like title saids just wondering if there are any new games coming
and if so what are they
Wizards Life (I think its called) should be coming out really soon. It got submitted to the app store for an initial review a few weeks ago.
is there a beta testing part still
or can you give me some idea as to what it is about besides being a wizard
A Wizard’s life is out now! Check the apple/android store.
oh booo android /apple lol
i only got google chrome/pc
It’s in the Chrome Store too. All three: Chrome Store, Google Play and iOS App Store.
Wow I must say that while it wasn’t as descriptive as other games, it was surely a lot more in depth with the amount stats and choices. Easily one of my favorite choice games ever.
are you planning on ever selling a game of yours? i love your games…well game
Serial Killer is being worked on. BUT I don’t know if we could ever make it up to the standards JimD and Nocturnal did with ZE or Unnatural or Vendetta.
thanx just bought it 1.99 is a good price
Eventually but will be F2P online too.