Interest Check Thread

I like the concept of Dark Fantasy & over Powered the most either one will be a fun game to play through. If u do the dark fantasy one will their be challenges as well as things that are made easier depending on which creature u get turned into? For example: If someone becomes a werewolf will they lose control under a full moon but be stronger even when they’re in their humans form? That way their player’s choices matter rather than it just going okay u a werewolf, vampire, or mage in modern time go about ur day as if nothing happened

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werewolves go crazy if they are in their wolf form for a long time although they are more powerful, vampires have multiple Weaknesses (holy water, sun, fire, etc), let’s say that wizards need to be careful not to become too self-centered because their arcane blood by making them so powerful it makes them become confident


Cool. Can’t wait for the demo


Do tell me if this sounds like it would be of interest to you. Feel free to pose suggestions or ask questions.


You return home for a relaxing holiday with a friend only to find your father dead, yourself engaged to be married, your mother conspiring with a suspicious member of the clergy, and your house in a state of medley and chaos. Navigate courtly intrigue, a new title, an annoying younger sister, an arranged marriage, home decor, and potential murder.

genre: low fantasy, courtly intrigue, mystery

the protagonist: gender-selectable [m/f]. A freshly-minted viscount(ess) and university student with a customizable name and personality.

romantic options

Relationships are an important part of this story, but they needn’t be romantic. Feel free to make lovers, friends, or foes of the below.

the betrothed

Lishan [m/f – opposite gender to MC] a childhood friend whom you find yourself engaged to. Eloquent, charming, and perversely rich, as well as elusive about their long disappearance. Whether you marry them for love, politics, or not at all is left up to your discretion.

the university friend

Elia [m/f – gender selectable] inquisitive, studious, and excitable. You befriended them at university and invited them to enjoy a holiday in your home country, but you both got rather more than you bargained for.

the priest

Tanager Aquila [m/f – gender selectable] to you, they are Their Eminence. Scheming, shadowy, and well-dressed, they seem to have gained your mother’s favour.

other characters of note

your mother

Lady Latona [surname of your discretion], Dowager Viscountess [fief of your discretion]. A widow who has planned out your future in meticulous detail.

your sister

The Honourable Artemisia [surname of your discretion]. A spirited and rebellious young woman who looks up to you. Perhaps your guiding influence will shape her. Perhaps it won’t.


You had me at courtley intrigue. Definitely looking forward to this.


Looks good! I think you should go ahead with this. As plots go, it’s not about originality but execution.

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Nope, not happening. Make them player selectable like the others and I’d be interested. Force opposite gender to the MC and I’m just going to walk away right now.

Obviously this might not change your opinion, which is fine, but you aren’t forced to romance Lishan - you can also opt for a political marriage or break the engagement off.

The setting of the story is one where marriage is chiefly political and, among the upper-classes (which the MC belongs to), its main purpose is securing alliances and producing heirs. Though you can also opt for a mariage blanc with Lishan if you’re playing a gay or asexual MC, or simply one not attracted to Lishan but still wanting to reap the benefits of marriage.

Again, it’s fine if this stops you from playing the game, I just wanted to clarify the Lishan situation in case it was unclear.


That sounds great! I hope you decide to post it :slight_smile:

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Write what you wish. You can’t please everyone. If you try to, your vision for your story might be compromised.


I published the first chapter.

Link to forum page: Magpie Court
Demo link:


The idea is intriguing. One thing I’d say to try and avoid is making any actual professional law enforcement/investigators intentionally incompetent so the player and their group is solving every problem.

It’d feel more real and less shallow if there’s variety. Some might be less competent, some might be competent, some might be competent but out of their depth (seeing as you do mention supernatural and conspiracy elements), etc.


@HoldTh3L1ne I fully agree with that.

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Hi everyone!

I’ve been working on this story for a while now and I’ve avoided posting about it here because I’m nervous no one will be interested. It means a lot to me; the characters have been living in my head rent-free for ages and it’s been such a joy bringing them to life. I’ve come to realize that the story can only benefit from feedback at this point, so I would greatly appreciate anything you have to say about it.

Title (tentative): Worlds Only Reached by Light

Genre: low-fantasy, soft sci-fi, post-apocalyptic

Synopsis: In a world where magic developed alongside technology, a series of cascading apocalyptic disasters nearly wiped out all of humanity. The few survivors managed to band together, battling the onslaught of strange and violent creatures who emerged from the fissures between your reality and another. Magic-wielders were instrumental in establishing order amidst such chaos, and eventually small settlements were built. Over time, those settlements developed into bustling, autonomous city-states.

