first time posting in the website so please forgive me if i didn’t do this right 
so…firstly I’d like to thank the author of the ‘Great Tournament’, i am so glad to have discovered that game a few years ago, as it has exposed me to CoG and HOG games, of which i played so many and had such amazing times with, seriously i love this community!
moving on from that, i don’t have the necessary means to create a HoG game yet, nor am i familiar with Choicescript yet…but i still wanted to share this idea with everyone, since it has me very excited, i am very inspired by many things and this idea came up after i saw this odd French cartoon called Atout 5, a nice little show about a group of friends who go to a boarding school and play music, unfortunately it’s not available anywhere online, sad times.
moving on, the idea of my game is very rough but in a way, I’ve got it all planned out, the title of the game could be School Of Musika, as the original name I’ve got is a little long, and now for the planned main things…(again first time using this website and the formatting, if i mess up then oops!)
School Of Musika, a place where things like music, art, dancing and acting are valued more than anything, as someone who’s interested in those subjects, you’ve always wished that you could enroll into Musika one day, having had heard so many great things about it in your growing life, and that day came, when you were suddenly accepted into the school, you were then thrown into the school that you always dreamed of going to, but…it all turned out to be different than what you expected, lovely atmosphere yet the place feels decaying, strange colored skies and structures, odd rumors going on here and there, the school’s supposed shaky reputation and the teachers and the principal, whom you find a little odd, but nothing odder than the school’s forest, of which brings you uncomfortable feelings…is there something going on here, or is the nervousness of being away from your home is getting to your head…and what’s this stuff about ‘things’ going missing?
Possible Features
Create your own character with a variety of customization options
-Attend a range of classes, like learning how to do art, or taking a step towards your acting skills, training your body by taking dancing classes and yoga, and the main theme of the school…learning music!
-Constantly practice to improve your skills and grades, or just slack off and deal with the consequences
-Participate in school plays and ensure a great performance, which would ensure a good image for your school
-Discover the odd mystery behind the school, or just ignore it and keep focusing on your schoolwork
-Protect the school’s reputation and figure out who’s trying to ruin it by constantly sabotaging the events and equipments…or maybe advocate the chaos and let the school’s reputation go to waste?
-Save your fellow classmates from the forest monsters that attack at the dark hour by using your singing power, guitar riffs, or even hitting the triangle very loudly
-help your classmates’ with their personal issues, or let them deal with it themselves
-Be a hero by saving the school, or work alongside the evil force to bring the school down to ashes
The Main Classmates So Far:
-Iris Lagrossi, the star student of the school and daughter of the principal, she tends to be professional and focuses on maintaining good grades, acting as a ‘prefect’ and making sure nobody is causing trouble, and doing her best to keep a perfect reputation for her father’s school, she likes to play on the piano the most, her father disapproves of it which makes her sad as she constantly tries to make him proud, she’s a little authoritarian but tends to get ignored by the rest of the students
-Juliette Delacroix, a very shy and introverted girl who’s a little chubby, she doesn’t talk with the others that much and has a tendency to eat sweets a lot, she plays with the flute, although she has a preference for art classes as she’s sometimes seen sketching around the campus by herself, Juliette feels comfortable with her lonesome but is very self-conscious about her weight and her lackluster skills in playing with her flute, she slacks behind in her dance and yoga classes and is often ridiculed by her classmates, she’s a very sensitive person, although she constantly tries to improve herself
-Calypso, an odd girl who’s often described as cynical, mean and careless by the other students, but in the other times, she’s as sweet as sugar, it’s like she has a personality switch, not much is known about her past other than the fact that the principal knows her well, the students tend to avoid her all the time, and Calypso avoids them too, as she would rather dance in privacy, or play with the piano at other times, she targets Juliette at times, but targets Iris all the time, for some reason
School Staff:
-Luka Lagrossi, the principal of the school and its founder, a former musician who loved music so much that he invested into creating Musika, to show the others the beauty of music and such, he’s a fun person, but often tired for some reason, he likes to teach music classes himself at times and is very cautious about his school as he wants to make sure that everything is going well, and that his students are doing well, and only well…
-Ramon Lastimosa, the acting teacher and the organizer of most school plays, he’s a little strange yet intriguing, sometimes the students don’t know when to tell whether he’s acting or not, Ramon tends to joke a lot and be dramatic, but he can also be very demanding when it comes to expecting the best from his students, he’s carefree but a little off…
-Lydia Tremblay, she’s the science teacher, she’s shaky and anxious most of the time, absolutely hates touching people and germs, she has a terrible attendance record when it comes to her own lectures and is very strict about not letting students in the science class unless she’s around, her coffee is the only thing that keeps her going
-Katherine O’Sullivan, the dance instructor, and the yoga instructor, she’s a very energetic person who loves teaching her students how to stay fit and be productive, when she’s not teaching her classes, she likes to take the students out into the school forest and make them participate in fun activities, jogging first thing in the morning is her favorite thing to do!
Delphine, the cook, she acts as an auntie to the students, has no tolerance for foolishness and would definitely smack someone in the head for fowl language, she has a soft spot for Juliette
Romances So Far
to be honest, i like writing romance in my spare time, and i am a very huge fan of the romance in both of the ‘Keeper Of The Sun’ games, so you can expect some heartwarming romance chemistry in the game, which would possibly include the POVs of the non-playble characters, the romance options will only be of the classmates, including Iris, Juliette and Calypso, and maybe two more characters that i haven’t come up with yet
Content Warnings
-Possible Depictions Of Death And Gore
-Mature Language
-Body Dysmorphia(?)
-Underage Characters
and that’s about it, not sure if any of that sounds interesting to you guys and I’m not sure if some of those things would make it into the game…if I can ever make it, as i said i haven’t used choicescript or did coding before as i am not familiar with game development, but do look forward to learning about it, and due to the theme and setting, the main characters are all probably going to be 16ish to 15ish? is that fine or is there a rule against it?
well i’m not sure, but i really hope that i posted this right, if not then i apologize for the inconvenience, this is just something that I’m excited about and would like to turn it into a game one day, one more thing, even though this isn’t a game yet…the story is still made in the form of a fanfiction that you can find in my account at a specific website…same characters and setting, but very DIFFERENT from what was presented here