Interest Check Thread

So… while talking to one of my friends about my story, they gave me an idea for a spin-off story of one of my characters.

You play as an angel in a fantasy world, and your job is to listen to people’s prayers, guide souls into the afterlife, grant wishes, blessings and forgiveness, watch over people, and other similar stuff.

I guess it’s a bit like the game Papers, Please if you’ve heard of it, but with more decision making and less checking. And a bit more lighthearted. So now it has a working title of “Prayers, Please”. :smile:

You’ll have limited power each “week”, so you have to be careful balancing which prayers you should listen to. Ignoring trivial and harmful prayers might seem like an easy decision, but not so much when it can potentially make people less religious (which will decrease your power) or even make them resort to crimes, which will add new dilemmas into the mix. And what if you have to pick between the lesser of two evils?

You can also do some cool stuff like appearing in people’s dreams or physically manifesting or intervening if you have enough power. Who knows, you might even be able to romance someone…

There’ll be a bit of randomization going on, but I’m planning to make characters and families with their own storylines, so you’ll actually see the effects of your decisions the next time they pray… if they’ll pray again.

Yeahhh, I know I already have a WIP going on, but I have a particularly heavy load this term, and I figured a lighter writing project would fit me better while I continue plotting and outlining my WIP.


  • I’m interested!
  • I’ll try it, at least.
  • Ehh, it’s not for me.

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