I want to present you the project that I will be working on! (ノ≧ヮ≦ )ノ
Miracle Hearts! A Magical Girl Adventure & Romance Game with Anime stylistic graphics.
I’m a big fan of Visual Novels, specially those directed towards a female audience.
When I found Choice of Games,I was utterly happy! I wanted to make games of my own games too (*ơ ₃ ơ)~! Which is why I came up with this project that I will be working on!
With out further due, here is the presentation! Enjoy!
Miracle Hearts ☆
http://miracle.desiderium.co.cc/ ( under construction! )
Genre: Magical Girl, Fantasy, Romance, Drama.
Routes: GxB ( Girl x Boy ) & GxG ( Girl x Girl )
You’ll be able to choose between 6 available characters, each one with a different route, personality and multiple unique endings each! As one of the characters, you’ll be able to become a Magical Girl who fights evil!
Friendship and Love will be important parts of the game too, each relationship you make will give advantages ( or disadvantages ) leading your way to a unique story line!
Depending on your choices, you can follow happy, comedic and classic plot-line or more obscure, mature and deconstructive one. It will all depend on you!
The game is primary targeted to a female audience; however, there will be enough choices to have an “action/adventure” plot line for interested male players too! ( And the Option to Skip Romance if they want to. )
While for now there won’t be male playable characters, some of the available characters will be relatable enough for an easy play aside the player’s gender!
Each Route will have Special and Unique event CG’s which you will be able to collect through out all of the game, once the collection of a route is complete it will form a password that will allow you to gain access to special content on the web like route guides, special bonus chapters and content of that particular route!
Stay Tuned for future Updates!
Next Week I hope to bring you the first poster showing the playable characters in their civilian & magical attire! (ㆁᴗㆁ✿)