Interactive Fiction Showcase 2024

:tophat::studio_microphone: "Esteemed Writers and Players, step right up and prepare to be dazzled by the marvels of the imagination! Presenting the 2024 Interactive Fiction Showcase, a gathering of the finest literary creations to ever grace the digital realm!

:scroll: From the depths of fantastical realms to the bustling streets of noir mysteries, we invite you to embark on an odyssey through the realms of interactive fiction! Text adventures, choice-based narratives, and interactive storytelling of all stripes shall converge in a symphony of words and wonder!

:performing_arts: Whether you’re a seasoned explorer of the interactive narrative landscape or a curious newcomer eager to dip your toes into uncharted literary waters, there’s something for everyone in this grand spectacle of storytelling prowess!

:fountain_pen: So gather 'round, dear listeners, and immerse yourselves in a world where the power of choice reigns supreme! The 2024 Interactive Fiction Showcase beckons you to partake in an unforgettable journey through the boundless realms of imagination. Step into the story, and let your adventures begin!" :books::star2:

So, hosted on here is the…

Interactive Fiction Showcase

The Interactive Fiction Showcase is a year-long “jam” meant to collect and showcase Interactive Fiction games completed in 2024, and show how diverse the Interactive Fiction scene is!
And maybe: build more bridges between the community, help people finding their new favourite game/author…

Whether it is long or short, an easy adventure or a complicated puzzle, a strange experiment, a quick creation, or a years-in-the-making game, come show off what you’ve made!

Hoping to see you there :slight_smile:

This is an unranked event.

If you are thinking of participating, there are a handful of rules for submissions:

  • The Showcase is open to IF games in all of its forms: kinetic, choice-based, hyperlinks, parser, visual novels… As long as it is Interactive Fiction (there is interactivity and the focus of the game is on the text), the entry will be accepted.
  • The Showcase is open to IF games in any language.
  • Entries must be playable and in its complete form when submitted.
    • Completed games in 2024, whose demo was previously public, are welcome.
    • Games submitted to other events (jams/competitions) are welcome.
  • Entries can include NSFW content, as long as it is indicated in the submission.
  • Entries should not include any generated AI content - or it will be removed.
  • Spam or hateful content will be removed.

There is no limit to the amount of submission you can have.

If you have a Tumblr, here’s a post you can share :slight_smile:


Came over from the intfiction forum, and I’m glad that this announcement is on the CoG forum as well. For all you WIP writers, this is YOUR chance to have your work displayed. It’s non-competitive, so no need to worry! And it’s open to both veterans and novices alike! So I hope that CoG community members will try to participate in whatever way you can! See you there!

By the way, Pinkunz from the intfiction froum had kindly written the introduction, so it’s really nice of them!

P.S. If I can get it done in time, Welcome to Hellwaters for IFComp 2024 will be there.

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I apologize if this was already mentioned somewhere, but are entries required to be made (publicly or otherwise) available on any platform as part of the jam, and if yes, for what duration?

Just wanted to clarify this as a CoG/HG contract requires writers to grant CoG/HG an exclusive license to publish their games, unless an exception has been agreed on in the contract.

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The only rule is that the game was completed in 2024.
There’s no requirement of availability or exclusivity in platforms where the game is hosted. Or duration in where it should be posted either.

You could even submit a game to the event and removing the submission after a week if you want :woman_shrugging:


As we near the end of April, two baker’s dozen of entries have been so far submitted :slight_smile:
Come check them out! :smiley:

No Choicescript entry so far though :frowning:


I’m thinking the answer is yes, but just want to be sure… Can I submit Poetry & Passion for this, even though it was created for another jam this year?

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Yup! Here was the relevant rule:

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Sorry, I missed that the first time around. I’ve added my game as a submission. Thanks!

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