Please write! I don’t see enough fanfic around. ;w;
@Redthegamr Hope you like angst! lol
your silence covers me (an awful sound) (1550 words) by impeccably_stressed
Chapters: 1/2
Fandom: Children of the Gods (Interactive Fiction)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: Female Bearer, Saint Augustine, Calypso Iman, Santiago de Vera, Adonis Amour, Aeson Thantos
Additional Tags: Angst, Whump, Depression?, definitely PTSD, Abandonment Issues, Post-First Trial, but definitely vague about any details, MC hates raisins and dill weed, MC is me in that regard, Bearer is female but unnamed, Second person POV
Summary:The Bearer just wanted some fucking fries. [For the Art and Appreciation event on the Choice of Games Forums]
I DO like angst. Thanks!
EDIT: I’m laughing so hard. Plllleeeease. Can BearerxFries just be canon.
Maybe? But as of right now, only the competing ship of SaintxFries is sailing.
excuse me, but i’m all in for team BearerxSanti’s Oreo.
Oh hellllll no. BearerxFries is canon-- she even bought them herself!
hey uhhhhh
is this event still going on?
Authors always appreciate fan art so I can’t see why not (But I didn’t make the event )
Oh my god! Nyx is such a cutie patootie!!!
I think your shading is fine, and I know your pain when it comes to drawing legs. I ended up cropping my drawing of Vess to the tops of her thighs because fuuuuuuuck that! lol
And as for smoother lineart. It depends on the program you use and the size of the canvas and the size of the canvas you’re drawing on.
I LOVE YOUR STYLE.Sorry for the caps, it’s just so cute!
Thank you so much, I thought the shading was a little bit off. But your opinion made me feel more confident about it
Thank you. I really appreciate your opinion about my artstyle
Kingdoms MC: What a strange fellow. And is that a child behind him? Peculiar garments and choice of arms.
SoH MC: This dandy related to the Baron? And did Masami make a new friend? I’ve seen those eyes before, they’re trouble. Ain’t takin no chances with this lot!
TBL MC: These two irritate me. I’ll cut them.
I think it would be an interesting fight
(Wowsers! Everyone here is so talented!)
Hi hello yes this is absolutely adorable and so so so cute and I love how soft and fluffy she looks its great!!