Is anyone else having issues with running their game on local?

Perhaps I am not clear enough or perhaps did not explain it well.

Here is the original issue and solution in Jacic’s words and then I’ll add what else I discovered:

So it is callbacks that are limited to two. Jacic’s code dealt with only script within a scene, but I also discovered on my own that this maximum of two loop backs even applies when the origins is a different scene.


Here is a bit of my script, with an extreme number of labels I had to use showing. Perhaps this will help you understand as well. @dfabulich

*label codex_start

*text_image codexheaderone.png center The Codex

The Codex is made of three distinct parts.

First, there is the Compendium where everything related to the characters of [i]Patchwerks[/i] is located.

Next is the Encyclopedia, the place where all the questions you have about the world you find yourself in are answered.

Third is Character Relations, the place you go for the lowdown on how others view your relationship with them. 

*label submenu1
*label submenu2
*label submenu3
*label submenu4
*label submenu5
*label submenu6
*label submenu7
*label submenu8
*label submenu9
*label submenu10
*label submenu11
*label submenu12
*label submenu13
*label submenu14
*label submenu15
*label submenu16
*label submenu17
*label submenu18

Which part of the Codex do you wish to access?

*if choice_randomtest
    *goto randomchoice1

    #Compendium - For everything character related.
        *label randomchoice1
        *if (choice_randomtest)
            *goto_scene 1_frontend authors_note
            *goto compendium
    #Encyclopedia - For information on the world you find yourself in.
        *goto encyclopedia
    #Character Relations - For everything relationship related.
        *goto relations
    #Exit the Codex entirely

*label compendium

*text_image codexheadertwo.png center The Compendium

*label compendium_directory1
*label compendium_directory2
*label compendium_directory3
*label compendium_directory4
*label compendium_directory5

The Compendium is where everything related to the characters of [i]Patchwerks[/i] is located.

Which section of the Compendium do you open?
    #Companion Profiles
        *goto companion_profiles
    #Notable Citizen Blurbs
        *goto notable_citizens
    #Patchwerk's Pantheon Guide
        *goto deity_profiles
    #Return to the Codex Directory
        *goto submenu1

I hope this helps clear things up

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