Keeper of the Sun and Moon (WIP)

Rereading the game again, I’m kind of happy that I don’t dislike any of my suitemates.

Astrid is bae, as always. Anyone that spends 1000$ on me as a gift is okay in my book.

Kol is the friendly, cooperative person who prevents shit from hitting the fan.

Thalia wants to punch stuff. I can respect that.

Seraphina’s ‘zero fucks given’ personality is always welcome.

Considering Yakov could’ve turned into an ‘edgelord’ stereotype, I’m quite glad that he didn’t go down that path and instead became a calm, observant person.

I can’t even bring myself to hate Leon. Sure, he’s obnoxious at times, but the man’s got connections. Besides, he’s my roommate, so I might as well get along with him.


Calling it now he’s probably the most powerful member of our group. I just love how he’s basically chill with everybody.

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I wouldn’t be so quick to judge.

Everyone in the group seems to have the potential to be the most powerful. Even the MC, what with that explosion when you fought the gorgon.

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I mean currently the most powerful. The MC will of course be the strongest in the end. That dream and Gorgan incident were proof enough.
Plus main character previlages>side character previlages


Hello! :grinning: I’ve just done a playthrough of this, and will be reading through the code and giving feedback in installments as I go through. You can blame thank @ParrotWatcher for me checking this out, by the way :stuck_out_tongue:

So this was quite fun. I’m quite taken with, well, several of the characters… I like most of them, especially Kol (:blush:). I ended up with a dragon character (dragons are fun :smiley:), though I do also rather like the idea of a regular human, so I may try for that coming up.

It’s pretty much mandatory for me to talk about cute guys in all my posts, so… well, I was taken with Kol as soon as he said “‘And this one’s Leon,’ says Kol. ‘He’ll be nicer once we get to know him, I’m sure.’”
Such a sweetie :blush:
But I also enjoy how he’s not just “bland generic nice guy” inasmuch as he also keeps a sense of humor about him, gets some little characterizing stuff with wanting his sleep, and is just so generally in earnest all the time. Okay, there was one conversation where he was a little on edge, so I’m potentially worried about what might be going on here, but… we’ll see…
(I’m also curious about the shifter thing :thinking: and am I seeing him in his definite default form, or can he even shift how he appears as a human at all? Interesting possibilities… [:innocent:])

Altair’s probably the next cutest :thinking: he was also the only age-appropriate guy I met for quite a while, so there is that :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: but yeah, I am thinking it would be fun to try romancing him with a nephillim, because :innocent:/:smiling_imp: is a fun dynamic. I didn’t see much of Yakov, but if I make a regular human character, maybe I’ll send him that way :thinking:

Platonically speaking, I enjoy Thalia banter, and Astrid is, well, generally amusing, anyway :stuck_out_tongue:

Aside from all that, I really enjoy the magic stuff :grin: I’m really excited about these classes, even just from the descriptions, especially ritual magic and magic theory. I want to become a magic theorist :man_scientist:

Grammatically, I was sorta wondering about “magi” being a singular term? :confused: I guess that’s at least more gender-neutral than “magus” or “maga” but it did cause me a few double-takes.

Okay, on to the specifics! First two chapters, so far.

general comments

(first chapter)

#We’ve just met, so I haven’t decided on my opinion of her yet.

(This was in reference to Astrid.) We get this option if you have more negative feelings about the magic world. I wonder, why not include this option if you have positive feelings as well? There aren’t as many options under the positive ones, and it’s an eminently reasonable way to feel about Astrid at that early point, either way.

And yeah, I’m going for a general attitude where my character is interested in the new magic world, but still really overwhelmed and missing all the stuff left back at home (family, previous life, etc.) so very mixed feelings…

Also, hearing “Any injuries gained in the simulation will feel realistic, but will not carry into the real world” is extremely not reassuring :laughing:

(second chapter)

I was wondering why you have it random whether you meet Cyrus or Cressida? :confused: I mean, not that it’s of huge plot importance, but it generally feels weird to me when I can’t quite replicate a playthrough I did for reasons of randomness rather than my own choice.

I really love getting to choose “I have a terrible sense of direction.” :grin: I have no idea if this will ever give even the slightest advantage, but it accurately describes my real life self and it will be so fun to be able to play a character who’s the same way. Wandering into the lake, here I come :sunglasses:

I got really excited seeing all these magic classes :grin: you have no idea how excited :grin: Especially ritual magic, which I would rather like to take in real life, although the group work portion is a bit offputting :sweat_smile:

I did however find myself really wondering what GMGU and RTMU stood for when I was trying to choose :confused: I couldn’t tell if I’d be into taking more GMGU or more RTMU.