It has been 200 years since those fateful days, and you are an initiate studying in one of the oldest and most-respected city-states. Will you focus on your magical abilities, become a soldier, or dedicate your life to civil service?

One day, you stumble upon an ancient relic from the past: a portal to another world. In the old days, these portals were used frequently, serving as gateways to cultural exchange, commerce, political dealings, even war. It had been thought they were all destroyed in the Great Catastrophes. Your government is interested in revitalizing these old connections with your sister-world.

You are sent on a mission alone to explore the secrets on the other side of the portal, but what is the government not telling you? Unlock the hidden mysteries of your people’s troubled past, engage with foreign cultures, navigate political intrigue, and battle interdimensional monsters.

MC: play as male, female, or non-binary; with options to be gay, straight, bi, or ace.

Yes, there are romantic options. Only two so far, with the possibility of expanding to four. I want to make sure the characters are fully-fleshed and interesting.

Notes: I’ve tried to be very conscious of avoiding the “Chosen One” trope, because I know we’re all so tired of it. However, I had to come up with reasons you’re the only one sent on the mission, and why they chose you. Hopefully I’ve managed to dance on the line between “you’re special but not that special” effectively.

Anyway, please let me know what you think, for better or for worse. Your feedback is much appreciated:)


These types of post-apocalyptic fantasy games are my favourites and they seem to be rare. Ash of Gods, Banner Saga, Age of Decadence. They are great.

It seems like an interesting premise. I wonder what kind of justification you used to undercut the ‘chosen one’ stereotype, like you mentioned.


Darkest days. The country is in shambles. Over 100 billion in debt, the worst recession since the depression, a global pandemic, and oh yeah, the president is dead. You, the Vice President, are now thrust into the big seat with the task of fixing, scratch that, surviving your country over the next four years. Mobsters on you doorstep? Oil barons looking to buy protection? Aliens in the attic? Oh, and that’s just your first day.


Not really a game idea, but just saw that Rice University made use of dead spiders, and the term ‘necrobotic’…yeah, combining necro (dead) and robotic.

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Oh. I’v been wanting to read a story in post apocalyptic set up for some time. When I think about some inspiration for the story I wanted to read, I think about the Fallout series (that I think it’s not exactly what your game is aiming for). We will have time to play in this catastrophic future or the game will focus on the past? Before everything goes to shit?}Either way, I’m interested :pleading_face:

Omg this reminded of something. In my country we have a technician school that, among other, offer a robotics course. Some person put on the internet a photo of a mechanic chicken and said that they learned to make this chicken in that school lol people somehow believed it! the school even posted on twitter the photo and said that was fake :rofl: :rofl:

I’m going to leave the chicken robot here because is kinda ew lol



And this is actually very cool:


Thanks for the reply! The game takes place entirely in the post-apocalyptic present. You can learn more about the past if you choose to focus on history in your studies.


hello! I’ve been a lurker longer than I created this account, and I’ve been curious enough to learn a bit of choicescript. Wrote little tidbits here and there a few times until I felt I’ve got the hangs of at least the basics, so… here I am. Thing is, I’ve got two ideas running around my brain currently. And I know myself, so i need to focus on only one – but I can’t choose which one i like the most. Yeah, that’s me.

Ok, first one: I’m a music aficionado. I’m also very much into band biographies and the jenkis novel based off fleetwood mac is one of my modern favorites, so I’ve been wanting to write something like that. if it’s the one I decide to do, it’ll probably focus heavily on characters’ relationships, and probably way more drama than just music making, to be honest. I’m also just a beginner drummer and know jack shit of other instruments, so choosing which instrument you play besides as a “hobby” isn’t probably gonna be a choice. probably gonna be quicker to write up a demo, too: I’ve got the most important characters already all good to go.

Second one: actually a novel I was starting to building up, but that I feel would be nice as a game. TL;DR: stardew valley meets midnight mass. You move on to take care of a relative’s abandoned little farm on a small island and everyone seems a tightknit community, but something, sometimes, seems off. What’s exactly wrong here? Everyone is always smiling. Even the local drunk is overly nice. The sun seems to set a few minutes earlier than usual. The only dinner in town is open 24/7 despite being run by just an old, lonely granny. The island doesn’t have wolves, so why do you sometimes hear howls coming from the woods bordering the farmstead?
This one will take a while to write up, too. I’m way too much of a perfeccionist when it comes to mysteries.

what do y’all think?