Hunter SKY (WIP) - Seeking Feedback

So you know how you can start to mentor the plant stealing kid? Do we get the option to mentor that little girl who was getting bullied by the other girls?


Helloo there glad to answer your question. That girl is not little so you can’t mentor her. She’s actually around your age. You can mentor little Tommy or another little girl.


Oh ok is the other little girl Merrics little sister you can save?


Yep, you can mentor her if you choose but you can only have one student per playthrough.


Ah ok thank you


Happy New Year my fellows, friends, pals, supporters, dudes and dudettes!!:sparkler::fireworks::fireworks::sparkler::heart_on_fire:

I wish everyone the best for this new year and hope that you achieve all your goals and ambitions in this year.

I have been very quiet in the thread during the christmas period because I had some duties and responsibilities that kinda took me away from social media for a bit. But Hunter SKY is still progressing and the writing hasn’t stopped. I assure you not to ever worry about the game being cancelled or abandoned. I will try to upload chapter eleven very soon and keep you guys up to date.

So far i have been making drafts for new characters and exploring various themes that I can use in the story. I already have volumes two and three written, but I have to run through some adjustments for each chapter of volume one before I get to those volumes.

So in simple terms I managed to write a full draft of the entire 36 chapters of volume one but I need to edit and configure each chapter at a time which could take a little while because I have to add the code each time.

All in all I just want to thank everyone who has been with me on this journey(my first voyage riding the waves of game development) and wish you all the best for this new year.

Stay safe, stay happy and stay healthy! Much love!!!


th length of this is some real impressive stuff! you must write like a maniac, best of luck on completing it!


My first reaction upon reading that he had the 36 chapter script was “What the hell”, but of course he has to add code, even so the motivation and perseverance is incredible.

From here i encourage you, and try not to demand so much of yourself bro.

36 chapters…what the hell


Whiskey4 is the same way. 30+ chapters. It’s crazy. Granted some chapters were only 2 - 4 pages.


Lol thanks for the concern. But is it really that much? To me that seemed to be the average length. Before I came to CoG I used to write different novels and fanfics of varying lengths, so I’m actually used to writing that many chapters. I have so many ideas for a story that kinda adds to the length. Plus I like watching characters grow and develop, whether it be in friendships, romance, rivalry, power, confidence or anything of such nature. So I tend to write according to the time span of what I feel is natural for the character’s growth.

All my favorite movies, shows, anime and novels are long standing ones that have been around for a long time with many episodes, sequels and books. So maybe that’s why I tend to write that many chapters, idk🤷‍♂️.

I do realize though that most IFs don’t really go that long so I can understand the surprise. You guys don’t have to worry, I would probably be super saiyan bored if I wasn’t writing this much lol. Novels are usually longer than IFs so this is normal, I suppose :thinking:.


I won’t complain about getting so much good content to read :sweat_smile: I only wish I had more free time for it! In any case, bless you, author :heart:. As long as you make sure to take care of yourself, all is well, in my opinion.


@ Fusion_Ultimatum did you publish any of your fanfics?


Wait I’m confused …I just played and the demo ended after our father was about to leave us in the beginning- is there supposed to be 10 chapters out already?

Oops. Nevermind lmao, I died, I was dead, that’s why. Yikes.


Is there a way to tell how much power usage will kill you? from the few playthroughs i did it doesnt seem like it. I get about 5 uses before instant death with no warning.


Lol :grin:

Yep, ten chapter are up so far.

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Well no. I never actually uploaded them anywhere. I usually just wrote down my own version of all my favorite shows and shared it with a family member or friend.

I have several old books full of my old stories so maybe I might release them one day lol.


Yes there is. You have to watch your nature energy meter in the stats page. If it reaches is zero your MC will succumb to exhaustion.

Depending on where you are in the game other characters will fill you in on that in case you didn’t pick it up earlier.


a 36 freaking chapters!!!
damn bro throwing a bomb at us and thought we will not notice?


Whos the best and strongest teacher? And what are all the options and their specialties?


Hey there!

They all are equal in terms of combat skill, but they have different skill sets and ways of going about things.

One specializes in western swordsmanship while the other specializes in eastern swordsmanship. The third specializes in hand to hand fighting. So each teaches a different fighting style and their personality will impact the MC and their choices if chosen as a master.