Kindle considerations

We love you Amazon!! /not

Sucks. Ah well.

@eposic Not surprising. @jasonstevanhill posted two weeks ago or so that Wizard’s Choice doesn’t use CS on Kindle or Android.

Android? You sure? Seems to support web apps from what I’ve seen.

@CJW You were present for the conversation in the “How do you ‘see’ hosted games?” thread. @jasonstevanhill didn’t say what Sam Lindstrom’s reasons were, only that Sam didn’t use CS for Kindle or Android. I doubt web app support was the issue on Android, but it does kind of imply that he figured he might as well use his Kindle solution for Android as well.

Fair shout, thanks :slight_smile:

There are web apps and there are native apps. The Kindle can handle CS web apps just fine, and I suspect so can the Android. Either one should be able to handle custom JS that adheres to the ECMAScript standard. It’s when you move to native apps that JS becomes a problem for the Kindle. I’m not sure how much of a problem it is for Android native apps.