Relatedly, telekinesis can’t quite be a prerequisite for all other GMGU classes. Artifacts is a GMGU class, and has no prereqs.

Bear in mind, that any information I tell you is only based on their school records and forms they filled out when applying to Magi."

So, none of that information is confidential? :confused: I mean, I understand wanting us to see it from a narrative standpoint, but it sort of surprised me that he can just outright give me all this personal info.

“Yakov is a wraith, a subcategory of demons distinct from cambions. He’s also a newcomer to NMC, originally from Europe.”

I see you’re planning on expanding this anyway, but specifically, “Europe” is a bit vague… wouldn’t someone be likelier to refer to the country?

“So what do you need? Clothing? Office supplies? Textbooks? Potion supplies? Artifacts? Caffeine to get you through the day?”

This doesn’t indicate who’s speaking. I figured I must’ve jumped to Astrid’s tour, so she must be talking, but this is still a bit of a leap… just an indication of what the new scene is would help.

“You weren’t on the original dorm list,” he notes.

“Astrid kidnapped me.”


I enjoyed this bit of dialog… I like how nonchalant he is about it. It’s funny :stuck_out_tongue:

When talking with Astrid about what classes she might like, I was wondering about being able to express if there’s a class that I’m particularly excited about :thinking: maybe that’s too much extra writing, but it seemed potentially immersive.

And I’m sticking notes on proofreading and bugs under these arrow, to reduce clutter (again, just the first two chapters):

Proofreading Notes Under Here

(chapter one)

That had been the one slashed at with claws that made quick work of your flesh, and then had then bent unnaturally the second time you’d crashed into a tree.

Something’s not quite right where the second “then” is. I’m not sure if you meant “been” or if this was supposed to be something else entirely.

“It’s fine Astrid, and no, Pierce didn’t try to turn me into a gargoyle.”

There ought to be a comma before “Astrid,” since it’s speaking to her, rather than about her.

Your feelings towards the girl aside, she’d nonetheless lead you to the realization that your whole life has been a lie.

This should be “led,” not “lead.” Confusingly, “lead” is the present tense of that verb, and “led” is the past tense, despite being pronounced the same as the metal. What can I say, English is like that :stuck_out_tongue:

You glance back, but the door has disappeared behind you, the entire wall uniform, except for a clear glass part near the top

This is missing a period at the end.

(chapter two)

Half a dozen clubs that you participated and another dozen that you lead,

This should also be “led.”

He glances down at his notes. “Would you rather take Artifacts or Battle Magic for class four?”

“Here are the course descriptions for each.” He passes you a sheet of paper.

Since this is the same person talking in both lines, you don’t need an end quote at the end of the first line. With the end quote, it looks like the person speaking switches.

He’s from the city thought, so he might be a good person to ask a tour from.

“thought” should be “though.”

"Let’s go checkout.

As a verb, this should be two words: “check out.” (“Checkout” is correct for the location, though.)

“Who’s the new
*if heshe = “he”
*if heshe = “she”

This should be “chick.” Unless magi slang is different :stuck_out_tongue: but “chic” is pronounced “sheek” and means “stlyish.”

“Hey, Astrid, have something for your friend here.”

Is this supposed to say “I have something for your friend here.”?

Catching your confused expression, she continues, “People in the same suites are usually put in the same classes, when possible, for practical reasons.”

"Working magic with people you’re closer to tends to have a positive impact on your performance.

This is another one where you don’t want an end quote at the end of the first line, because it’s the same person talking throughout.

“But they started it!” You protest.

“You” should be lowercase, because “you protest” is how you’re speaking, and therefore part of the same sentence, rather than a separate action.

“Did you have something you wanted to talk to me about though?”

There should be a comma before “though.”

“I’m taking that as recognition of my awesomeness and likability, and not as a sarcastic mark like you intended.”

Is “mark” supposed to be “remark”?

"I actually pity you $!{name}.


She beams. “Of course $!{name}!”

There should be a comma before the name, because it is a direct personal address.

[details=And Notes on Bugs Under Here]

*if roommate = “Astrid”
*set noastridspeak false
*if astridrelationship < 45

“So, which classes do we have together?”

Okay, so as far as I can see, the idea here is that, if you have a higher relationship with Astrid, she’ll have already told you what classes you have together. But this check doesn’t always work quite right, because it’s possible to have raised or lowered the relationship score in between those points. So I think you’d probably be better off setting and checking a *temp instead.

#“I don’t know anymore.”
*set sanity -3

Elsewhere, sanity is a % rather than a plain + or -. Is this intentionally different?

