Interest Check Thread

Thanks for the suggestion! I’ll keep it in mind!

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Ohshit, somebody’s offering me hot cocoa?! AND she’s a redhead?! With a hot cocoa supply?! I know which RO I’m pursuing!


Not many wips here that do this I don’t think, unfortunately. So it’s exciting that you plan on doing it! I do wonder, what sort of druid flavor are you thinking of doing? More of the dnd kind, or one more based on folklore?

Also what sort of modern era elements do you think to implement?


Hmmm, may i suggest you look at pathfinder: wrath of the righteous (the game i mean, not the campaign) for inspiration? I say that because the way that game handles companions might really work for the way you want to do things.

Also for replying!


Right?! How can one resist hot cocoa with a smile?


I’m happy you like Alessa she’s my baby (if someone treats her badly I’ll break their legs!)


Well, I have had it on my steam whishlist for a long time now…so might as well be the next game I buy, when time allows me, that is. Yet again, thanks for the suggestion.

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I was thinking of using as a base a mix of the two, though leaning more into the rpg archetype of druid, so someone who helps hold the balance of the natural world as well as a protector of it.

I was also thinking of making it so that each type of druid will have a different relanshionship with nature itself, a metamorphisis one might feel themselves more connected with it while an elemental one probably would feel a bit distant even, less like they are a member of nature and more like they are a force of it.

Also the aspects of the modern world i was thinking of using would be things from very early in industrial revolution (reminder nothing steampunk), guns, architecture, ways of living, machinery and maybe even a bit of fashion of the time.


You are welcome! Whenever you have anything ready I would love to read hehe


That sounds very neat. I can’t wait to learn more, and actually see how the MCs connection to nature affects the story.

Oh my…that’s so so much what I love and exactly what I plan on doing with my story…
Now I sure hope I don’t miss when you first post the demo!

And by the way, if you need any help with the coding, feel free to ask. I’m not the best but I think I’ve managed okay and I would love to help.


I will probably accept that help eventually yes XD. Choicescript is beating my ass in ways i dont enjoy haha.


As a person who loves classic fairy tales I love this idea. What about the stepmother is she still an important part of the story or is she not relevant?


Ooh! The idea sounds really fun! If i may make a suggestion, what if Rumpelstichen was the one who helped our mc change their fate? Though at a cost of course, maybe he asked for help to change his own fate as well?

Also i am curious, would this be a female gender locked one?


Rarely reply to posts here, but I got to say I liked your idea very much.


I really love fairy tales, if you want you can send a pm to me and i would absolutely love helping you with ideas hehe.

Also, if i might add one from my country of Brazil, have you ever heard of Curupira? They are a folklore legend from here. He is basically a guardian of the forest with a hair made of fire, an ice cold freezing breath, illusion magic able to make one completely lose their sense of directon or even straight up turn things invisible and he also has inversed feet, they point towards his back, so that anyone who tries to track him find it hard to do so. Beyond that, despite his fey like powers and appearence, he is takes his role of forest guardian very seriously, not being afraid of killing, hell even sometimes going a bit beyond that, to those that threaten his domain.

The reason i am telling him to you is because he could work as a npc or even a foe for the mc while they explore the forest at the same time that he would be someone different from what most are used to in the tales and maybe even bring interesting conflicts as well as resolutions. Like recruting his help to deal with someone such as the evil fairy and her cursed woods in the sleeping beauty since she is harming the forest or maybe making a guardian of a trial in the forest as many tales have those


Will it have gender choice and can the mc be male?

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As long as there’s at least one gay male/male romance that’s fine with me. Please let me romance the prince. :grin:

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An idea has been floating in my head recently: a game about writing interactive fiction with a shonen-ish protagonist that lacks everything except determination. The story would have meaningful character development while poking fun at the various cliches and quirks of the medium.

The pitch

The Strongest Writer is a story about a student who wants to become the greatest IF writer of all time. They don’t know the first thing about story structure, character design, game design, or even grammar, but their determination is unmatched. After posting their story on an IF forum, they receive valuable feedback but refuse to change anything because they are convinced that only passion is needed to write good fiction.

When they decide to take a break and go to the store, they are hit by a truck and taken into the world they created. Explore a world full of bugs, excessive stats that cancel each other out, and ambiguous choices. Romance one-dimensional characters, overcome poorly designed challenges to escape the hell you’ve created, and become The Strongest Writer!


Is… is this satire gone meta? I love the concept. Like every work of satire, it’s going to be hard to pull off, but I’ll certainly check it out.


That is really creative, if i may what if as the writer goes through the story and overcomes their own hubris the world becomes less flawed? Like it never is perfect of course, but slowly npcs become more like people and not cardboard cutouts, the villain becomes someone interesting and not a one note edge lord. Hell maybe the mc is someone who thinks joke characters must act like assholes until he gets annoyed with the joke character and changes that view.