what I’d primarily guess.


I think it would be interesting to interact with a Banshee antagonist and have to deal with them constantly whining at you for really stupid reasons, but you cant disagree with them, or they’ll explode your face with sound. :laughing:

Fun Fact:


Not that I can speak for Sashira, but my answer would be ‘no’, the information isn’t common. Obviously, at some point humans did encounter the various monsters, and this would have made it into legends, myths, stories, etc. And like any good, but old story some of it may be accurate but other facets would be wrong. And I did mention the possibility that monsters would also put out false information.

Just a slight clarification, but as far as we know, the twins aren’t part of a monster hunting group. I was just speaking hypothetically there.

And now I’m picturing a music teacher as being a banshee :wink: