Kailas' Patented Achievement Guides

I honestly have no idea how to do the Governor’s Favor.

For the Freemasons, you should have a good relationship with Saint-Chapelle as your quaestor; it’s been a while, so I’m not sure if you have to be French too (although I imagine being literate would help).

If you’re strength-focused and get Samantha to let you execute Calkin (the spy in New Orleans), you get a chance to drink his blood instead of simply tying him down and waiting for the sun to rise.

You get an option to feed on Marie Laveaux as long as you stay in New Orleans. You get to feed on Jefferson Davis shortly before you meet Silas. You’ll need to be a Southerner and to meet with Nathan Forrest in order to feed on him.


@anon49824592 how to get the achievement big heart?

(This way worked for me, it also saves Wave from a life of slavery)

  1. Play the game through until you reach the point where Wave requests that you help him/her with the debt with Shekkara and the Golden Lintel House. (I haven’t found that it matters which god/goddess or name you pick)

  2. Select “We just need to solve this problem before they find out”

  3. Ask for admittance to Shekkara’s room

  4. Take some time to relax with the priests

  5. Throw caution to the win and the sticks into the air

  6. Accept their hospitality

  7. I have never spent the night with a priest of the Green Eyed Lady before and was intrigued.

You’re welcome

Hey, I assume this is a bit late knowing that it’s been 6 years since the topic start and almost 3 years since the last reply, but do you have an achievement guide for Choice of the Petal throne?

@anon49824592 Should I PM you? There is something I have to show you. You can find my Telegram account under Patrick_Cody02

This person hasn’t been on the forum in over four years, even after being tagged by others. It’s unlikely you’ll get a response.

OK then