“Hunter: The Reckoning — The Beast of Glenkildove” is out now! Full moon. Cold night. Dark shadow. Warm gun

Originally published at: “Hunter: The Reckoning — The Beast of Glenkildove” is out now! Full moon. Cold night. Dark shadow. Warm gun. - Choice of Games LLC

Hunter: The Reckoning — The Beast of Glenkildove

In partnership with World of Darkness and Paradox Interactive, Choice of Games is proud to announce the release of Hunter: The Reckoning — The Beast of Glenkildove by William Brown, now available on Steam, iOS, and Android. It’s 25% off until January 23!

William Brown’s earlier game The Mysteries of Baroque is 33% off as well!

Full moon. Cold night. Dark shadow. Warm gun. The Beast of Glenkildove has stalked Ireland for centuries. Now, you must hunt it.

Hunter: The Reckoning — The Beast of Glenkildove is an interactive novel by William Brown, set in the World of Darkness. It’s entirely text-based, without graphics or sound effects, and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination.

Eight years ago, when you were eighteen, the Beast of Glenkildove killed one of your closest friends. You’ve never returned to Ireland since that day.

It’s difficult to remember what happened. As you’ll soon learn, the human mind blots out the traumatic memories of facing a werewolf.

Now, you must stalk that werewolf across the shadowed glens and fogbound mountains of Ireland, hunting a shapeshifting killing machine with your friends, your wits, and a shotgun.

But you and your friends are not alone. You have entered a world of Hunters, humans who dare to challenge the dominion of the monsters who rule over them. Can you trust the fanatics of the Society of Leopold, the scholars and savants of the Arcanum, the ruthless Duffy crime family, or the enigmatic biotech company Fada?

Can you even trust your oldest friends?

Redemption for some. Retribution for others. A reckoning for all.

• Play as male, female, or nonbinary; befriend or romance humans and supernaturals of any gender
• Kill, study, capture, document or negotiate with the creatures you hunt
• Craft your own traps, gear, and weapons to take the Hunt to the enemy
• Find camaraderie and romance with the only people in the world that you can trust to fight alongside you
• Adopt and train your own wolfhound to assist you in the Hunt
• Build and maintain your own safehouse at the Wolf’s Head Inn in the Wicklow Mountains

Become the thing that even nightmares fear.

We hope you enjoy playing Hunter: The Reckoning — The Beast of Glenkildove. We encourage you to tell your friends about it, and recommend the game on Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, and other sites. Don’t forget: our initial download rate determines our ranking on the App Store and on Steam. The more times you download in the first week, the better our games will rank.


So excited for this game’s release! Congrats to the author, William Brown, and I hope everyone enjoys this one :slight_smile:

Also if you’ve never played it, try one of William’s other games—The Mysteries of Baroque, is one of my favorites. Absolutely bananas plot and great worldbuilding. It’s on sale for $3.99 USD for the release week of The Beast of Glenkildove.


Congratulations @wbrown, how brilliant!


I don’t think I’ve seen it anywhere, but how many words are there


Well, I PERSONALLY think it’s great a game I’ve been waiting on for like a year or something drops on the exact week I’m tackling a huge work project, and just one day after The Roottrees Are Dead commercial version release (which I haven’t had time to tackle yet). It’s perfect and I’m NOT BITTER AT ALL!!! :stuck_out_tongue:

(anyway, bought)


450 K, I think


Is it a standalone game?

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I’ll give it a try. By the way, the cover is spectacular :heart_eyes:

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If you’ve never played a World of Darkness game before, The Beast of Glenkildove is the perfect one to start with. Unlike The Book of Hungry Names and most of the VtM games, Glenkildove doesn’t set you down right away into a supernatural subculture of strange terms and shared histories. In this game, you’re an ordinary human being - well, maybe not quite so ordinary, not after the trauma you suffered eight years ago, when one of your friends was brutally killed, but close enough. But a frantic telephone call from another long-lost friend is about to launch you on a journey into a world of horrors you might have preferred never to know about.

If you have played the other CoG WoD games, you’re in for a special treat. Many of the games so far have included little nods to some of the others, but The Beast of Glenkildove is so packed with Easter eggs it should have been hand-delivered by Peter Cottontail. There are references to every single one of the other CoG WoD games published so far.

And the game itself is just about perfect. The contemporary Irish setting is rendered vividly, honestly, and with affection and humor: equal parts seedy and winsome. There’s a cast of characters you’ll wish you could hang out with in real life. There are some genuinely terrifying scenes, and some fascinating secrets to delve into, and some moments of tenderness and redemption. There’s some dialogue so sharp you can almost hear it, and some breathtaking moments of action, and plenty of opportunities to build skills or relationships. There’s so much going on that trying a different character build feels at times almost like discovering the story again for the first time. And it’s propelled from start to finish by some of the most fiendishly difficult choices I’ve ever had to make in a game. Desperate times may call for desperate measures, but there’s such a thing as going too far - or is there?

William Brown has given us something extraordinary in The Beast of Glenkildove. I’m thrilled that it’s finally ready for everyone to enjoy.

My fellow Hunters, let’s bring our Reckoning.


It even mentions someone not in WoD.

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Yay been looking forward to this!

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Raising attributes from 1 to 2 takes away 15 EXP instead of 10.

@JBento Nope, from 1.

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Are you raising it from zero?

RO list now!!!

Then I don’t need to play other WoD games first? Btw, can someone tell me what games form the WoD universe??

Werewolf the apocalypse: Book of hungry names
Vampire the masquerade: night road
Vampire the masquerade: out for blood
Vampire the masquerade: parliament of knives
Vampire the masquerade: sins of the sire

Those are all of the choice of games x world of darkness official games so far other than this one of course


You don’t need to have played any of the other WoD games to understand and enjoy this one, no.


I need a walkthrough dlc…I think im failing every stat check…got a bad ending and never know what choice to pick…gonna have to wait awhile to try this 1 again…like the writing but hate not having any idea what checks are goin on…


Hm, I will need to consider it.

On the one hand, I love the Old World of Darkness and always have.

On the other hand, well, Hunter: The Reckoning is probably the line in which I am the least interested. My passion is in playing as the supernatural denizens of the World of Darkness, not as one of the baseline humans or even the ones who become Hunters.