#Take a nap
*set sanity %+10
*set resistant +2
*set astridrelationship %-4
*set leonrelationship %-4
*set thaliarelationship %-6
*set kolrelationship %-4
*set kolrelationship %-8
*set curious %-10

So, I notice you reduce Kol twice. Was one of those supposed to be Yakov? :confused:

Are you going to tell the rest of your suitemates?

Every option under this raises logical. I’m not sure you want an automatic logic boost for everybody who gets here :stuck_out_tongue: [/details]

Anyway, thanks for writing this! I’m very curious to learn more about the world and see what the characters will get up to :smile:


so you have to choose fire to be kitsune? I really like the lightning power :cry:

Nah. That changed.

All you need is a high enough Cunning.


“As cunning as a fox.”


Well, no question about where the new Kitsune requirements are from, then.

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Tony starks description of himself?
The gentleman thief lupin III?

Altair’s the cutest, the cutest. And for me Cy’s the next cutest.

I am doing that with my main mc, though Alty is probably much more of an angel in personality then my mc is.

We have the same fave class. And I like how the mc is potentially helping Alty there.

Hey! To you modern 'Muricans the EU is totally like a country right? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

And @TSSL always making me feel inadequate as any sort of tester.:disappointed_relieved:


Thank you so much for all of your feedback!! It’s all very helpful! :grin:
All bugs/typos have been fixed for next update.

  • With the Cressida/Cyrus first scene I’ve gone back and forth between it being random or choice based. You make a good point though; it’ll be choice based again in the next update.
  • I’ll have to figure out a way to clarify the Europe thing. Same with the Pacific thing. (Or just omit them.)
  • I also have a terrible sense of direction. THERE WILL BE AN ADVANTAGE (eventually).
  • The GMGU/RTMU/etc. labels were from way back when there were general magic classes, so they need to be revamped.

Kitsune requirements are going to go back to having fire as a requirement, most likely. It’s easier writing kitsune!MC with only fire abilities, and it’s more consistent with established facts about kitsune in universe.


I still remember when I was reading the code for the game, and underneath the ‘sense of direction’ choice was a little line that said “I SWEAR THIS WILL BE USED AS A STAT FIGHT ME.”

Gave me quite the chuckle.


Maybe Kol kidnaps you with the help of Thalia?

I can almost imagine…

Kol: So, uh, are we gonna do this or what?

Thalia: Trust me, I got this.

Thalia walks over to the MC

MC: Oh, hey Thalia. How’s it goin-

Thalia punches the MC in the face, knocking him out

Kol: THALIA! W-WHY?!?!?

Thalia: Ok, now we need some rope and a burlap sack…


But every time Kol opens his mouth, he says something adorable :flushed:

(I also had a far easier time raising my relationship with him than anyone else :thinking: I think because he seems very responsive to just being nice to him. I do like how a lot of the other characters have some complexity involved in relationship scores, though… there’s a bit of personality involved, so it reflects more how they’d feel about you as a person rather than just being super-nice to someone all the time :thinking:)

I haven’t really read enough Cyrus stuff to have much opinion yet :confused:

Also, I know Kol is @ParrotWatcher’s favorite too, but I swear he didn’t tell me until after I’d gotten reading :stuck_out_tongue: we really are just that similar.

Ooh, I didn’t know you inclined to the side of the angels :stuck_out_tongue:

I want to make a regular human who’s a big magic fan, so I’d probably make my nephillim be more the resistant type, who wants to go back to his regular life :thinking:[quote=“idonotlikeusernames, post:2421, topic:12894”]
We have the same fave class. And I like how the mc is potentially helping Alty there.

That was pretty cute, yeah :relaxed: though I also like how I get to spend Potions with two cute guys :smirk:[quote=“idonotlikeusernames, post:2421, topic:12894”]
Hey! To you modern 'Muricans the EU is totally like a country right? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I don’t have a very good handle on how the average American thinks, but I generally get the impression that we talk more about specific countries… and tend to be mostly aware of the bigger ones in Western Europe, while the eastern ones are an amorphous blob, plus Russia :stuck_out_tongue: oh, and Scandinavian countries are interchangeable cold places :thinking:

It’s fun! Expect more tonight :grin:[quote=“daydreamsincolor, post:2422, topic:12894”]
I’ll have to figure out a way to clarify the Europe thing. Same with the Pacific thing. (Or just omit them.)

Ah, with the Pacific one, I’d read that as saying that she literally lived in the ocean, in the actual water, rather than a specific country :stuck_out_tongue:

Just wandering into places I’m not supposed to be could mean stumbling into plot stuff :grin:[quote=“AAO, post:2423, topic:12894”]
Gave me quite the chuckle.

