yes this is what I wrote for the use of a bubble. your vision of the room begins to bend, suddenly the room changes to 1912’s america, the bend begins to become normal again, suddenly theres what sounds like a snap and a theres a white flash, that is what the traveler would feel during time traveling.
that is something quite important, the MC will act and feels as if there physically there, but they are very limited in what they can do, which calles this into question.
Yes, it is the reason they are able to manipulate the ‘quantum energies’ which is how the MC can time travel.
To the Mc, no, but to an outsider, every thing would kinda flout upwards, and look as if it was put under a fisheye lens, the mc would look like a peace of glass was smashed but all the pieces were still in the place.
no for both of them.
Time looks frozen from the outside, but then it all goes back to normal like time reversed, this is because for you while it may be days before you come back, it only a noticeable couple of seconds for an outsider. plus time being frozen is just a unexplained phenomenon caused by travel, the bubbles as I’m calling them, are like an entrance and an exit. you can create a entrance but there needs to be an exit, those happen naturally. you then travel between them forming a bridge behind you, this bridge only disappears when come back to the present. the bubbles are only a mean of transportation.