Yet Another Hosting Problem

Well, not another hosting problem for me, but just in general. I looked around and had trouble finding an answer for my question. I’ve been trying to upload the first chapter of my choicescript story online, but webs is frustrating me because it is limiting to me to uploading one file at a time versus folders. I’ve tried to use dropbox, and it’s working best as far as getting my files online, but when I try to open up my index folder I’m getting this:

I’m pretty sure it’s under a weird url address so I probably didn’t set the link right or something… I don’t know, but does anyone know what I should do, or maybe where I should host it so that I can test it out?

Dropbox is good, go to the dev wiki and enable your public folder from the link there, then move the entire web folder into the public folder and go into it, and right click on the index file and go to Dropbox> copy public link and then paste it.

So I hope I got it. Let me paste and see…

Edit: Yesh, I think it’s working now! :slight_smile: Thank you.

<):slight_smile: It works!

That is a big purple button! @-)

I think it is pretty cool.

I’m going to assume you’ve got experience with JavaScript @oColours

No, I really just kind of started using it yesterday. But I’ve gotten a lot of help with some questions and answers that have already been given on here :).

Ah, I wanted to make sure there was no way to overlook the button :wink: