Interest Check Thread

I wrote this idea back at the end of 2022. but I didn’t write anything and I decided to revisit the idea since I got a co-author.

I have Tumblr which is empty but I soon will be post about work. If you have qustion DM me on forum.

Game name: At the Mercy of Hatred
Genre: Superhero fiction

You will play as a vigilante seeking revenge for the deaths of their family and friends, while also uncovering the identity and motive of the murderer, and also as an antihero, a former agent of the Superpowers Regulatory Agency, who was accused of murder they did not commit, and who has returned to take revenge against their former friends and employer.


The Butcher Story: I’m the most wanted person in the East Federation. They want me for a murder I didn’t commit. Everyone I considered close friends betrayed me. They thought I was going to disappear, but here I am. I’m back in the High City, and this time I’m here to get revenge on those who have wronged me.

The Vigilante Story: I have nothing left. My old life, my family, my friends - all gone. Agents from the Superpowers Regulatory Agency took them away from me, right infront my eyes, and there was nothing I could do. I couldn’t save them. All that’s left is a burning hatred and a desire for revenge, and I will find the truth about why they were taken away and for what reason.

  • play asmale, female, or nonbinary as well as trans;
  • choose your sexual orientation and/or romantic orientation;
  • full character customization;
  • choose your power for Butcher or power/powers for vigilante;
  • play as chaotic neutral or chaotic evil characters;

The information will be added to the blog and extended. Additions will be made as we write

Butcher’s ROs:

  • Jester (cis female/male): ex-assassin, joined the Butcher after they defeated her/him in battle;
  • Noise (transmasc nonbinary / transfemme nonbinary): hacker of the Butcher team; they’re helping Butcher because Butcher saved their parents;
  • Poison (cis female/male; trans man/woman): ex-superhero. Seeing as the superhero community isn’t so perfect, they decided to join Butcher;
  • Baron / Arthur Weeks (cis male): equips the team with money, transportation and weapons.

The Vigilante RO’s:

  • Frost (cis female/male, nonbinary): thief and leader of a thieving gang;
  • Abigail Day / Firestar (cis female): novice superhero, looking for her mom, who’s missing
  • Neo (cis male/female, trans man/woman, nonbinary,transmasc nonbinary / transfemme nonbinary): a hacker who continues the work of their parents, who are in prison;
  • Psyche (cis female): agent of the Superpowers Regulatory Agency and leader of Unit Zero;
  • Secret ROs: Dragon and Frostfire: secret weapons in the hands of the government;


Hi all! Curious how people might feel about a fantasy isekai focused around building and/or destroying relationships in an imperial-like setting and environment. I’m still fleshing out all the details but I’d love to start really working on it once I move next month, especially if there’s some interest!

There’s a whole world to explore with side stories and a sequel floating already in my head :joy: (more on that under concerns… ).

  • Rule an empire, choose your personal guard(s), adopt a mythical pet, commune with the spirits of the world or denounce it all in the hopes to return to your own world - if it’s even possible?
  • At least 10+ relationships affected by various decisions throughout the story
  • Endings will be determined by relationships and stats (like reputation and strengths/weaknesses)
  • So far, at least 7 main love interests with the potential to expand to 9 or 10. These can be purely platonic and/or downright spiteful if that’s what you want :joy:
  • UGH, the age old debate of Twine vs ChoiceScript. If I want to do 18+ content and/or side stories, I feel like I could do those on Twine?
  • Gender-locked mechanics - I’ve played with the concept of choosing the MC’s gender but I am leaning toward it’d best be told with a female. Still playing with that. Also the RO’s/platonic relationships are mostly male but some can be non binary/choose which gender. I’m uncertain if that’s a make or break turn-off.
  • Playing off the previous bullet, the sequel is planned to be more exploratory after whatever ending you get in the prequel. It would be a “choose your own gender and back story” with only one RO/platonic relationship that you also customize to your choosing to potentially make up for Gender-locked concepts in the prequel (if that makes sense)

Let me know what y’all think! Happy to answer any questions :crossed_fingers: :grimacing:


Honestly the premise sounds amazing. I think gender locked would be a deal breaker for some people. Personally I only play as a male or sometimes non-binary.


I really like your idea! It sounds fun. Now for some finer points:

  1. Whether you go with twine or choicescript is up to you, but I very selfishly hope you use choicescript. I’ve actually never read anything on twine. If you go with choicescript, Hosted Games shouldn’t have a problem with 18+, as long as it isn’t offensive somehow.
  2. That’s a lot of ROs. It’ll be fun if you can execute it properly, but don’t over extend yourself
  3. For gender-locking, it will turn some people off the game. But it’s your story. If you like the decisions you make, other people will to

Hello!! I played your game demo and absolutely loved it. I plan to support your work and encourage you to keep it up. I have a particular affinity for horror stories, as they truly terrify few people, and your game’s scenes did just that. I find it very well done, which I assume was the intention. I also appreciate the genre; rarely have I encountered a horror game set at a camp with such attention to detail and well-executed. ¡Keep it up! and I look forward to seeing more updates and works from you in the future :heart:

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I’m so glad to hear the premise sounds good :raised_hands: and I totally get the gender-locked issue, I’m the same way :joy: I think I can massage it where I can have the MC choose their gender :bowing_woman:t2:


Thank you!! That’s great to hear :heart:

  1. Hahaha this is so fair, I really like ChoiceScript especially that I can use the Dropbox version at work so I think I’ll stick there after all :smirk:
  2. It is a lot :sob: it was always at least 7, so I will be sure to pace myself, thank you!
  3. This is great advice! At the end of the day, you’re absolutely right and I will continue to think about it

Appreciate the solid input!


About empire ruling, it’s going to require too much variables - IMO I was writing down some for my medieval drafts - have 2 in my mind.

Empire ruling has been covered slightly in CoG - not very deeply due to necessities of having variables globally. I guess when I feel satisfied with current game development I will write thoroughly about what I mean thoroughly.

Protagonist can be female but you can give options for male MC seekers being the grand master - vizier - commander in chief options smth like that - or some minor role. If Cybile like character we saw at the Witcher, people will be interested. But tbh I seek more tactics, story, strategy than RO. So for players have a reluctance, if you can formalize an option for light Romance it will be fine.

As a guy and a bookworm I always found Sunday romance novels cheesy - even the Outlander series have that Sunday RO taste , which made me finish some episodes on 4 situps. Premise was good and getting better that’s why endured that chapters.

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I agree, I definitely won’t have a ton of variables for “ruling” the empire itself. More so, I’m thinking there’s going to be one main stat that determines how others will treat you as a ruler - sort of like the adaptability/respect/authority stats I’ve seen in other games like romance club. Super cool to hear you’re drafting medieval stories - let me know how that goes!!

Thanks - I really like that input. I am thinking it will come out that way via different points of views/side stories for sure. More to think about! And definitely, though “relationship building/destroying” is a main factor, romance itself will take an ultimate backseat for the plot haha so I hope it doesn’t come across too cheesy. Personally, I’d like people to get to know the characters and see how they feel about romancing them rather than focus solely on who to romance - if that makes sense :laughing:

If it helps to compare notes, since your story is an isekai and I've got an isekai project too—

I’ve been casually planning a villainess isekai, so my PC, whatever gender they may have been in their original life, will be stuck in the body of a female character. That much is non-negotiable for my story. But I’m planning to make it so that, at some point, they can request their staff to no longer refer to them as “my lady,” but as “my lord” or “my liege” or “my laird” instead, and then the same with their social circles (and/or request different pronouns). I’m also thinking to give the PC an array of clothing and hairstyle choices, with a range of traditionally feminine, traditionally masculine, and gender-neutral options, which means they could express themselves comfortably. I’m leaving the villainess’s name up to the player in the intro (I don’t wanna choose a canon name), and I’m not sure if I’ll allow them to change it later as part of their character’s social transition, but if I do, I’ll probably let them attend a debutante ball or host a formal event themselves to officially announce it (or, of course, they can share their name with a select few). And then there’s further worldbuilding I gotta figure out but that’s what I’ve got so far.

But yeah—maybe you’re planning in a totally different direction, but I hope it still helps just to compare notes. If you feel that your story works best with a female MC, but still wanna give some leeway on the MC’s gender, isekai definitely allows for multiple unique ways to do that, with how the original character’s gender might/might not match the one that they’ve been isekai’d into (unless it’s actually the kind where they’re transported in their original body, in which case, oops sorry :P), and you can make it as big or small a part, and as subtle or outright as is suitable for your narrative. The most important thing, after considering all your options, is to trust your vision. *gives you two thumbs up* The concept sounds interesting! I look forward to checking out your story.


claps hands excitedly I am so glad to see more isekai-themed projects out there!! Thank you for sharing your notes - I think that helps me confirm that I will not keep the MC’s gender locked. I was playing around with the other characters (especially the RO’s) last night anyways and I think it would be best/I shall endeavor to code the crazy differences based on what gender/pronouns the player chooses.

The fun thing I feel with isekai is that like many manhwas - there’s the general theme of world/body-swapping, however, the mechanics and reasons behind along with how things are “resolved” or not can pan out very differently…

But I’ve also included some notes/spoilers of where I’m planning to take my story! I’m still fleshing things out so feel free to DM me here or on tumblr if you wanna discuss even more <3


The rough details are that the MC creates a typical Cinderella-esque otome game with some friends with an evil step-sibling who makes life miserable for the sweet protagonist of the MC’s game with a few embellishments but nothing fancy or extraordinary than some magic. I think the MC will feel lackluster about their creation because it’s “too predictable” and “just like everything else” and overall, they go to sleep after celebrating the game’s launch only to wake up in the “body” of the step-sibling but things are much different than the published otome game.

Rather than a kingdom, it’s an empire and the emperor is still alive and unmarried. Thus ensues a twisted tale where the world is far more dangerous and the characters/motives are ten times more uncertain and unclear. And lots of magic and mythical beings. And relationships. Hahahaa hope that made some sense?


I’m glad it helped! For coding gender/pronoun differences, I know some people have shared their own coding tricks/processes in the Game Development > ChoiceScript Help subcategory on the forum, so you can always take a look there for ideas.

You’re so right, it’s so great.

Your summary makes sense! Consider me even more intrigued.

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Wow, how did you know I was just thinking about that :joy: thank you again… I can’t wait to hear more about yours too!

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The Tevis Cup is a 100 mile endurance race for horses and their riders that takes place over the summer in the Sierra Nevada mountains. Horse and rider begin at 5AM and must trek 100 miles from Nevada into California up to the mountain peaks and down to mountain valleys, cross rivers, a swinging bridge, and traverse heart-stopping narrow trails barely wide enough for a goat, much less a horse. They have until 10PM the following evening, though top horses normally finish within 10-13 hours.

I think the race would make a fun COG. Or maybe I’ve played too much of this early access horse game lately. Readers would choose horse breed and appearance, as well as their own appearance, gender, and preference.

There’s not much opportunity for romance over a 10-24 hour span. I thought romantic connections could be made with a pay-off at end of race that promises future involvement. Would that bother anyone?

Players will need to make choices during their run of the race. Horses undergo vet checks along the way to ensure their health and safety. Players will need to take their horse’s condition into consideration when making trail decisions. They can also build–or decrease–trust with their horse. Each horse will have personality quirks–good, bad, and neutral–which can affect how the horse & rider team complete tasks.

This would be very much a man v. environment game. I have some ideas for choices along the way–everything from wildlife encounters to storms to losing one’s way in the dark to possibly even an encounter with poachers who are unaware they’ve strayed into the race’s path.

I’m not sure about legalities or trademark with the actual Tevis Cup. I intend to make a fictional race. I might even locate it elsewhere, maybe the Cascades or Rockies.

Does this premise sound removely interesting?


Hello I have this nagging idea I have wanted to create since I started playing these IF games. I would really appreciate any feedback for this story idea I’m working on.

Title: In-works
Genre: Superhero fiction/Action/Thriller

Superhumans begun to emerge during the 2000’s, but their exact nature is a subject of debate. Some are revered as heroes, while others are feared as menaces.

Your Superhuman abilities have awaken when you found out that your beloved mom succumbed to the mysterious drugs running through her system. To find the truth of what happened to her, you accepted a job offer from Extraordinary Abilities Management Bureau (EAMB) for the promise of avenging your mom’s death.

During your training at EAMB, you met Brute, the strongest and most powerful Superhuman alive who protects Metropolis Prime from the feared Syndicates. Brute was raised by the EAMB to protect your beloved city, loyal to EAMB to a fault.

Then Vincenzo Gallo, a family member of the notorious Syndicate family the Gallo, approached you holding dark truths about EAMB and their role on the mysterious death of your mom.

Will you believe Vincenzo and join the Syndicates to destroy EAMB? Or will you keep your loyalty to the EAMB and Brute and stop the Syndicates once and for all? Or maybe both organizations are doing no good and must be destroyed?

