I will be adding Guns of Infinity to my list.
Slammed was a good read. Much better than I thought it’d be (I’m not a huge fan of wrestling).
Thank you for the recommendations.
I will be adding Guns of Infinity to my list.
Slammed was a good read. Much better than I thought it’d be (I’m not a huge fan of wrestling).
Thank you for the recommendations.
You and so many others have Most Wanted as your number one. On each Facebook post update, there are at least three people who question when the next Most Wanted will be released.
Now I’m off to read Demon Mark.
I finished Demon Mark. I am amazed at where the story took me. Of course now I am curious as to how it will end.
Thank you for the recommendation. It was a terrific adventure for a few hours.
Thank you so much for recommending Children of the Gods by @Rohie. I got as far as I could. I cannot wait for more.
Thanks again.
I just finished Book 1 of the Magium. You are right. I am so glad I gave it a try. I couldn’t stop reading. It’s amazing!!!
Thank you for the recommendation. I will be playing Book 2 as soon as I can.
bursts into the room
Did somebody want recommendations?
Listen to me, child. You have not experienced what Choice Of Games fully has to offer until you have played Zombie Exodus: Safe Haven.
I will make it the next one I play.
Way to burst into the room. Lol! Thank you for the recommendation. I’ll be sure to let you know what I think.
Read Zombie Exodus first! It was like perfection, and then when you finish reading it and think you’ve seen all what Choice of Games have to offer, bam! There comes Zombie Exodus: Safe Haven, blowing out your mind and making you think if this game is even possible. Zombie Exodus games are the best Choice of Games for me, period.
@EagleOne1 if you liked Heroes Rise you may also like Paradigm City; it’s a lot darker though (the narrative is also top-notch ), and it also has a sort of noir feel to it. It’s my second favorite CoG; losing only to Zombie Exodus: Safe Haven, and not by much at that. And this is coming from someone who has played at least 80% of the combined CoG and HG libraries.
Don’t know if they’ve been recommended already or not, but you should play absolutely everything created by @Lucid.
I’m pretty damn sure he’s literally God.
I will definitely give Paradigm City a read. Thank you for the recommendation.
I cannot get enough of these stories. It is pretty much all I think about while I am at work.
First of all, cool name.
Second, I did some research and realized I that The Lost Heir was by @Lucid.
It looks like there are a few more. Do you have a particular story that is your favorite?
Thanks you for taking the time to respond.
@johnthegamer @DUNGEON_MASTER
Well, I just finished the fifth chapter of book two - the Magium.
Wow! Just wow! Definitely glad I read it. I cannot wait to read more.
Thank you for recommending this story. The book should come with a warning… Reading this will take higher priority over sleeping, eating,…
We know the feeling [quote=“EagleOne1, post:32, topic:27943”]
@Lucid It looks like there are a few more. Do you have a particular story that is your favorite?
Well, The Lost Heir trilogy is my favourite story from him but Paradox Factor is very interesting and thought provoking.
You liked magium!!! That was all i ever wanted. (yay!)
bursts into the room
I have returned with more recommendations.
If you liked the Heroes Rise series and are looking for more super hero like games, check out Community College Hero.
My opinion, it’s better than Heroes Rise (especially Redemption Season…)
Okay here’s my list of superhero games
I will have to look up and play Best of US. I have not heard about this one yet. I love Superhero stories!!!
I was quite young when I first read Choice of Romance. At that time I got my first Android tablet, my the “end of the world” was near thanks to the Mayans and some nutjobs, my I thought I was YouTube famous because my comments were getting hundreds of likes and replies (and dislikes and flames), and I have just discovered otome games. So I was like, 12 or 13? I’m 18 now and still a fan of CoG. I’m proud to have seen this company evolve throughout the years, as a fan, reader, and a hopefully future author.
Everything else that I’d like to recommend has been mentioned, I think. Choice of Romance has a special place in my heart, but it only took me last year to finish the trilogy. Choice of Vampire was my second CoG title. And then there’s Choice of Robots, my absolute favorite. Zombie Exodus is my other absolute favorite, and Safe Haven, of course. Oh, and Tin Star! And Samurai of Hyuga!
Thank you for the recommendation. I’ve seen Tin Star in Google Play, but just haven’t made myself download it yet (I’m not a fan of Westerns). I’m not sure why I’ve let this stop me from playing. I’m not a wrestling fan either, but I thought Slammed was pretty enjoyable.
There’s a trilogy to Choice of Romance?