Hi everyone. Very short notice (kind of snuck up on me) but just a reminder for anyone planning to enter ifcomp, the deadline to register is about to close (Sept 1 deadline).
I’m not entering this year but took part last year and highly recommend it if you are working on a game that’s suitable. Friendly authors forum and you’re likely to get your game reviewed with valuable feedback. Games need to be submitted by Sept 28th. (You can register and if you don’t get it done withdraw if you need to.)
Is anyone planning to enter?
Edit: BTW I saw this was moved to other interactive fiction but choicescript entries are very welcome in the IFComp.
I’m entering this year! I really look forward to seeing all the entries. A choicescript game (Turandot by Victor Gijsbers) took 2nd place last year, and I’d love to see more!
Edit: I’m doing a parser game this year, to fulfill a prize I promised in 2018