How to save Ainé? I saw there was an achievement for that
Edit: Nevermind got it
How to save Ainé? I saw there was an achievement for that
Edit: Nevermind got it
How did you do that?
Dear god please add a chapter save function to this game
Any chance we can get Storyteller Mode to ALSO tell us what stats the choices increase?
Also, does anyone know what’s the maximum check difficulty? I’m currently at 6 Int and 6 Academics, and I fear I may have overshot it a bit.
The hardest check I’ve found thus far needed like 4-5 according to the game code, and it was pretty early on in the game. You are definitely not overshooting but I don’t think you need to go higher
Edit: There seems to be a lot of moments where the stat checks for decisions are all over the place. Manipulation in a fight, wits in physical altercations, physical attributes in investigations. You might be better off spreading out your stats rather than min maxing- I don’t think this was written like Night Road or Hungry Names where you can min max safely and win or have the game use your available stats for checks.
I’m trying to find a way to prevent Sister Judith from dying on the ambush
There’s a way to avoid her death? If so, how I do that?
I think the storyteller mode it’s already into the game, but you aren’t asked about turning it on or off when you start playing the game. You can access it by the menu button, the option for it gonna be there, together with the options to change the background collor.
It is, but it only shows tests, not increases.
Tell her about ambush o think she can survive but to be need to code dive
The hardest check is 8 that I found out if dont have a kit. 7 in other fashions. Basic 5 gets lots done on its own.
This is the difficulty on saving doggos anyway. Doesn’t feel difficult otherwise. Granted not passed chapter 8 yet. Trying to save doggos. Best weapon against the worst, vampires.
Problem is, idk how to trigger such thing, I tried getting the dialogue option to do that, but it never shows up.
I had that option right after i went back from gangsters. I think when they called about moving the Wolf. I’ve had high rep with them but i’m not sure if you need it as this option should boost it. I can code dive and check it.
From what i saw in there if you call gangsters but lie about her being upstairs she lives. Apart from this if there is ambush she dies.
Edit: ok i went through it again if you have advantage >2 she will be wounded but survives. You still have to get out.
Thanks for your help ; )
Sure np. Did you succeed?
Played through the full game a few times, solid 5/10. It just tried to do too much, too soon with too little. It started off great with a harrowing encounter with a childhood friend and then remembering past the delerium of werewolves, and then thats the moment that I felt like things started to get rushed.
Now i was fine with what i thought was a too-soon introduction to the S.I and hunters as a whole, but i was “ah ya know some concessions have to be made, sure fine i can accept that.” And I thought Aine was gonna be a kinfolk or something. But then we go into the fae? And then we go immediately into vampires? Now i get that vampires and werewolves are existentially opposed so i assumed we’d have a brush against them but for them to be a full fledged enemy? And then what the hell is the fae here for? And those guys who are like almost so obviously mages from the Arcanium? I DID like the way it conveyed the sense of the enormity of the hunter’s “mission” (if you could call it that); Face every supernatural. So all the different factions we face make sense. But at the same time, it all felt a bit much. Way too much and way too soon. We don’t really get too much time to connect with the characters. Hunter isn’t just about “humans vs supernatural” and “humans win because indomitable spirit” and all that, Its about the sheer sense of fear of the unknown and the different reactions we have to it- represented by the 'edges" or whatever they’re called. Some people fervently wish to study it, some wish to destroy it, others want some compromise, etc etc. But also, It shows the black-and-white thinking that we as people tend to attribute to others, ourselves and what we don’t understand and how that is a problem when nuance is introduced. Like yea, supernatural are all inherently a threat to humanity but what about when that supernatural is a friend (like cormac) or when you realize some supernatural are actually trying to help fight in humanity’s (long term) best interest (like with the werewolves).
I feel like we didn’t really get to see any confliction there. And Granted, i didn’t romance cormac so maybe this is expanded upon with more time with him, but how does HE feel that he’s a werewolf? To run from what you are? To be told you’re denying the fundamental will of life itself? To help kill others? He’s scared, yea and isn’t in control, but what else? He’s hiding from the others but there are clearly other werewolves in town. Wheres the confliction? This is pretty action packed- i cant even begin to pretend it isn’t. But a lot of that action, story wise, just feels a bit like “Why are we doing this again? how did we get here?” I personally would’ve loved and preferred a tighter focus. We’re supposed to be fighting the beast of glenkildove and end up fighting like everyone else. And again, I get it- Hunters fight everyone. But even in Hunter there are hunters who fight some supernatural better than others. And even if we Have to fight them all, we JUST started. Can i focus on my friend? Can i focus on maybe JUST the werewolves in this part of Ireland right now? Or maybe JUST whatever shenanigans the fae have for Aine right now? Or maybe JUST the vampire with family in japan? Or maybe JUST whatever those arcanium guys Who Definitely Arent Mages are? Maybe I’m just coming off of other WOD games so I’ve naturally come to expect a tighter focus and thats heavily biasing me. But thats just my thoughts.
Its certainly not bad though, and I love the ways our characters abilities change really make or break the choices and story without necessarily punishing you for not having a certain build like other COG games can do occasionally. And i do like the characters.
TLDR; 5/10- Did too much side plots, too soon and back to back, with too little time for developing each one or establishing a core narrative. Great but it was held back a lot.
I mean no disrespect to the author at all, Just my opinion.
Edit- grammar
How to get Village Green Preservation Society
Pick Help Cormac / Curiosity
Pick First aid kit (to reduce int + survival requirements for Imane’s survival)
Get enough intel to satisfy curiosity (to get the vision ending)
Steal stones or codices (dex clandestine or int academics, to disable Noriko as a threat)
Get Vision edge
Help Imane (INT + Survival high)
Give annals to Imane
Ill have to remember this. Didnt know the stones were it. Thanks.
Can get help from one of the Hunter groups at all before required to join one? Cause if they are unwilling to aid me in something important. I sure as hell won’t want anything to do with any of them then.
Help me with this? Nope! Help me with that? Nope!
Or does this not require joining one of the A-hole groups. They all a-holes so far.
Haven’t finished reading through it yet but I’m enjoying the story so far. However, small portions of the dialogue aren’t realistic and it does take me out of the story which sucks because I can also tell that the author did research into Irish slang and the way we speak but by god we do not call the Guards “Garda Síochána” in casual conversation. It would be like someone saying the “Oh no! It’s the Federal Bureau of Investigation” instead of just FBI
I don’t think the author actually did all that much research, seeing as how he grew up in the part of Ireland where the game takes place.