MetaHuman Inc. -- The finest superpowers money can buy!

Does anyone know how to recruit Esme the Sihuanaba (the wild supernatural creature)?

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First order of business is getting her to talk to you. (I don’t remember all the variables for that, my MC just approached her directly, with high Compassion).
Then you need either high Candor or Guile (over 66) for her to agree to the job offer, then agree to her terms (feeding her unfaithful men).


Thank you very much, I’ve been after this creature for so long! :joy:

If you possess Candor 66, do you know if Esme will see through your lie if you accept her conditions but have no intention of keeping them, or will she believe you anyway? I have my suspicions as to what the answer is but I would have them confirmed, but only if its not an inconvenience to you. Its fine if you don’t know.

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You need an even higher Candor for her to believe your lie. Above 80, if memory serves. If it is lower than that, don’t bother. (Genuine acceptance of her terms will give a Compassion penalty, but it is not critical, I think).


Thanks again. Do you know if Esme actually comes up again at any point in the story, or is that the only scene in which we see her?

Further questions for anyone to answer:

  1. In the first staff meeting in February, Winston brings up a plan in order to reduce the company’s overheads. Is there an option that’s “the most effective” for MetaHuman? Are certain choices for this beneficial for different reasons?
  2. What does catching a glimpse of the “mystery assailant” actually accomplish? Does it help with the deduction of their true identity later on?
  3. Does anyone know how to most effectively deal with the employee known as John? In the April staff meeting, Winston Q reports a troublesome employee named John Brandlemoor who, after a falling out with his immediate boss Ellen Dane, threatens to contact his union rep if the higher-ups don’t present him with a better offer. In my attempts to make John disappear, it is later revealed that he escapes MetaHuman’s grasp as he has detailed knowledge of their methods of dealing with dissent. Is it possible to make him disappear? If not, which is the next best option possible?
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1 it depends, if you go all the way you get more monthly resources. Since they are the hardest to get I recommend getting those unless you have some serious luck and invest. But you can boost other stats like morale and research but won’t get as many resources

2 not much, it’s mostly an achievement, it’s not really that important so don’t worry too much about it

3 honestly it’s a choose your losses, I prefer the second from the top or “can he do BLANK’s job?” As it just causes minor morale loss but not much

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Thank you.

So going all the way with Winston’s plan won’t have a detrimental effect on the business?
And so there’s no way to deal with John without giving him what he wants or him escaping?

Also, for anyone willing to answer:

  1. When are all the opportunities where you able to use the Enhancements: Technopathy, Psi-activator, Probability Filter, and Time Skipper?
  2. How can you avert Greg Rogan’s hostage crisis without incurring any loss of life, thus attaining the achievement “Lifesaver”?
  3. How high of a percentage does your Research Staff have to be in order for them to create a genie/jinni flask powerful enough to contain the jinn indefinitely as opposed to temporarily?
  4. I strongly suspect that the answer to this one is ‘no’, but is it possible to attain the power of the Surgeons AND still retain the support of MetaHuman; or attain the power then betray the Surgeons and defeat them with MetaHuman?

Does anyone know how to 100% percent complete all the enchantments?


Employ Nemesis, then capture the Sihuanaba. That allows you to not have to spend anything upgrading Witchery. Get all the Witchery enhancements as soon as possible, then once you have them all, start reversing your development towards Superscience. It’s good to get the enhancements that are neither Witchery nor Superscience early when you can too, as they contribute to income, but wait at least for the bonus development from working with ORPHEUS on Psi-Activator to come before developing it fully, to save money.


How do I defeat the Surgeons by using the Djinn flask? Is it possible for my staff to perfectly imitate it? What percentage do I need for my staff in order to perfect it?

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You can succeed at this, but you need a stat of >=95% in either Witchery or Superscience in order for the flask your staff creates to be successful.

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Make part two please :face_holding_back_tears:


Yes, please make a sequel :face_holding_back_tears: @PaulGresty

This was my first CoG game and after all these years, probably still my favourite. I would love to see a sequel for your second year as CEO, although I guess the huge difference in endings makes it rather difficult. It feels like a much longer game despite its modest word count compared to newer titles. But this one has a special place in my heart :smiling_face:

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Alas, a sequel doesn’t really work when you have a broad range of outcomes.

Yeah as great as this game was there is no real way to sequel, it was a nice standalone book that did what it did. Still one of my favorites after all this time.

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Ah, it warms my stony heart to hear you say that, @Engulfed … Yeah, I’m still immensely proud of MetaHuman. As for another MetaHuman game, whether a direct sequel or something else… Maybe? It took me so long to write Wraiths of SENTINEL that I needed a break afterwards to do something different for a bit… But maybe it’s time for some more CoG writing? Shrugs


Maybe a prequel about Katariki instead? His callousness (I detected that, but my spider sense is somewhat busted so XD) seems not originally part of his personality.

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I feel like a man who would invite a full-scale alien invasion of Earth just to cure his cancer was probably pretty callous to begin with.


Hey @PaulGresty, wow I wasn’t expecting to reach the author of the game, I’m honored. I really should have checked back sooner. Thank you again!

There’s something about MetaHuman Inc that just makes it really fun to play over and over. I think the other games like Orpheus Ruse didn’t work quite as well but they were still interesting - maybe it’s the way the game is structured in months and how much variation there is each individual segment. The story is always taking new turns so it stays interesting throughout. And it builds up in a satisfying way too, with lots of strange new twists. I also liked the monthly meetings and the way resource management is handled.

Actually, when I played the game for the first time, I thought sorcery was completely ridiculous to include in the game (I was hoping more sci-fi, the supertech side) but the game won me over because it works so well with story.

As for a potential sequel, MetaHuman Inc. feels complete and can stand on its own, so a sequel isn’t really necessary. But there’s also potential for more. I know a continuation of the story might be problematic but I think there might be some ways around that.

Maybe the story could start with the player character in a holding cell (the detention facilities at your disposal at CEO) while the Board decides what to do with you. If you ended the game with their favor, maybe they do it to protect you from an outside party.

Perhaps the storyline could revolve (or start off with and escalate from there) around a conflict between the Metahuman Board and a hostile third party - Psion, Orpheus, or perhaps even the Surgeons if they succeeded in their invasion (maybe the Board is fighting them and has managed to contain them somewhat, or if not, maybe they’re cleaning up the remnants).

With this type of storyline, characters like Anaru (or one of his clones) or Nemesis could make a return.

I really liked the interaction with Nemesis when you deal with the sniper situation (where you ask for his help and he instantly appears before you - that whole sequence was really cool). Maybe he could help break you out against another threat? The ones he wanted protection from? This could open other storylines too - perhaps he becomes your mentor and teaches you sorcery and so on. I think there’s potential here - you just move the story to some other dimension, in the way Metahuman switched it up by going to the Surgeon homeworld.

Or I guess this same storyline could work with a player character who’s being held for some reason.

Anyway, just some potential ideas, I’m sure you’ll come up with something better but maybe they can help.

He did seem to show remorse towards the end and take actions to make up for his transgressions - isn’t he willing to sacrifice himself fighting the Surgeons? There’s a redemption arc there.

Or maybe his cancer changed him. It was brain cancer after all.

I think a prequel could be interesting but maybe experienced through another character rather than Anaru.

edit I keep wanting to write Sturgeon instead of Surgeon haha :sweat_smile: brain isn’t working today

Btw I might have noticed a small error that survived all these years. In the sniper situation/Nemesis interaction I mentioned above, the game seems to think you’re using the superspeed enhancement rather than Nemesis turning you invisible. It’s just a short line there but it seems to be an error.