Kill To Survive (WIP) (DEMO)

Thank you :slight_smile: English is not my first language so I made these mistakes all the time.

Everyone in the group respects him and trusts his advice.

Maybe change this so you’re not just telling the reader what everyone feels, perhaps something like:

“Although one of the oldest in the group, his voice carries an unchallenged authority that forces back Jake’s own rage, if only for a moment.”


I always write stories with simple English. I don’t like writing complicated sentences. So all or the sentences in the game will be so simple so everyone who doesn’t know English well can understand it.

Yeah am going solo people can get you killed but if you die solo then it was only your fault for not being good

Can we be a bit like negan with the sarcasm

Jake grits his teeth angrily and leaves. “I knew you would do such a thing.” Alex says with a smile on her face.


Also is the title final or just working title cause its kinda “not good” imo

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