Life of a Wizard

If there will ever be a sequel, please name it “Wife of a Lizard”.

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@stsword: A “Pax Daria” can only be enforced on the world by destroying any kingdom that might challenge your power. Realpolitik for the win.

Wife of a lizard?,loll? >_>, and thanks @Redgrave !, personally I love how you can be super evil or good, start out with mean parents or not, I especially love how you can have a love from so many places and startings, but truly about the golden age n stuff I almost got it but I was down by like one peace point, I haven’t done the conquer the world, mostly cause while I can do individual acts of evil, I can’t be evil in the large scheme of things, I’m too nice Dx, enjoyed being a necromancer and all that also, adore having the familiars, the snake being my favorite and the dragon being my second favorite<3

I made the two big endings challenging. Same with some side lines, like Druid. :slight_smile: I figured that they’d be more rewarding with the higher difficulty.

All of these great comments, If you get a chance, I’d love it if you posted the good ones to the app stores you bought them in. :slight_smile:

@loelet Great title. :slight_smile:


Bought Life of a Wizard and would like to say I enjoyed it a lot. :slight_smile:

Ramidel, Pax Romano was not named ironically, it was a period of relative peace and dominance, just like Pax Americana or Pax Britannia. And last time I looked America didn’t nuke every other country, because I’m not playing a live action version of Fallout. :slight_smile:

Besides, why would the MC have to choose between conquering the world or making a global golden age? What if the MC just wants to make Daria a country nobody else is willing to mess with, or make Daria a paradise, let the elves make their country a utopia too if they want one? Or is meglomania a side effect of immense magical power?

Or for that matter, why not ally with a country or two and then conquer the world together?  Like say the country you ally with by having their princess marry the king?     

Finally started a golden age though.  

Personally I found druid thing kind of annoying, oops you're too nice you're no longer a druid.  I am a dnd player, but being required to metaphorically kick puppies to stay a druid is kind of funny.  

But I've become archmage, started a golden age, made my kid royal mage after me, become a lich, become archbishop, become archmage, fathered a king, slain a dragon, become angelic.

Sadly not all at the same time, because that would be sweet. :slight_smile:

Pity we couldn’t pick up the multiple familiar feat anywhere. Does familiar choice affect anything at all or is it just cosmetic?

Crap! I have been waiting for this for such a long time, but now I have to choose between writing an essay that’s due tomorrow and and buying and playing this game…

I choose the game, I think. I can make up crap for an essay tomorrow morning before class.

There are a few places where you can have a special option if you have a particular familiar, but for those most part it’s cosmetic. Having any familiar will help against the Dragon though.

@stsword: The Pax Romana was established by conquering the Mediterranean, though. The Pax Mongolica was established by conquering China and Central Asia. And the Pax Americana may not have conquered the world, but part of how we maintain peace is by being able to beat down anyone who starts a war. (As for the Pax Britannica, that was only a naval peace, established by control of the seas.) I suppose you’re looking for a way to be strong enough to conquer the world and then not do so?

That said, I’d definitely like an option to not try for either. Maybe make the Golden Age/World Conquest/Focus on the Kingdom option at the endpoint, rather than when you first take power.

Congrats on the release! Haven’t had the honour of playing it yet, but I did buy it, judging by the response your getting i hope we see more games to come

Yes, Ramidel, I can see having the power to conquer the world without needing to use it as a goal in and of itself.

For one thing, I imagine it makes for awkward dinner conversation when you marry the king off to the elven princess and then you go around and burn her forest to the ground.

I finally managed to conquer the world, now the only accomplishments I haven’t gathered are perfect party and archdruid.

Druidism has begone to annoy me, I’m either too good or too evil (and on the too evil playthrough I was just kicking puppies to try to qualify for druid), sigh.

Everyone forgets the Pax Ottomana.
And Pax Americana? What is this propaganda?

Well, I agree that we should have an inward-focus option instead of either trying to set up a golden age or an empire. Or you can just build up a super-army and then not use it (must try that sometime).

As for druidism, ideally, I want alignment to be between 31 and 39 when I go visit the orcs, then kill the boar and refuse the pixie reward. Either necromancy or poisoning the fighters (not both) is a good way to get your alignment down a bit; then adjust upwards by refusing rewards as needed. (When I’m going for druidism, my favorite starting lifepath is elven dark-priest, if that helps.)

I’ll have to give that a try, thanks Ramidel.

And Drazen, the pax americana started in 1946, so way to pay attention there. lol

@stsword I was being disparaging. But nevermind.

This is goo
[mod deletion of 1,000 "o"s without line breaks – please don’t do it again, P0RT3R, it fucks with other people’s ability to read the page comfortably]
od !

how do we become archbishop

Be a priest.

Yes, be a priest, remain good or evil, whichever you chose, and when given the opportunity study being a priest, and you’ll get the job.

Which reminds me, on my latest playthrough on trying to be a druid I was too good to be an evil priest and then too evil to remain a druid. The MC should form his own religion, who’s with me? lol

I have to say this game is pretty fun. The one thing I have to point out is that this game feels a little bit more on the “game-y” side of the choice of games. In order to get some of the achievements, the player will have to keep a close eye on his stats. This makes it a little harder to focus on the story. The other observation is that the game seems to reward diversification more than specialization and to get the best endings, the MC has to max out almost all of his stats. It’s not necessarily a bad thing, but just something I noticed as having stood out.