Interest Check Thread

under stats can i do *choice and add stuff to it during the book cause in the choice book um community college hero where in the stats page you can click on something and it open a whole new page for stats so i can have them have people have a description of what they look like. also how do i add peoples characters name to the stats when they choose a name also how do i add stuff to there inventory in there stats page through out the book also id like to add stuff that they will need to know if they choose to pay attention during school id like to have a buff where you can go to your stats during a test. sorry im a slow learner.

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Hi everybody!

To test out my ability to manage choice script editing, I made a very short game about the life of a medieval farmer with (very very limited) fantasy elements added to it. It’s called The Second Omen.

FYI, it’s short. The whole game is a hair’s breadth over 7,000 words, including code. You can probably complete the whole game in about 5-10 minutes unless you really agonise over your choices. The style of writing is very minimalistic. The appearance of most people and places is up to your own imagination, just so you know what you’re getting into.

It’s mostly complete, in that I couldn’t find any bugs, largely due to its brevity. Let me know if you find any.

I’m posting it here in the interest check thread rather than create a new thread for it because it’s so short.

Play it here:

Hope you enjoy it!

Dashingdon Tags

These are all the checkboxes I ticked off on the Dashingdon “edit your game details” page, if you’re interested.

  • exclusive straight romance
  • fantasy
  • historical
  • medieval
  • no explicit violence
  • no sexual content
  • PC can be female
  • PC can be male
  • preset protagonist
  • romance
  • romanceable heterosexual NPC


Due to the setting and context of the game, even if your character isn’t cishet you’re still compelled to marry someone of the opposite sex for financial and societal reasons.

The story doesn’t have violent or sexual content due to the fact that it takes place exclusively on a farm, but there’s passing reference to sex and childbirth littered throughout, and one particular choice allows you to murder someone (no spoilers). The death might be shocking, but the minimalistic style means that it’s not particularly graphic.

That’s another thing I have to mention: despite having little to no violence, this story deals with death a lot. It’s a recurring motif throughout. Just a fair warning.

Hey, also, if you’d like, when you’re finished, give this poll a whirl, just for my own curiosity :slight_smile:


Just a note that I named this project “Turncoat Chronicle” and it’s definitely in progress right now. I won’t post a thread until I’ve at least completed the first chapter and outline, though.


Can I just say, this is my first time playing as a cishet character and actually… loving it?

I nearly started balling my gosh darn eyes out coming close to the end, especially my ending.

It’s a basic game with simple choices. You either do this or that, you either be nice or rude, but I still felt connection to my own character. I felt like my choices genuinely mattered, even when the ending result always seemed the same.

For a short game, it’s actually pretty wonderful! My only suggestion would be to try with stats next time around. If you ever thought of making another game that involves stats, this game would be a perfect tester for it.

Thanks for making this game!


I’m so glad you enjoyed it and felt connected to the characters despite how limited the game is in scope. <3

It’s kind of shameful to admit, but I actually had to stop while I was writing one of the death scenes because it really got to me emotionally.

Not all of the death scenes are that intense thankfully.

There’s also a HUGE secret hidden in there, a metatextual thing which’ll probably become more clear when I release a bigger project I’m working on. The lack of stats has something to do with it :wink:


i have a *imput_Text name i want to know how do i have the name show on the next place it sends you after you choose your name and can i use it with the other choices of names that are all ready there?

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Since i’m a beginner myself ill just put this down.Here’s what it says on Important ChoiceScript Commands and Techniques page: *input_text: Provides a text box for the user to specify the value of a variable, e.g. the user’s name.

Please enter your name.
*input_text name

Your name is {name}, is that right? So, whenever you want to have the player name put somewhere just put {name}.(this work for pre create names too)(with a dollar sign at the beginning.)

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Helloo friends!

Like always, I have a game idea in mind.

In a world full of supernaturals, you are the only human that have ever existed. While everyone else have superpowers, different skin tones and textures, extra body limbs, and even eyes that grow on top of the head instead of on the face, you only have a simple shade of skin and texture, two legs, two arms, five fingers and toes, and eyes that grow on your face. Sadly, no superpowers for you.

Sounds bad, huh?

Actually, news traveled around about your… unique birth, and you’ve actually became pretty famous! You’re practically an A-list celebrity. A household name. Even Beeyongce thinks you’re on top of the world!

However, you… you don’t like it.

You never asked for the fame. You never asked to born as a human. All you wanted was a peaceful life. A normal look. Probably a few horns on the head, rough spiky skin, and just one superpower. That’s all you could ask for. Sure, the luxuries are amazing. You don’t even have to lift a finger to work! Yet, you want change. You want need to know how are you the only human in the world and how can you somehow be normal for once. You want answers.

And answers, you’re going to receive.


Hello everyone! I know I already said that, but I am just genuinely excited about this! As you can see, I tried to stay away from the ‘only person in the world with superpowers’ and do the complete opposite!

Should I give this idea a chance? Is there anything you would like to know? Any questions or concerns?


Cool idea :smiley: just curious though and hopefully this isnt spoilers but do we still remain human throughout the whole game or ?


Should probably be its own thread in ChoiceScript Help.

@anon38000640 you too:

Top of startup.txt:

*create name ""

Later on:

*label write_name

What's your name?
*input_text name


Your name is ${name}. Are you happy with this?

  # Yes.
  # No.
    *goto write_name


If I were to play a game where I was the only human in a world of superheroes, what I would want to see is some spectacular fight scenes where I’m caught in the crossfire and just barely managing to survive. I’d want to feel helpless but somehow persevere anyway.