You and me both :laughing:


My mc prefers non-magical combat (Guns, guns and more guns, this is 'Murica, fuck yeah! Oh and maybe some kung-fu too) over cooking skills, let Alty be the cook in that duo. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

While initially my mc wasn’t too thrilled about being kidnapped he’s gradually warming up to his new cicumstances, I mean it is magic and free college and cute demon boys, even though having no wardrobe to speak of really sucks.
That said my mc is isn’t too hot on celestial magic due to that high chance of addiction and those side effects, another reason why my mc likes ritual magic as it makes him feel in control and doesn’t seem to have many nasty side effects, provided one does it correctly. Also he really needs to learn some of those spells that could help him make the most of his very limited wardrobe.

Ugh, so to you we’re just Holland, a state of Germany that consists pretty much solely of Amsterdam and some polders with windmills.:stuck_out_tongue:

My mc may look like an angel, but he certainly doesn’t act like one, then again neither does Cy and Leon’s angelic behaviour is only skin-deep at best too.

Cy can be adorably cute, snarky and sarcastic. He has some awesome banter with Leon if you choose some specific responses at the party. Also he has the best fashion style, since he apparently likes nice and expensive (leather) jackets (and likely clothing in general) as much as my mc.


He’s basically the polar opposite of Cressida.

While she prefers to use her charismatic skills to settle thing smoothly, Cyrus tends to be more…direct.

Just go to them after you find out you’re a cambion/dragonborn and you’ll see what I mean.

I swear, when that moment comes where your sense of direction comes into play, I guarantee there’s going to be a line in the code saying “TOLD YOU SO.”


All the magic sounds fun to me, so I basically just picked as much magic as possible :grin:

Alty is a cute nickname :smile: also, I think I’m getting to know what type of guy you go for in these games, because I totally predicted that he’d be your favorite :stuck_out_tongue:

Hmm, speaking of the kidnapping… I wasn’t too clear, was Astrid following the general procedure of what you’re supposed to do under such circumstances, or was she sort of taking things into her own hands? :thinking:

And it’s so interesting too :grinning: I wanna learn all about the systems and how it works so I can be like a science mage :sunglasses:

Where did you shop? :thinking: what sort of spells would you use for wardrobe purposes? Illusions?

I think people around here just talk about Amsterdam like it’s its own country and ignore the rest :stuck_out_tongue: and that just by reputation of “everything is legal there” :stuck_out_tongue:

The angel demon thing does seem to be a bit less clear cut in this setting :thinking:

I’m not sure I remember hearing much about anyone else’s fashion choices other than Astrid :thinking:

Sometimes in real life I just follow other people, and if they also have poor direction senses… well, wandering into the lake shall be fun :grin:
(I wonder if any other characters are similarly afflicted :grin:)


Well Kerse seemed like it would be the only place that would have something black that looked even remotely like leather within the mc’s “emergency replacement” wardrobe advance. My mc would most likely have preferred to hit the second-hand and vintage stores when on that tiny a budget, but we were new in town and more or less forced to go with the options Astrid presented.

Ugh, no my mc is most definitely not a nudist. :scream:

Either spells that simply conjure clothes, or more likely given what we know of ritual magic that take my mc’s designs and the raw materials and assemble it into the finished product, bypassing the manual labour stage and letting my mc get a very nice wardrobe at the greatly reduced cost of just its raw materials. Also that resizing objects spell Astrid uses if you choose to “borrow” some of Leon’s clothes for the party would come in very handy.

Yeah, it is and the author said that, depending on the relationship the mc can eventually begin to use it in-game themselves too.

Ha! The USA is or at least was starting to leapfrog us on weed. Sessions seems to have put an unfortunate crimp on that for now, but states like Colorado are still ahead of Amsterdam as is.

Oops, forgive my faulty memory, that was part of a conversation I had with the author a while back. But hopefully we’ll also see it in-game sometime soon-ish.


An don’t forget our chosen one powers of control magic.[quote=“TSSL, post:2416, topic:12894”]
I really love getting to choose “I have a terrible sense of direction.” :grin: I have no idea if this will ever give even the slightest advantage, but it accurately describes my real life self and it will be so fun to be able to play a character who’s the same way. Wandering into the lake, here I come :sunglasses:

Secret Species had it as a requirement at least last time I checked.[quote=“TSSL, post:2425, topic:12894”]
Russia :stuck_out_tongue:

Mother Russia is special. Of course she deserves recognition. She is the biggest.[quote=“TSSL, post:2428, topic:12894”]
Where did you shop? :thinking: what sort of spells would you use for wardrobe purposes? Illusions?

My Mc would try that in the summer if it wasn’t a walking liability. He’ll just wait till his shifting improves :blush:

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Whats the secret species?