Jolly Good: Tea and Scones

Please note that I now have this:

→ Supporting me will allow me to spend more time selecting rare words, vintage metaphors, and aromatic literary allusions, decanting them carefully, and then pouring them with exquisite slowness over the back of a silver tablespoon into your cocktail glass, and less time grading freshman writing essays.

Add Tea and Scones to your Steam wishlist!

This thread is going to be the place where I can note the current progress of Jolly Good: Tea and Scones, and so that nobody thinks that it is imminent. This is going to take a few years just to write it–then we’ll have the whole editing/beta/copyediting thing.

Because this one is going to be longer than Cakes and Ale was.

Answers to frequently asked questions:

  • There’s no demo link. My first chapters change so much as I write and revise and rerevise that it wouldn’t be useful to have a demo. I prefer to give you the whole thing when it’s all polished.

  • I intend to keep this thread updated in this first post to let you know my progress. I’ll try to keep the word count and status up to date.

  • This game will have eight chapters.

  • All of the love interests from Cakes and Ale will appear in it. So will your sponsor.

  • There will be one additional love interest, plus I am considering two poly paths.

  • There will be a few new characters spoken of but who did not appear in Cakes and Ale who will appear in this one as main characters.

  • You will be able to import your save, but the ability to save your game at the end of Cakes and Ale will not be added until Tea and Scones is very close to release. You will also be able to start with Tea and Scones if you like, creating a new character by answering a bunch of questions.

----------------Progress Updates----------------

Last updated 2/16/25 - “Absinthe” vignette and “Hold Court” vignette done. The “Henchman” vignette will be next.

The two prologues are written (29,000 words).
Chapter One finished: (275,000 words)
Chapter Two finished: (282,000 words)
Chapter Three finished: (250,000 words)
Chapter Four finished: (160,000 words)
Chapter Five finished: (447,000 words)
Chapter Six finished: (586,000 words)
Chapter Seven-A finished: (158,000 words)
Chapter Seven-B finished: (117,000 words)
Chapter Seven-C finished: (189,000 words)
Chapter Seven-D in progress: 158,000 words
Chapter Seven-E
Chapter Seven-F
Chapter Seven-G
Chapter Eight

Chapter Seven scenes (these will disappear as I complete them):

Chapter Seven Scenes

Lair Adventure:

Phase 2:
Unveiling of Art
Author Photo

Phase 3:
Talking to henchman <---- this is next
Police Patrol
Complex Card Game
Shake down of Reluctant Guest
TH henchman

Phase 4:
Figs and Mopsie
Peer Review
Salacious Material
The disguised person II
Winsome, Lissome Gossip
Romantic Interlude with Vyv

Phase 5:
Serious Negotiations

Relaxed Deal-Making; Disguised Person IIIa
Raid; Disguised Person IIIb
Conclusion of Deal
Getting out in one piece: Vents, AC short, chimney, possible TH henchman help, possible TH interference; possible Figs and Mopsie “help”; possible Scarlet help
Back to Merryweather: Motorbikes, sidecars, running boards

Rose and Thorns Adventure
Emergency London Adventure

The Grove
The Shooting Gallery


Ahhh wonderful! I hope the writing is going well!


I hope you are having fun!


Starling. I’m calling it. If it is, I am going to be so happy.


I want to see jealous and petty Fitzie when Staring shows up.


and a possible chance of Starling developing feelings for the MC and facing the wrath of a possibly petty and jealous Fitzie. If you swing that way :wink:


I feel like there’s a character that would be welcome if they were to appear in Tea and Scones. I’m not certain what character that is, though. I wish someone would just come out with it and say it.

But yes, for sure Starling will be in Tea and Scones. Now I just have to write it. That’s the tricky part.


Well… i agree Starling is a tricky route because it all depends on how MC feels about Starling , for some MC , they would absolutely loate for Starling betrayal, i actually felt insult about Jill’s comment about Starling didn’t rule out working for me again , since this is essentially a "hypocritical lip service " for my taste😂

Hence it will be tricky for Starling role in the next book , as it will be expand in a polar opposite direction :sweat_smile:


Espcially since they’ve garnered an interest in fans + being gender variable AND a former servant :joy::laughing:


is it Haze ? :thinking:


It’s Mrs Mudwasp.


Our original MC would be fun…some pc games did pit the sequal’s MC against the original MC


ooooh… yes :grin: I would LOVE that. My Tally Ho MC would have infuriated Fitzie SOOO MUCH. The idea of Fitzie being having a one-sided rivalry/hatred at my previous MC for being much better at the job than they are is hilarious. And the fact that the previous MC can interact with them is … chef’s kiss :ok_hand:

But it might be hard to implement it because Tally Ho has so many branches and different personality branching. But, I dream of having the previous MC interacting with Fitzie


Going for the real fan favorites there.


But our MCs can meet each other already back in Cakes and Ale! It’s off-screen, but Rory can invite JG!MC for tea in the epilogue (only possible if we aren’t at least friends with Fitzie, Tabby, Vyv and Gilberto, alas) and they’ll talk about finally meeting TH!MC if they are still working for/living with Rory in some capacity on the walk back to Noble Gases.

Would love to see them interact more though. Not sure how it’ll happen for MCs who aren’t in London (like, say, we’re too busy being a Hollywood star in the USA, or in Monte Carlo) by the end of Tally Ho, but I’ll settle for some sort of movie/wanted poster or something.


I only know of the Hero Rise and Hero Project series. And I absolutely hated what they did to my OG MC. Just ripped them of all character and made them a bland and vanilla sort of person. I already found myself frowning just a teeny bit when Fitzie said that my Tally Ho MC would be the sort to move into the employer’s home before being interviewed. (I mean, I can totally imagine two or three of my MCs doing that; but the shy, timid one? Nope.)

Are there any other series?


Fitzie hates/is envious of the TH!MC, so we should take what they say about them with a bit of salt, I think. As far as I’m concerned, this particular piece of information was just badmouthing. xD


Haha, i am thinking of Dragon Age series, DA 1 MC was dead but dearly miss, and Hawke in DA 2 appear in Inquisition, where he could be dead in DA 3 as well😂
But i think there was one more crpg , where the hero of the first game kill the initial tyrant and become a king, in game 2 the game 1 hero had become tyrant himself, so the Protagonist of game 2 needs to kill protagonist of game 1…Lol

Ohhh… i aim to choose tally ho MC as criminal so that my Jolly Good MC could catch him😅

Yes i agree on that, although i think at the start we already pick the path for tally ho MC took😅


Yes, that’s what I chalked it down to as well! Fitzie also seems to think that Tally Ho MC was purposefully conspiring against them in the romance of Rory and Frankincense and Mopsie and Figs. :slight_smile:

Wow, I’d have loved to play that game, especially knowing this now. If I hadn’t known and realised I had to take down my poor former MC, whose happy ending I worked so hard to achieve, I’d be super depressed. :DD


I forget the name of that game, it is an old pc game, but the philisophy of the lesson was, people will change due to temptation of sins, and the one who slay evil but let the evil’s blood spill on his hand will be infected with evil itself, violent killing will solve nothing , that’s why most heroes will only imprison the evil monsters without killing them , keeping them in cage so that the monster’s blood would not infect the heroes’ soul :joy::sweat_smile::laughing:

That will be awesome… it will take me to catch myself, brilliant… and it will funny to be hated by another me😆