Game Features:

  • You can play any gender you want
  • Choose your own Superhuman abilities
  • Make difficult choices
  • Shape your character to be empathetic or revengeful as you navigate the story
  • Build relationship (may be platonic or romantic) with Brute and Vincenzo to reveal dark truths that will impact future

Simple pitch today. An ”Omniscient Reader’s Viewpont” inspired adventure through the apocalypse as you complete quests to keep the gods watching entertained.


Don’t have a title yet, but here’s my pitch:

You, a fledgling adventurer, have accidentally awakened the ancient lich king from his tomb. Now, with plans to conquer the world using an army of undead, he offers an enticing proposition: a good salary and benefits if you join his cause.

Tempted by his offer, you must navigate a dangerous path. Gather allies, uncover forgotten knowledge, and embark on a nerve-wracking journey to find ancient artifacts that will bolster the lich king’s power.

All for the good of the world.

You hope.


  • The player can choose the mc’s race, class, and subclass, as well as pick their gender, pronouns, appearance, and personality.
  • mc can romance one of five companions, or choose to romance no one at all.
The Races

Dark Elves
Dark Elves inhabit the shadowed regions of the world, including subterranean realms and dense, ancient forests. They possess grayish lavender skin, stark white, silver, or black hair, and piercing eyes that glow in shades of purple, pink, or silver. They are often associated with sinister magic and have a reputation for ruthlessness.

Elvhenan (Light Elves)
Elvhenan, or Light Elves, dwell in sunlit groves, enchanted forests, and other pristine natural locales. They typically are shown to have golden or silvery hair and eyes that sparkle like precious gems in hues of green, blue, or gold. Renowned for their wisdom, beauty, and powerful magic, Light Elves are guardians of ancient knowledge and natural harmony. They are skilled healers, enchanters, and warriors who uphold justice and seek to protect the balance of the world.

The Voidborn
The Voidborn are a forsaken race transformed by the corrupting influence of a blighted falling star. Viewed by many as harbingers of doom, they possess a demonic appearance with horns, black sclera, glowing pupils, and tails. Despite their fearsome looks, Voidborn struggle against their dark heritage, striving to prove their worth and seek redemption. Their powers are often tied to shadow and void magic, making them formidable yet misunderstood beings.

Dhampirs are the offspring of humans and vampires, inheriting traits from both lineages. Dhampirs possess heightened senses, agility, and a thirst for blood, though they can control their vampiric urges better than full vampires. Caught between two worlds, they are often seen as outcasts, navigating the human world while dealing with their darker nature. Many Dhampirs become skilled hunters, seeking to eradicate malevolent vampires and other supernatural threats.

Humans are the most diverse and adaptable race, thriving in various environments from bustling cities to rugged wilderness. They have a wide range of skin tones, hair colors, and eye colors. Known for their resilience, ingenuity, and ambition, humans excel in numerous fields such as magic, warfare, art, and science. Their societies are varied, encompassing kingdoms, republics, and tribal communities. While humans lack the innate magical abilities or longevity of other races, their versatility and determination often lead them to greatness.

The Classes and Subclasses


  • Death Knights: Death Knights possess incredible strength, speed, and agility. Their abilities include becoming intangible and dealing necrotic damage, making them formidable opponents. They harness dark powers to overwhelm their enemies and can phase through obstacles, striking fear into the hearts of those who oppose them.
  • Paladins: Paladins are divine warriors committed to protecting the innocent and eradicating evil. Clad in shining armor and wielding blessed weapons, they call upon holy powers to heal allies, smite foes with radiant energy, and create protective barriers. Paladins are symbols of hope and justice, often leading the charge against darkness.


  • Assassins: Assassins are experts in stealth and precision, excelling at eliminating targets quickly and quietly. They use daggers and poisons to strike from the shadows, becoming nearly invisible to their prey. Assassins’ agility and cunning allow them to incapacitate enemies with lethal efficiency, making them feared killers in the night.
  • Alchemists are ingenious rogues who blend science and magic to create potent potions and powerful magical items. They excel in crafting and utilizing a variety of alchemical concoctions and enchanted devices, giving them a unique edge in battle. Alchemists can brew potions to heal allies, enhance abilities, or unleash devastating effects on enemies. These cunning inventors can also disarm traps, pick locks, and decipher ancient runes, making them invaluable in both combat and exploration.


