Lord of Dust (WIP) (updated 01/02/16) (Now With Playable Demo)

Found a typo when you are there in your mind at the arena fight with Levan "The 2th figure raises it’s hand to point at you. "

Thanks for catching that, but it’s kinda unfixable as it uses a random number, so it could be 2th or 5th or whatever like that

Why not use an if statement?

If x = 1 then suffix = st
if x = 2 then suffix = nd
if x = 3 then suffix = rd
else suffix = th

naturally you’ll want to adopt that to choice script and you’ll want a way to check the last digit only but it is fixable :smile:

Otherwise you’ll want to re-write it to avoid the problem.

*if master_rand < 13
	*If master_rand = 1 
		suffix = st
	*if master_rand = 2
		suffix = nd
	*if master_rand = 3 
		suffix = rd
	*If master_rand > 3 
		suffix = th
	The ${master_rand}&{suffix} figure raises it's hand to point at you.

should fix it, thanks for the tip.

yeah it gets kinda fun since after 10th we have 11th, 12th, 13th, etc up to 21 where it becomes 21st again rinse and repeat.

Does anyone think more death is a good idea? What i mean is that as my game stands so far there is no way to die. I don’t want the reader constantly dying and looping but a little more danger might help at the same time.

I was thinking of adding more options to both the chase and the boss fight so you can actually die.


Edit: Dang I renamed the links and now the beautiful 1.2k clicks is gone :cry: RIP in Peace

Rest in peace 1200 grands’ link. :scream::sob:
Yeah the chase should be thrilling, so why not death.

Sorry for the slow progress recently everyone. I’m right in the middle of applying to universities and the workload is killing me. Should get much faster soon. Still I did add a sizable chunk to the slave camp scene XD

Wish me luck :stuck_out_tongue:


Good luck! :stuck_out_tongue: I too have exams from 14 of December so been busy.

Annoyingly difficult to write good/lovable characters for me. Anyone else feel that? I mean making a character hateble is easy but lovable? Bleehhhhh

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I had the same problem but then I figured “Meh, just write them how I think they’d act and let people love them or hate them however”

Although that might explain why mine are so boring :).

I haven’t seen enough of Tyres to know if I like him or not yet. I abandoned him as soon as possible because I always play the asshole :wink:

I don’t write stuff so I have no experience of that, maybe ask some other authors like Jean town, horn head fan or someone else.
OR just write the way @Maxmansung does.

But see I HAVE to make the reader fall in love with this character…so I can kill him viciously later.

Mwah ha ha ha ha

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@Imon man that was some baddass scene you writed in the pit, love it xDD

Aw thanks!
I can’t wait to get back to writing after my hiatus. Out of curiosity who did you fight?

Gigo, also rember trowing a rock to his face when he was in the pit vs ashani xD
but man fighting him and burning him to ashes is nice :smile:
cant wait for Rida and Jaan turn to get tanned (you know what i mean ¬kukuku¬ )

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Uhhhhhhhh you might be waiting longer than you think :p, for Jaan at least. Rida can get f***** amirite? :wink:


I found that matter would be the strongest you can crumble a city at the flick of your wrist AND CONTROL MATTER

See that’s what I thought tooo, but aint nobody likes matter apparently. Has no one any respect for Full Metal Alchemist? XD

That’s true, but who doesn’t wanna shoot a guy with pure energy sith lord style? :joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat:

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