Instead of getting through fights by picking my best superpower and annihilating hordes of faceless bad guys, I want to survive fights by sticking close to superheroes with shielding spells, ducking out of the way of debris, using mirrors and prisms to deflect laser beams, dodging between the legs of giants, and covering my ears to protect my hearing from shockwaves. I want to be averting my eyes from enchanters, wearing a bucket to block mind-control rays, setting up wire traps to counter speedsters, grabbing onto an empath to stop my heart from beating so fast, spraying down a fire villain with a fire extinguisher – oh man the possibilities are endless and fun.

I’m just … not convinced I’d get that if the story starts with me literally being doted on hand and foot.


@Flaine1996 You would stay as a human for the whole game. Absolutely no tricks, no illusions, you were born a human somehow in an all supernatural world and you will stay that way. Happily? It all depends on you. Hope that answers your question! :grin:

@will I absolutely agree with you. Actually, it’s funny that you mention that because a few hours ago, I made a post about starting a game off with the MC being beat up. In this case, you’re an A-list celebrity that just wants to be supernatural. You’re actually livid from the jump of the game, if we are being honest here.

If it helps, there’s only so many times in the game when you’re being obsessed over. Usually it’s from NPCs or just casual passersby. You actually have the decision to ignore these obsessions or acknowledge it. Both of which would be fake choices, so there’s no need to fret over if it’s going hurt your stats.

About the action:
Honestly, I’m on the same boat as you are right now. Since the MC is human, I want this story to be as humorous and action-packed as it can be, without seeming like I am overdoing it. Meaning, I want the human to use their brawn, brain, or/and beauty to escape some sticky situations, without the use of superpowers.

Hope that helps!


Yay thanks xD! Atleast ik whats up :slight_smile:


I’m really thinking about a game that tells you the relation between a father and a son but still, I’m not sure if people are interested in it.

Should I do it? Or what?


I’ve got 2 CoGs I’m playing around with right now. One is fairly clear cut, you’re part of the Monarchy in a Slavic inspired society, I don’t think this would be an issue in any way really. The other is likely a bit more controversial, dealing with Russian Imperialism, Franco-British Fascism (British Fascism based off the Italian movement), and German Marxism/Communism (unsure whether to include Marx as an actual figure yet) in a fictional version of post ww1(in which the Central Powers won) USA


You mean you’ve got two work in progresses you’re thinking about? The CoG part was a bit confusing for me as it led me to believe that such games already existed.

Regardless, the second sounds more interesting.


Oh, I didn’t convey my intent very well, it wasn’t supposed to be an interest check, more an enquiry into whether any political dispositions are offbounds

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I’d say nothing is off-bounds, but the more overt your politics, the more likely it is that a big chunk of potential players will be turned off your game. Probably not as many, though, as those who groan and say ‘oh no, not another fantasy WIP!’

You’re probably good. Unless you’re looking for universal accolades, in which case you’re in trouble.

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Placing it in a historical context makes it easier to keep personal beliefs out of it

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Anyone would be interested in a sci-fi game, inspired from Star Trek, Mass Effect, among others?
I’ll clumsily attempt to go into details, though it really needs a detailed outline…

It’s set 200 years into the future, after several alien species have been discovered and space travel is now possible. I will make a list of the features planned.

  • You play as a human (but you are in part-alien, I’ll talk more about that in its proper thread once I will have written a demo), and you are a student at a Military Academy on another planet (mostly humans, but it could include other races as well)
    As a child, you were part of an experiment on an alien planet, but were rescued by the person who would become your mentor, and brought to the Academy.

  • You will attend classes, take part in simulation and fight against other students, participate in field studies off-planet.

  • In the second part of the game, you will participate in missions, and perhaps fight in a war.

  • You will choose your weakness,(for example, you might be bad at being a leader, and that will show in the game) and a specialization (you might want to specialize in Xenobiology, or Xenolinguistics, etc…).

  • I know it doesn’t seem like much for now, but I’ll try my best to have a demo ready so you can have a better idea of the story and setting.

  • If you have any ideas that pop into your mind, things you’d like to see, questions you might have, books you’d recommend reading, or if you just want to express your interest, don’t hesitate to say so, by posting in this thread or by sending me a PM.

Thank you for reading this. :wink:


The first is the less controversial option, and there haven’t been that many Slavic-inspired games where the player’s in power (there fantasy games where the MC’s part of the monarchy, but they tend to be Western European-influenced, at least at face value).

Second one does seem more interesting, and if you look at stuff like Kaiserreich there’s an interest in it. While there is a great appeal to being set in an alt-history, there is a greater potential to be controversial compared to a completely fictional setting. Setting it in the USA as opposed to a fictional state would have to cover potentially-controversial characters like Marx, La Rocque, Mosley, Pelley etc. I’d be interested in either a wholly-fictional or a historically-based political game, but I can see how some can prefer a more (alt-)historically-based setting.

Also I suppose with a historical context there has to be some justification for why it occurs too - how does Russian Imperialism survive at all, how does a Communist uprising succeed when the Central Powers are victorious etc (Franco-British revanchism’s the easier bit), and that requires hashing out. That doesn’t necessarily matter as much depending on how much “rule of cool” you apply, but it will affect the “authenticity”.

While I’m not personally too fond of Academy-plotlines, sci-fi I imagine is a topic that will get interest. All of that together does seem quite a lot, however. Would it not be better for the second half - i.e. post-Academy stuff - to be a different game? With the specialisatons etc it does seem like there’ll be a load of stats and mechanics, and they’d have to be employed enough so as to not be seen as superfluous. Mechanically, missions and warfare would probably also be a different tone from the Academy plot? That’s not saying anything about the part-alien heritage, the experimentation on the MC etc which probably should be developed too.