  • Space Mage: Space Mages are masters of manipulating the very fabric of space. Their abilities allow them to control the battlefield with unparalleled precision, creating black holes to disrupt enemy formations and using telekinetic force to move targets at will. Space Mages are also adept at manipulating gravity, creating wells of intense or weakened gravitational force to hinder or aid movement. They can also instantaneously teleport short distances within viewing range, making them formidable to pin down.
  • Spirit Healers: Spirit Healers channel spiritual energies to heal multiple people at range, cast protective barriers, and provide temporary buffs and enchantments. They can purify and exorcize undead, offering solace and support to their allies. Spirit Healers are revered for their ability to mend wounds and shield against dark forces.
  • Necromancers: Necromancers command the forces of death and decay, raising undead minions and manipulating life force. They summon spectral warriors, drain life from enemies, and cast curses that weaken and debilitate. Necromancers walk a fine line between life and death, often viewed with suspicion and fear due to their dark powers
Romantic Options
  • Dorian, The Lich King,
    * nerdy dorky bookworm
    * strangely charismatic despite it all
  • Belphegor/Belle, Storm Mage, Voidborn heritage
    * sleepy, lazy genius
  • Rigel/Rhiannon, Avaar (Winged Fey) Warrior:
    * Icy, tsundere type
  • Sumire/Shisui, Human Shadow Monk
    * easygoing, charming, humorous
  • Orion/Arianna, Dark Elf, Blue Mage/Monster Mimic
    * shady, red flag, antagonist

first time posting in the website so please forgive me if i didn’t do this right :cry:

so…firstly I’d like to thank the author of the ‘Great Tournament’, i am so glad to have discovered that game a few years ago, as it has exposed me to CoG and HOG games, of which i played so many and had such amazing times with, seriously i love this community!

moving on from that, i don’t have the necessary means to create a HoG game yet, nor am i familiar with Choicescript yet…but i still wanted to share this idea with everyone, since it has me very excited, i am very inspired by many things and this idea came up after i saw this odd French cartoon called Atout 5, a nice little show about a group of friends who go to a boarding school and play music, unfortunately it’s not available anywhere online, sad times.

moving on, the idea of my game is very rough but in a way, I’ve got it all planned out, the title of the game could be School Of Musika, as the original name I’ve got is a little long, and now for the planned main things…(again first time using this website and the formatting, if i mess up then oops!)


School Of Musika, a place where things like music, art, dancing and acting are valued more than anything, as someone who’s interested in those subjects, you’ve always wished that you could enroll into Musika one day, having had heard so many great things about it in your growing life, and that day came, when you were suddenly accepted into the school, you were then thrown into the school that you always dreamed of going to, but…it all turned out to be different than what you expected, lovely atmosphere yet the place feels decaying, strange colored skies and structures, odd rumors going on here and there, the school’s supposed shaky reputation and the teachers and the principal, whom you find a little odd, but nothing odder than the school’s forest, of which brings you uncomfortable feelings…is there something going on here, or is the nervousness of being away from your home is getting to your head…and what’s this stuff about ‘things’ going missing?

Possible Features

Create your own character with a variety of customization options

-Attend a range of classes, like learning how to do art, or taking a step towards your acting skills, training your body by taking dancing classes and yoga, and the main theme of the school…learning music!

-Constantly practice to improve your skills and grades, or just slack off and deal with the consequences

-Participate in school plays and ensure a great performance, which would ensure a good image for your school

-Discover the odd mystery behind the school, or just ignore it and keep focusing on your schoolwork

-Protect the school’s reputation and figure out who’s trying to ruin it by constantly sabotaging the events and equipments…or maybe advocate the chaos and let the school’s reputation go to waste?

-Save your fellow classmates from the forest monsters that attack at the dark hour by using your singing power, guitar riffs, or even hitting the triangle very loudly

-help your classmates’ with their personal issues, or let them deal with it themselves

-Be a hero by saving the school, or work alongside the evil force to bring the school down to ashes


The Main Classmates So Far:

-Iris Lagrossi, the star student of the school and daughter of the principal, she tends to be professional and focuses on maintaining good grades, acting as a ‘prefect’ and making sure nobody is causing trouble, and doing her best to keep a perfect reputation for her father’s school, she likes to play on the piano the most, her father disapproves of it which makes her sad as she constantly tries to make him proud, she’s a little authoritarian but tends to get ignored by the rest of the students

-Juliette Delacroix, a very shy and introverted girl who’s a little chubby, she doesn’t talk with the others that much and has a tendency to eat sweets a lot, she plays with the flute, although she has a preference for art classes as she’s sometimes seen sketching around the campus by herself, Juliette feels comfortable with her lonesome but is very self-conscious about her weight and her lackluster skills in playing with her flute, she slacks behind in her dance and yoga classes and is often ridiculed by her classmates, she’s a very sensitive person, although she constantly tries to improve herself

-Calypso, an odd girl who’s often described as cynical, mean and careless by the other students, but in the other times, she’s as sweet as sugar, it’s like she has a personality switch, not much is known about her past other than the fact that the principal knows her well, the students tend to avoid her all the time, and Calypso avoids them too, as she would rather dance in privacy, or play with the piano at other times, she targets Juliette at times, but targets Iris all the time, for some reason

School Staff:

-Luka Lagrossi, the principal of the school and its founder, a former musician who loved music so much that he invested into creating Musika, to show the others the beauty of music and such, he’s a fun person, but often tired for some reason, he likes to teach music classes himself at times and is very cautious about his school as he wants to make sure that everything is going well, and that his students are doing well, and only well…

-Ramon Lastimosa, the acting teacher and the organizer of most school plays, he’s a little strange yet intriguing, sometimes the students don’t know when to tell whether he’s acting or not, Ramon tends to joke a lot and be dramatic, but he can also be very demanding when it comes to expecting the best from his students, he’s carefree but a little off…

-Lydia Tremblay, she’s the science teacher, she’s shaky and anxious most of the time, absolutely hates touching people and germs, she has a terrible attendance record when it comes to her own lectures and is very strict about not letting students in the science class unless she’s around, her coffee is the only thing that keeps her going

-Katherine O’Sullivan, the dance instructor, and the yoga instructor, she’s a very energetic person who loves teaching her students how to stay fit and be productive, when she’s not teaching her classes, she likes to take the students out into the school forest and make them participate in fun activities, jogging first thing in the morning is her favorite thing to do!

Delphine, the cook, she acts as an auntie to the students, has no tolerance for foolishness and would definitely smack someone in the head for fowl language, she has a soft spot for Juliette

Romances So Far

to be honest, i like writing romance in my spare time, and i am a very huge fan of the romance in both of the ‘Keeper Of The Sun’ games, so you can expect some heartwarming romance chemistry in the game, which would possibly include the POVs of the non-playble characters, the romance options will only be of the classmates, including Iris, Juliette and Calypso, and maybe two more characters that i haven’t come up with yet

Content Warnings

-Possible Depictions Of Death And Gore

-Mature Language

-Body Dysmorphia(?)

-Underage Characters

and that’s about it, not sure if any of that sounds interesting to you guys and I’m not sure if some of those things would make it into the game…if I can ever make it, as i said i haven’t used choicescript or did coding before as i am not familiar with game development, but do look forward to learning about it, and due to the theme and setting, the main characters are all probably going to be 16ish to 15ish? is that fine or is there a rule against it?

well i’m not sure, but i really hope that i posted this right, if not then i apologize for the inconvenience, this is just something that I’m excited about and would like to turn it into a game one day, one more thing, even though this isn’t a game yet…the story is still made in the form of a fanfiction that you can find in my account at a specific website…same characters and setting, but very DIFFERENT from what was presented here


wow, i love this! it sounds so interesting.

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nightelf I get the chance to play as a Death Knight and Lich King can be one of my romantic interests? Where do I sign up - ahhhh!!! Sounds great, seriously, love the creative expansion possibilities with this game.

Ezralia_Vali, while I’d love to play that, as those games are a cough guilty pleasure of mine, I’m not sure about marketing it to Hosted Games … but I could be wrong, and I hope so. I’d play it for sure. I think if you pitch it in the right way, it might make it, and I’m rooting for it.

Songsmith, your Tevis Cup game idea sounds awesome and would satisfy player desires for more realistic style games. While I don’t think I’d ever know enough to ever realistically write a horse or dog race game, I think its got a lot of promise, and I’d hold particular interest and educational value depending on how you approach it - would love it if it actually presents real places and real techniques for training and racing horses/dogs/etc. Can definitely through in some good Call of the WIld style story elements to give it tension and appeal, I’d think.

Lots of other great game ideas on here - to many to comment on, but it is awesome and amazing that there are potentially so many great games getting developed down the line. I wish everyone good luck on their projects and look forward to trying these!